Saturday, August 04, 2007

Mr. Magoriums Magic Emporium

I just discovered I'm a really horrible person.
So basically I don't deserve to live. But neither does Elijah Woods.
I tried to Avada Kedavra myself, but I forgot that I don't have a wand anymore.
So there goes that.

I wonder if anyone actually believes I'm going to commit suicide.
Because, hello, I've voiced my opinions on the stupidity of suicide A LOT in the past two years.
And anyone who is suicidal, I feel bad but it also really p***es me off because there was one time when I thought someone I really cared about was going to kill themself so I tried to call them and stop them and I cried for like a day and it turns out it was about something really stupid and I didn't think they deserved to live.
See, there I go again. More of my horribleness.
I wonder if I would be coming to this conclusion under different circumstances. Hm. Maybe I should review at another part of the month...
Like in...a week.
Not only am I horrible, but I'm so out of the loop.
So emo.
I should go read some Louise Rennison to cheer me up.


Matt Wilson said...

what about an email adress do you have one of those?

Lauren said...

yeaaaaaaah it's in the church directory, i think.

Matt Wilson said...

do you ever check it or would it be futile?

Matt Wilson said...

why are you depressed? I don't understand I'm afraid. masybe I haven't been reading this blog long enough.

Lauren said...

yeah, i check it a lot.
i had been assuming stupid things about a few of my best friends and i felt like crap about it.

Matt Wilson said...

hmm thats interesting. I rather don't like teenage girls very much no offense. leshley@integrity? you share it with your whole family than?

Lauren said...

girls pretty much suck.

Matt Wilson said...

that they do.

parents won't allow you to have your own is it? or just laziness? not that theres anything wrong with laziness, I indulge in it quite often.

Lauren said...

kind of both.
ah yes. 7 deadly sins, nothing wrong with those, jk.

Matt Wilson said...

what are the 7 deadly sins anyway?

Lauren said...

uh....lust, envy, anger, sloth, pride, gluttony, and covetousness. i totally got that all out of adventures in odyssey, i kid you not.

Matt Wilson said...

that animated christian show that all churches have on cassette but no one ever watches anymore with the old man and the youn kid and the dog and the flying blimp thingy?

Lauren said...

pretty much. but they also did a radio show that i'm sort of addicted to...