Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hip to be a square (except if you're a music teacher)

It's true: Being musically square is not a good thing. Especially in jazz and during worship at church. Just a random thought.
I can't believe I'm chewing spearmint gum. It's disgusting. I just needed gum. And we only have spearmint. I feel like playing Mario. And beating the stupid fortress (yes, I'm still in World 6). *sniff* IT'S SO HARD! I hate Boo Diddleys. This is what I don't understand: if Boo Diddley is a ghost, why is it possible to kill him with a hammer, fireball, or Koopa shell? *Twilight Zone music*
GAMEWINNERS OFFICIALLY ROX! There was this whole thing on how to beat the White Witch (I haven't got that far, but someday ((lol in like a week)) I'll need that) and she apparently sends ogres after you and you kill them with barrels. And then I was like, "Duh! There's barrels in 'The Beaver Dam'." Silly me. I'll try it out tomorrow as I've fulfilled my quota for video games today. :( It's not my fault Nathan wanted to play Battlefront with me. (older siblings cheat, I'm sure of it. He won every single time. And no, it's NOT because he's better. >:P)
HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE WRONG FOR ONCE! I never thought I'd feel this way, but while rereading the best book on the planet (yes, The Two Princesses of Atlantis), I found out I was WRONG! Everybody DOESN'T go to Africa. Only Talar, Eva, and Da go to Africa. Leorbur and Lydia land in JAMAICA...or something like that. It was in the Caribbean. Wait...is Jamaica in the Caribbean? My brain is so fried from so much time away from school. Anyway, that means there's a possibility Eva and Talar DID end up together! YAAAAAAAAAAAA! YAAAAY! I'm kinda jealous, tho. I mean, Talar = Will Harris. And he ends up with someone else. :( I'm sad now.


So I'm playing Narnia and I find out that even tho Lucy is the cooliest character in all the books (except for Silver Chair cuz she's kinda not in that one), she is way wimpy in the game. Seriously, she can only ram things. And I just now learned, after having played three levels with wolves, that LUCY CAN RIDE THEM! COME ON! What about ghouls? Please tell me she an kill the ghouls. And Susan isn't very awesome either. Her attacks are kinda scary. She does cartwheels and stuff and kills people. Nathan was all, "And in a whirling dirvish of anger..." when I was killing people with Susan.
That reminds me of that one episode of Josh and Drake where Drake was going out with Susan, but Susan kept hitting on Josh. And Josh was all, "Hey Drake, I have a story to tell you. What if there was this girl named...PUSAN and she was going out with this guy..." And moving on. It was a boring story anyways. Pusan. That's fun to say. Pusan Pusan Pusan.
Back to Narnia: I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO BEAT THE OGRE ON "THE BEAVER DAM"! I went to Gamewinners and they're all, "Oh, just skip the level." Dude, that might be okay on Mario, BUT NOT ON NARNIA! I WOULDN'T FEEL VERY FULFILLED IF I SKIPPED THAT LEVEL! And all the other Gamecubers would be like, "Nice job...quitter!" AND I LIKE USING GHOUL BANE! IT'S FUN WATCHING THEM FALL DOWN ON THEIR WEAPONS AND SINK INTO THE SNOW! I just can't figure out how to beat the ogre. I keep hitting him and he still has all the health he had in the beginning. I will now use a KJ song to beg for help:
Will someone now please help me? (Will you help me, please?)
Will someone now please help me? (Please help me nooooooooooow)
Will someone now please help me? (Will you help me please?)
Will someone now please help me? (HELP ME PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!)
I'm not lying, that's actually a song. I believe it's called "#1 Fan". Besides, I wouldn't be able to make something like that up on the spot. Well...actually, I would.
Oh yeah, I'm contemplating e-mailing the author of The Princesses of Atlantis (Lisa Williams Kline, I think) to ask if Talar really did end up with Eva, or he just become a farmer again because it's really bothering me and I really did like that book. It was good...I just found some parts overly dramatically funny. Like the part where Talar wishes he had never left the farm. It was funny...at the time. Must...eat...LUNCH!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Lauren's List of Awesome Books

Hehehehe. I won't explain. For this is...self-explanitory. Hehehehehe.

ChaseR: City kid moves to country and starts a war with local hunters for accidentally shooting his dog.
The main char (Chase) makes gross smilies that are way too detailed and uses "strong language" (yeah), but other than that, this book seriously moved me.

The Princesses of Atlantis: Two girls entering 7th grade right a story together, despite their strained relationship.
This is the book I told you about in "Over". Teen drama at its best. And the story they write is just as funny. "Talar thought of her longingly. Eva would want a man of action, not a hunched over scribe." :D TALAR RULES! (especially since the way he was described caused me to picture them as an Atlantean Will Harris. Yeah, baby.)

Skye's the Limit!: Skye O'Shea goes to a camp in BC and meets TWO REALLY MEAN GIRLS! OH MY GOSH!
Ha. Ha. Ha. I laugh at Skye's plight. Especially while reading the book. Ha haha. And the guy she likes writes her this letter that's all, "Dear Skye. You are the coolest girl I know. I've never met a girl like you." It goes on and on and gets funnier all the time. :)

Click here to find out how I survived seventh grade: A girl (ALL RIGHT, ANOTHER STORY ABOUT A SEVVIE!) entering junior high starts losing her best friend, discovers guys (how is that possible to never have "discovered" guys? :O Were they hiding in the closet?), and manages to alienate herself from the entire school (it's funny, everyone sees her private blog and the guy that likes her ((who is a poet)) writes her this poem that's like: "You are the worst of the worst. Bla bla bla, signed YOUR ENEMY! I laugh at her plight too. Hahaha)

Prophecy of the Stones: Three girls each discover a stone and must unite to defeat a greater evil.
I seriously cried the first time I read this book. It was that good. :( It's sad in some parts (my favorite char dies), but it's kinda funny too. Like when my favorite char died, the guy that likes her was all, "NOOOOOO! BUT I LOVED HER!" Sad for you.

I'm gonna stop there, even tho there are a billion more books I'd like to add.


Well, that's it. Christmas is over. Now there are only 364 MORE DAYS TILL NEXT CHRISTMAS! Yay! I've eaten way too much ice cream and cake (my grandpa's birthday was yesterday and William's is today.) and it's going to be a while before I see my relatives again, but I am so happy that Christmas is over. 1. I hate surprises. 2. I get no sleep from the 24th to the 26th. 3. Indigestion.
I GOT NARNIA FOR GAMECUBE! AAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAAH! Only I'm stuck on the 3rd level. I think I should just keep destroying all the boxes, then hide. But I haven't tried that yet. William got Battlefront (lucky) and I totally beat him in this one place. Lol, it was funny tho cuz I had like 5 people left and he had 2 and suddenly the Empire is all victorious. :) I'm so proud. I can't believe it, tho. I really can't believe it. I read one of the best, dramatic, sappiest books of all time and IT HAS BY FAR THE WORST ENDING I HAVE EVER READ! Well, not the worst, it just wasn't very satisfying. Seriously, the two main characters were writing this story deal and spent the whole book pairing the characters in their story off...and when they're finished, NOTHING HAPPENS! THEY ALL JUST MOVE TO AFRICA! SEPERATELY! NOT AS COUPLES! ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING ME? And the main character likes a guy named Zack Wingo. What kind of name is that? Oh well, at the end, she ends up going out with this midget named Marty. Hehehe.
Aha. I need to make a book list.
People reading: What's a book list?
Me: ......>:D That's for me to know and you to find out.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The moment you've all been waiting for...

It's FINALLY Christmas Eve. YAY! YAAAAY! YAAAAAAAAY! Okay, I'm done. Since none of my family members could wait very long, all us kids opened 1 or 2 of their presents. I got a Sam Gamgee posable action figure thing (complete with axe, sword, and bacon) and renamed it Rudy. He reminds me of one of those wooden posable dude that artists use. I also got a watch. Yes, a watch. A very awesome GREEN watch, thank you very much. It's a tad loud, tho. This is the alarm: BEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! Wow, just what I need to wake me up in the morning.
My dog is driving me INSANE! He saw my bunny, kept trying to eat it, and got me all dirty (that sounds really lame and whiny, but it's true and my dad lectured me about it). Now he's whining at the doors and barking really loud until we let him outside. And we're not supposed to let him outside when my dad's working out front and my mom's in the garage. -_- It's kind've like, "SHUT UP!!!!"
Tonight's the Christmas Eve service! Oh boy! (note: that was supposed to be sarcastic for those of you who were like, "Whoa...she has issues.") Actually, I kinda like the Christmas Eve service we have every year. We get to use candles! And not sing the lame renditions of Christmas songs that Spirit plays! :) I have to sing this year, tho. Again. With an electric candle. Can't wait. (I personally like real candles better. Wax intrigues me.)
Mario is getting better. I'm now in Frigid World or whatever, World 6. I can't beat level 1, tho. Sadness.

Friday, December 23, 2005


...actually, there's less than that, but who cares? I like that song. Even tho I changed the words extremely. Especially the part about...moving on to a more comfortable topic.
On Matlock, they keep showing all these weird Christmas episodes. In every eppy, someone gets murdered by a Santa. And there's all this stuff going on behind the scenes, like affairs, restraining orders, et cetera, et cetera, and so forth. Which reminds me of the King and I. :) I love that movie. Except for the whole Tuptim deal. It's like, "Get over him." I like the songs, tho. "BUT...IS A PUZZLEMENT!"
Will Harris should be in another movie. He really should. Even if the plot was about as thick as paper and the script wasn't a work of art, I'd still go see it because he's so awesome. :) He makes movies happen. :) (gee, that's a lot of smilies)
I've become addicted to Mario. As in Super Mario Brothers. I'm on level 4-Airship and I CAN'T BEAT IT! NYAAAAH! I know HOW, I just keep messing up! Oh well. MUST READ MULTITUDE OF BOOKS! After Matlock. See y'all later.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


No, not of Winter Break; 3 days till Christmas. YAY! Only this year I asked for a lot of video games (mostly all for Gamecube; the Gamecube is my baby, Nathan dominates the Xbox, and William loves his Playstation), which is kinda more my brothers than me. But I made up for that with a lot of books, mostly all Maddie Finn (hahaha that series makes me LAUGH SO HARD!!!).
.......................SPACEBALLS IS AWESOME! No, that was not a random thought, I watched that Tuesday night. (I almost said Friday night; everyday feels like a Saturday) NOW I HAVE NEW QUOTES FOR MY PLANNER!!!! (being the creative person I am, I'm doing a movie quote in my planner for everyday we're at school. only we're not at school right now. no movie quotes. :P) "Your schwartz is bigger than mine!" "Evil will always triumph because good...is...DUMB!" And I'll stop there because there aren't that many clean, funny quotes remaining.

Morrowind/Harvest Moon update: none. Haven't played Harvest Moon in like 2 weeks. Will probably never play Morrowind. Especially since my char's name is ARYA!!! (that was the only name I could think of. ARYA MUST DIE! OR BE BRAINWASHED! OR TAKE THAT PILL LIKE THOSE PEOPLE IN THAT ONE BOOK "age" OR SOMETHING WHERE THE TWO OLD LADIES TAKE PILLS AND BECOME TEENS AGAIN!) HAHAHA okay I'm done.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of Mooses and Muffins

My piano teacher gave us all Christmas presents: a mug with strawberry candies in it. You didn't get to do anything about the candies (strawberry = nasty), but you did get to pick a mug. So I got a mug that I THOUGHT had reindeer on it, but after further inspection, those "reindeer" were found to have the round face and hooveless mitts of a MOOSE! YES! So now my "favorite animal list" goes as follows: horse (duh), wolf (awoooo), lion, panda, moose, and DUCK! Yeah. Just a random thought. Lol, I was listening to Talk Radio cuz my dad loves TR and won't let me listen to anything else when he's in the room (hey, it's Medved...or country. GASP! NOT COUNTRY!) and he said something about Micheal Savage being a cynic and I was like, "Hahaha. Hey cynic..want a muffin?" Yeah. That's how my brain works.

Matlock is in APPROXIMATELY 8-9 MINUTES! GASP! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO! Man, after Matlock I have to "practice" trombone (nooooooo) cuz I'm so behind in minutes and read. I HATE READING LOGS! Oh well, we got the backs crossed out, so whatever. 8 MINUTES AND COUNTING!

I know I'm supposed to be preparing, but I really wanted to say...........how was your lunch? Mine was fascinating. Okay, I'm done.

Now the fun begins...or will it?

Wow. I forgot how tedious Winter Break can be. Don't get me wrong, sleeping in till 11 is pretty much awesome (except I'm never tired at night and stay up till like 1:30 trying to fall asleep, murmuring, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home."), but we never do anything. It's like every day's a Saturday. Fun...but there's nothing to do. No schedules. I NEED SCHEDULES! THEY KEEP MY LIFE IN CHECK! NYAAAAAaaaaah I'm good. I'VE WATCHED SKY HIGH 7 TIMES! Wow. That's amazing. And I've almost memorized it. To quote the immortal Ethan, "Now I feel EXTREMELY dangerous!" Only he was a nerd who's idea of dangerous was sitting at the tough guy table. Lol, at my school, the tough guy table is the teacher's lounge (you do NOT want to cross the vice principal in a bad mood). But I don't feel dangerous. And Ethan was from Sky High...I'm confusing myself.

Omg, my brother got me into this game called "Morrowind". Kill me now, it's pretty much really lame and I keep getting attacked by skeletons and scary bugs and monster thingies, but I'm stuck. Only the first two times I tried to play it, I couldn't find my registration papers (they were on the table; nice going, loser.) and the second time I got totally lost and ended up in a village way far away from where I was supposed to be. But both my brothers are all, "Dude, why does everyone like you? They hate me!" Geeeee, maybe it's because I'm an Imperial GIRL (one of the guards said I would fit right in...boy, was he right. Everyone greets me nicely. :D) and not an orc/freak cat like you! Awesomeness. (IMPERIALS ARE BETTER THAN NORDS AND ELVES!)

I'm supposed to be eating lunch, but I'm not really hungry and I keep tasting metal. I have no clue why. I'm pretty sure my dentist didn't steal into my room in the middle of the night and give me braces. I hope. *licks teeth* Nope. ANYways, I want to watch Matlock, but Nathan's playing Morrowind and we only get the Hallmark channel on the downstairs TV. *sniff* NOOOOO! CLIFF! Actually, I could probably just watch the second eppy at 2:00, but it might be the weird season they showed yesterday that took place in the late 80's. Everyone had weird clothes, Ben still had gray hair, and he worked with the very hilarious Tyler Hudson and this weird funky haired blonde chick. My dad watched it with me and was all, "HEY, that's Billy Bob McCaganof! (no, this isn't a real person, this is just an example) He was from 'toijopij'." I'm so glad I was born in the plaid era.

I have no books. I have nothing to read. I wish I could go into a book. Then I could KILL ARYA! Wow...that was really scary. Maybe I should eat lunch after all...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sunday, Christmas Parties, and why I can't go to Youth Group (again)

Yeah the Progressive Dinner was last night. -_- It was fun for the most part, but at the very end, there was this whole fight deal thing and everyone got mad and stuff and it's like, "Whoa, spare me the drama."

It's Sunday...again. I usually like Sundays: get to see my friends, get to eat cookies, get to go to Youth Group...but not today. Sure, I got to see my friends and eat cookies (THEY HAD SNICKERDOODLES TODAY! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?), but I might not be able to go to Youth Group yet again (I'm beginning to see a pattern here). Why? WE HAVE A STUPID CHRISTMAS PARTY IN SUMNER (sp?) that we just HAVE to go to. Okay, seriously, I love my family (somewhat), but I don't know half those people and they don't like me, not since I started a conga line with my brother and cousin. I only eat dessert when I go anyways! NOT FAIR! I actually find something I LIKE to do on Sunday and it's as if I'm never allowed to go. Life isn't fair (I swear, if Bill Gates or anyone else gives me a pep talk or recites the whole list of things that are going to happen to you and stuff, bla bla bla, I'll seriously rip out their guts and give them to their family as a Christmas present. Ho ho ho.).

I really feel like listening to Barlowgirl. I haven't listened to that CD in SOOOOO long. Like 3 months. Wow. That's amazing. Bdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdb see there it is again I'm bored. My doctor was WRONG, he said that family cures the worst cases of boredom. Who does he think he is, MISS AMERICA? Oh my gosh, I hate those paegants. I swear, if I hear the words, "World Peace" ever again, I'll shoot myself, burn myself alive, then lock myself in my room and eat nothing but bread and water for the next six weeks (lol, that was from "The Horse and His Boy". I love that book. Anyways, about Miss America paegants: ACK! "I want to work with children because they're so sweet and are an outlet to my loving nature." "I want to be a nurse so I can save the world." Lol, I could be Miss Washington and I'd be all, "Uh..............I wanna be a drummer in a punk rock band and I'm gonna wear high top Cons..." Crowd gasps; judges shake their heads. "With a plaid mini." Crowd cheers.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


YEAH! I'M FREE! I'M FREEEEEEE! AAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! NO COLLEGE ED FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS! Which is a good thing, actually, cuz we finished Rudy (coolest movie ever...besides my top 10 and stuffs like that) and are going back to 50-minute-lectures-in-the-college-ed-workbook. OH BOY! Not. :(
:P There's the progressive dinner tonight with the youth group. Lame. Actually, it sounds pretty cool, but with the "white elephant" gift exchange...the only things I could find were these scary little doggie booties or something and this weird Chinese cat slipper from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The people that receive my gift won't be having a very merry Christmas. By the way, what's with Happy Holidays? It's all, "Dude, just say Christmas!" Seriously, like 67% of America agrees with me. Or something like that.
Moving on...AMBER'S GONE! AAAAAAH! Well, not forever, just till after Christmas...I think. Not sure. :( Sadness.
My Skky High adventure deal pretty much sucks. I spelled both Layla and Zach's names wrong on every page, I'm stuck on the part where you can be Speed, and, seeing how many characters I'm using, this won't be done for a long time. Like two weeks. Oh my gosh. Actually, I'm taking a break. Whatever.
OH MY GOSH! I can NOT believe I never made a post about this: I FINISHED ELDEST AND WAS DEEPLY SHOCKED!
1. Eragon is still without a girlfriend (big surprise, seeing how Bachlorette #1 is obsessed with honor, age, and position)
2. Morzan was his dad, making Murtagh his brother (MURTAGH IS EVIL! See why below)
5. Hrothgar dies! (this wasn't too big of a thing for me, but whatever)
Uh...that's it. Okay. And we're done now...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not a bad Thursday

So it wasn't that bad of a Thursday. In fact, it was really good because
1. I got to watch movies during periods 1-4 and it was pretty much awesome. Even tho in algebra we had to watch "Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land". Scaryness.
2. Luke (my bunny) didn't bite me today and actually let me touch him (for once).
3. Today was a short day (as are all Thursdays).

Okay. I'm done.

Fact of life: Never eat while watching "Osmosis Jones". Also, never eat while watching one of your friends hit on someone (especially if that someone is you). It's sickening and really annoying. It's hard to keep milkshakes with skins on top down after that. Moving on...

......Nothing. OH YEAH, I was on my old neopets account cuz I was REALLY bored and neopets has cool games and I STARTED MAKING A NEW ADVENTURE THINGY! (wow, that rivaled a cheerleader's enthusiasm) It's about Sky High, I'll post the link once it's done (which will be like...never. Sometimes during winter break.)

Oh yeah, why do people like Spring Break better than Winter Break? Spring Break is lame. It's only a week long and no holidays occur during this time. And why do Canadian kids complain that they get too short of a summer when in reality they have like 2 weeks of Winter Break, 3 weeks of Spring Break (only they call it March Break), and lots of other little breaks. Lucky. >:P yeaaaah, that's pretty much it. I'm good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Poor Old Chris

Okay, so I'm reading Eldest, and I start getting really weirded out. I mean, Eragon was like the coolest book I ever read, but Eldest...it puts Avalon to shame (drama wise). Seriously, the whole "paint a mental picture of Arya" thing? And then Arya sees it and throws it on the ground. Okay, she's supposedly really mature (being like 100), but mature people don't throw people's paintings on the ground, especially not Rider's paintings, or your future boyfriend's paintings! (this is going to cause some of my friends to give me a "knowing smile" and say, "Oh, you mean like that one guy?" and I'll be all, "Dude, he doesn't paint." Moving on...

We had a really mean algebra sub today. >:( Uncoolness. He kept screaming, "SHUT UP!" at us and glaring at me and calling me "a young man". Okay, have you SEEN me lately? Um, guys don't wear their hair in ponytails very often, and...I'll stop there. You've all had health, right? Okay.

I'VE SEEN SKY HIGH FOUR TIMES! wow, that was random, but true. Sky High is like one of the awesomest movies ever, except for The Pacifier and DEFINITELY The Lion King, but yeah. And Speed is neither fat nor ugly, like many of my friends say. I think he's awesome. If only he were good. :( Sadness.

Lol last night was 7th Heaven and it was very stupid, but still maintaining its awesomeness. And Sandy became a Christian, which was cool. But it was so fake. I mean, no one says, "I think I want to convert to Christianity." And then Lucy got a Yorkie AND a Great Dane (or something like that) and she, Kevin, and Savannah are keeping BOTH! Uh, Lucy, you're a pastor and I'm sure you get SOOOO much money, but come on, you can't feed a dog like Samson. HE'LL EAT YOU ALIVE!

Monday, December 12, 2005

..::One More Blessed Week::..

(sing to tune of chorus from "Ocean Avenue")
There's only one more week until school's over!
We'll run and get our skiis and run people over!
I know someplace, somehow, it just might snow, oh yeah yeah yeah.

Wow, that was like...creative impulse or something. BUT IT'S TRUE! ONLY ONE MORE WEEK OF SCHOOL! YEAAAAAH! Like the sub said in LAR: "This is the last Monday of the year!" Uh, sure, the last SCHOOL Monday, but not the last Monday of the school year or even this year. I'm confusing myself. :(
Soooooo....Harvest Moon is pretty much waaaaaay boring. Moosium was isolated. It stunk, tho, because the Harvest Sprites refuse to help me with pregnant cows, so I have to go into the tool shed, get the fence, and isolate them myself. And I'm trying to get ducks but so far it hasn't worked. :( Sadness.
ELDEST RULES!!!!!! (tx Amber. :D) I pretty much hate Roran and Arya's pulling some weird "Warriors have honor; if I love, I hurt" routine with Eragon and he has "confused feelings". Dude, it's practically Avalon. But that's not a bad thing. Teen drama is awesome. Awesomely funny, anyways. (wow, that was corny)
Maaaan, I have a science test tomorrow. Not cool. Oh well, at least I studied. Then on Monday we're watching....OSMOSIS JONES! YEAAAAAH! All my friends were like, "Sweet, I knew that movie would come in handy some day!" Well, I've never seen it, so I'll actually have to learn something. Not cool. (Wow, I say that alot now. That and "pretty much yeah", "way", and "totally". And "like".)

Saturday, December 10, 2005


Before I begin, I'll say that I'm suddenly reminded of a time in Ikea when I walked into a wardrobe. Unfortunately, I wasn't transported to a magical land. Actually, my parents LEFT me there and two old ladies opened up the door and nearly died when they saw me.

ANYWAYS, I saw "Narnia" last night and that is probably the best movie I have ever seen. Well, actually, Lion King was pretty much WAAAAY better (best movie ever), but whatever. Adam Adamson did a really good job. Sure, the White Witch was way wimpy and not witchy, some of the "creatures" looked like different variations of the pig aliens on "Return of the Jedi", and the dryads were scary flower people whose body parts floated around tents, but WHO CARES!? Other than that, it rocked. Not only that, it stayed by the book for the most part, even tho they added the whole wolf chase scene, but that made the movie better. :) Tumnus was hot.

Soooo, straying from the topic...I DISSECTED AN EYE YESTERDAY! Well, I didn't, my partner did, but I had to watch and identify the parts and stuff. And even tho it was really gross, it was worth it seeing Reggie get cow eye juice squirted into his eye. Hahaha. But then Alex poked all the eye parts with my pencil and was all, "That's because you didn't help." I personally don't find that fair. He-LLO, I carried the tray, which has the really gross sticky bottom! Someone's a little ungrateful.

HARVEST MOON UPDATE!!!!! *Jepoardy Daily Double sound* Actually, I haven't played in three days, but oh well: last time I played...nothing exciting happened. Well, three of my chickens are giving golden eggs (ka-CHING!) and Macy grew up (she is so NOT cute now. She looks just like her mom and it's like, "...How did that happen?" Seriously, she was all black before and now she's like pure white). Oh yeah, Cynthia got pregnant AGAIN (I think I might've mentioned that. Maybe not.) and it's like, "DUDE, I JUST STARTED GETTING MILK AGAIN." Hestia is DEFINITELY getting sold now. But I can't sell my stupid goat (she stopped giving milk), so it's like..um, why? Oh yeah, my little brother is almost done with the first chapter (he hasn't played alot exactly) and he's marrying Muffy. Too bad for him. :(

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Revelation and algebra

Wow. Who knew? Who knew it was possible to enjoy college ed?
I swear, I was trying not to, but somehow looking in school catologues and choosing which English class you're going to pick in 12th grade is attractive to me. And we're doing it again TOMORROW! YEAAAAAAAAAY!
My algebra teacher asked me how college ed went the following period and I was all, "Like totally mucho AWESOME!" Actually, I didn't say that. I just said, "Better." or something witty like that and he was all, "That's good." Genuinely. :) My algebra teacher rox. And he didn't laugh today. Awesomeness to the max.
Ewwww it was sooooo nasty today. I got a shake from the snack bar and it was all frozen and there was this nasty skin on the top. I'm positive it wasn't plastic wrap. The ice cream must have grown it to ward off bacteria...or kids tongues. And I had to throw it away because the lunch bell rang! There goes my $1.25. Next time, I'll get chocolate.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Things to look forward to today and tomorrow

1. The whole band concert we're doing for those kids tomorrow. CHRISTMAS TIME WITH CHARLIE BROWN RULEZ!
2. 7th Heaven (by far the dumbest show ever, but also the funniest. Not purposefully Jerry Seinfeld funny, but really stupid funny)
3. PIZZA! (at lunch anyways)
4. The whole music awards deal
5. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep


How goes school? Well, honestly...boring. Very boring. We had a fire drill today and I actually ate my sandwhich at lunch. But other than that, nothing happened.
In fact, the only reason I created this post was because I'm bored. But this is fun. Just saying nothing, typing quickly, listening to my little brother and his friend play Halo (which apparently is SUPER HARD, from what they're screaming).
I'm back. Oh yeah, LAR, I swear, is the most boring class ever. It's supposedly an "Honors" class, but I kinda learned all this stuff in third - fifth grade. And I'm a sevvie. Sevvies don't know nothing. But COME ON! Only 8 people knew what a simile was. Which I'm not saying is bad. It's just that my LAR teacher is all, "Oh, you don't know? Then let's explain it all detailed and sloooooooooow." Fun. NOT! She seriously lectured for like 20 minutes about similes and metaphors, then made us give examples. Then she'd yell at us when we gave the right answer.
"The space between her teeth was as wide as..." "A valley?" "NO! Try again." Dude, um, that would kinda word.
OH NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! THERE'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER PEP ASSEMBLY!!!! NYAAAAAAAAAH! I'm sorry, pep assemblies aren't my favorite things (no offense, Frauline Maria). I like Spirit week (somewhat), but I just don't like screaming my head off that I have spirit. And the cheerleaders do these weird letters out of their pompoms.
Wow I just noticed I'm complaining again. Onto another school related topic. Like......pizza. Or the snack bar (a.k.a. heaven on earth. Where else can you get Pop Tarts for $.75 or Gushers for $.25? I don't know how they do it, but whenever I sit with my friends at lunch, they have cheese pizza. And somehow they always serve sausage when I buy lunch..... One of my friends was all, "It's our internal clock. We just know when it's gonna be served." Lucky guys.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Unfairness to the 10,000,000th power

Why. Why? WHY? How come this happens EVERY WEEKEND? How come I ALWAYS wind up with nothing but homework and youth group to look forward to (ix-nay on the omework-hay, actually. I don't enjoy it, but I still have to do it. Agatha Christie should've killed herself when she got the chance, but she decided to write boring books for "my" pleasure instead. Kill. Me. Now.). But nooooo. I've been banned from youth group this week. Actually, just for tonight. My mom has this weird rule that if you skip school/church/something important, you can't go anywhere else. Which is unfair cuz she totally breaks this rule by making me go to piano, even if I have a fever of 102.

Note: Okay, people reading this blog, I'm sure you're tired of me complaining all the time, and I'm sorry (kind of), but seriously. I refuse to keep a diary (oh my gosh, that term drives me crazy), I have notebooks spilling out of my closet, and no people that want to hear me complain, so sorry, but you'll have to bear with me. I'll just scream and let out all my anger and frustration so while I'll feel relieved, you'll feel annoyed and your ears will be ringing.


Actually, that didn't make me feel much better.

Lists, lamentations, and randomness

Okay, not cool. On Harvest Moon, Cynthia (Macy's mom) is acting STRANGELY. That means she's PREGNANT! AGAIN! Okay, NOT COOL! She JUST started giving milk and I was making SO much money off of it, but now she has to go and become a mommy. Again. I'm gonna have to sell my bull. He has a girl's name anyways. And come ON! I don't have enough room in my barn! Wait, never mind, I do, but after Moosium's calf is born, Hestia goes bye-bye. If the cows run out of milk, I'll WILLINGLY pay for the "other" bull.

Since my brain isn't working correctly, the subject has changed abruptly to this simple question: If you were stranded on an island with nothing but a radio with a low battery and a freaky group of people called "the others", who would you rather have with you: Jack, the doctor, who could save you from any injury except the crushing of your legs (like he couldn't save Boone.); Sayid, a master in communications and fixing radios; Locke, a weird "spiritual" dude who's very in tune to nature and can sometimes (rarely) offer good advice: or Cliff from "Matlock", my other favorite show, a good looking lawyer that could probably get you off the island legally with the help of Ben Matlock and his daughter Leanne. Personally, I'd go with Cliff, because Jack cries too much about his long gone wife Sarah, Sayid's crazy, and Locke is bald and sometimes walks out of the jungle covered in blood. Which he's done more than once. Ew, no thank you. And I bet Cliff COULD get me off the island because Ben and Leanne can solve crimes with little to no evidence, so they could just as well save my life.

*looks at title* Goodness, I've forgotten the lamentations: Oh vicious cold, why do you plague me so? I was once well, but you have ravaged my immune system, so now I can't go to sleep for fear of choking on snot. School, why must you insist on taking place tomorrow? I'd rather not do my homework, thank you, or play "Christmas Time with Charlie Brown" until my ears fall off and my lips get sucked into the mouthpiece. Eldest, why must you be absent from my deprived life? Why, why WHY?????

Wow...I'm so sick, I'm going delirious.

Yellow fever

Actually, I don't have yellow fever like in that freaky book "Epidemic" or whatever, but I do have a cold and boy do I feel great. Note the extreme sarcasm. I was actually looking forward to today, which is rare, knowing me (I'm not exactly optimistic, no matter what those psychology books say. Oh yeah, did you know the word "psycho" is in "psychology"? Hitchcock would be pleased.). Seriously, tho. 1. Youth Group 2. Amber was going to lend me Eldest! 3. Wait, never mind, can't put that down. His name, anyways.
The thing that makes me mad is my mom let me stay home from church, but then she's all, "Oh, that means you can't come to youth group." (how come that's never the case for my older brother?) REST WILL DO ME GOOD! I'LL BE WELL BY THEN! NYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Not only that, I had to pass the time by watching "Ever After" (once I got to the weird horse-costume party scene, I had to puke. Come on, what's attractive about a girl in a fake horse suit saying, "Neigh!" And if I were the captain or whatever, I wouldn't SNORT, my GOSH!) and part of "White Christmas" (Vera what's-her-name has the weirdest hair and Danny Kaye's voice kept cracking). So yeah, I'm pretty much ready to die right now. *sniff* ELDEST!!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Winter Wonderland (AND HARVEST MOON!)

YEAH!!!!! IT SNOWED!!!!!! IT ACTUALLY SNOWED TODAY!!!!!!!! Seriously, when I was at lunch, it was snowing lightly in the courtyard. Suddenly...SNOW FELL HEAVILY FROM THE SKY!!!!!!!! AND IT STARTED STICKING!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Literally everybody went outside and started dancing, eating snowflakes, or just standing there chewing on Pop Tarts (that's what I was doing). It's melting now, tho. :( I got to walk in it with bare feet, tho, and it felt GOOD!

You guys know what's coming next...ohhhh yes...HARVEST MOON UPDATE!
The only interesting thing that happened was my cow finally had her calf. Cynthia, not Moosium. She's half marble cow, half brown cow, and SHE'S SO CUTE!!!! Oh yeah, her name's Macy because I'm still recovering from Thanksgiving. Wow, that was corny. To the max! It's almost the end of Happy Birthday (THANK YOU, LORD!), so yeah...

(Note: this post was ended due to lack of enthusiasm.)


Don't let the title fool you, it wasn't that cool. But important stuff DID happen, so I decided to dedicate a whole post to this show. Anyways...
1. (how do I put this without feeling extremely uncomfortable and not seeing sick pictures in my little head?) Um...Kate confessed her true feelings for Jack...only not...verbally? I really hope you're getting this. She also thought the spirit of her dead dad was haunting Sawyer, so she was all talking to him and being all, "Whever I have feelings for Sawyer, I think of you, Wayne." (Wayne is, er, was her dad, but she blew him up.) So that means SHE LIKES JACK BETTER!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
2. IKKO (how DO you spell his name), the cool yet creepy other castaway with kinda funky hair not only turns out to be Christian (dude, in the next episode, he's all quoting Psalm 23, I think, and then he literally told Locke this Bible story and it was way-o awesome. He also says stuff like, "Do not confuse chance with fate." Or something like that), but finds the missing part of the creepy movie they'd watched earlier IN A BIBLE! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! J. J. ABRAMS RULES!!!!!!!! The rest of the movie wasn't that cool, tho. There was just the crazy scientist guy again and he was all, "Do not use the computer for any other uses except entering the code. There might be another...incident..." (oooh, foreshadowing. NOT! As if. Ooh, "incident", I'm SCARED!)
3. Micheal regains contact with Walt! Seriously, the computer was all beeping and someone had written "Hello?" It was like IM, but different cuz the computer was older than Locke. The following conversation ensued, since Micheal hadn't seen the movie.
Hello? (this is the first hello, the one I just mentioned)
Hello? (this is Micheal. you can pretty much follow the whole conversation from here)
Who is this?
This is Micheal, who is this?
And Micheal gets this shocked/relieved expression that could've only been imitated from watching the SOAPS! And no, Lost is not a soap; it is an island drama with good looking doctors, extremely well muscled drunk hillbillies (Sawyer), and gun toting Hispanic girls who shoot Iraqi guys' girlfriends.

But I think Charlie might die next week. :( sadness

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Doug, why do you still say awesome?"

I just realized that I've been in an unusually good mood the past few days. Which is weird for me, if you're wondering. Seriously, not to brag or rub it in your face (well, not that much anyways), but it's like I'm being followed by a scary little good luck sprite or something. It makes the Christmas season all the more worthwhile. <:) (that was supposed to be a saddish smiley, but he looks like he's wearing a hat, so he'll be an elf) Yeah, pretty much awesome.
Speaking of awesome, I'm suddenly reminded of Christy Miller, THE dumbest series I think I have ever read. Omg, the main character is such a loser and the series is supposedly about Christian teens going through life with God but the only reason she is alive is this surfer dude named Todd! And she calls him a scruffy baboon and, wow, wouldn't you know it, they get married in the last book! And you people are probably not seeing the connection, so I'll explain.
Okay, there's this dude named Doug (by the way, this series takes place in like the late 80's and everyone wears really ugly clothes; even the cheerleaders.) and he's always all, "Dude, that's like totally awesome!" (like me :D) Anyways, Christy is always all, "Doug, why do you still say awesome? Awesome is like so yesterday!" And this is coming from a girl who wears bright red socks, tight green pants, and white tennies? Complete with a Pooh Bear sweatshirt? Um, no, I would think YOU are, Christy.
It's time for another...HARVEST MOON UPDATE! (Jeopardy "Daily double" sound) Wow, "Happy Birthday" is more interesting than I thought. For instance: Grandma Romana just gave me a cat. I was like shocked cuz I thought that didn't happen till later on. But it did. His name is Sparks and he steals food from my dog. What I don't understand is why my son Beyonce absolutely LOATHES the dog, but loves the cat. Seriously, he even had HEARTS in his dialogue when I showed it to him. o_O weirded out.
Another thing...Moosium (one of my cows) has been acting strangely why? SHE'S A MOM! Well, not yet, but she has the calf in her stomach as of now! And Cynthia is in isolation because SHE'S GONNA BE GIVING MOMMA'S MILK IN A FEW DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I'LL BE RICH! I mean, I love new life! :)
Um, that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, MY ALGEBRA TEACHER IS BACK!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (YES, that's a good thing, cuz I love algebra and we had all these weird subs while he was gone. Mr. E was cool. No one else was.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Things I wish I understood

I don't get it. I just don't get it. (actually, I don't get lots of things, but read on) How can Lost have gone from the coolest show ever to the dumbest, most predictable soap I have ever seen? It's crazy! It used to be really freaky (not scary, freaky) and after every episode I'd be all, "OMG, I'M SO FREAKED OUT! I WONDER WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!" Now I only watch the show to see if Claire will get shot (I seriously dislike her). In fact, here's a list of things that I don't understand.

1. Why "Biggest Loser" and "Felicity" had to be on on the same night. I mean, it's not like I like American Girls anymore, but after seeing how stupid "Samantha" was last year, I could go for a little more comic relief. It can't hurt.
2. How you becoming a cheerleader isn't selling your soul to the devil (just kidding. I actually know some nice cheerleaders. Just not that many...AAAAH! DON'T HURT ME!)
3. Why both my brother and my friend shaved their heads. They left at least a 1/4 inch of stubble, so it doesn't look that bad. It's fun to rub, too. Frankly, tho, I can't get used to them not having long(er) hair. Or hair, at least.
4. How "Eragon", a wonderful book, could have such a lame ending. (I'm not stupid, I KNOW there's a sequel; I just haven't read it yet. And the ending wasn't that lame. Just disappointing. Seriously: "I will come." It should've ended with one of Saphira's witty phrases or something)
5. Why I can't have Pop Tarts for breakfast. (PLEASE, Mom, they have 8 essential vitamins and minerals! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...please? ((I'm not a whiner, I just really need my daily amount of sugar before I start my day. You have no idea what it's like to go to my school. At this school, there are CHEERLEADERS! Wearing RED, WHITE AND BLUE! ON A REGULAR BASIS! OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Sugar makes them stay away. It makes them think I'm weird. Nobody I know better not comment on that...)))
6. Why College Ed is required of us sevvies. It's a stupid class! I haven't learned ANYTHING except candy bars give you good career options!)
7. Why there's a poster in Mr. G's room that says "7ees rok 7ees rok 7ees rok, etc." If 7 = seven, then the poster says "SEVENees rok". What's a sevenee?

Monday, November 28, 2005

A post to drive y'all crazy

It's a Monday after school and I'm online when I ask myself, "Gee, Lauren, how did Harvest Moon go?" Most of you are screaming and clicking "Next Blog". Those whose computers are slow beyond recognition...>:D

Harvest Moon...Harvest Moon...where should I start? Actually, nothing exciting happened. Same old, same old. My chickens started laying golden eggs, tho. And my cow is acting "strangely". Literally. I was all talking to her (no, I'm not crazy, you're suposed to talk to your cows to make them feel happy and give more milk. Only my cow stopped giving milk like a billion years ago and I'm trying to make her start milking again ((if you catch my drift)), but Miracle Potion is expensive if you don't have a bull) and the little text box said, "Moosium (that's her name) is doing fine, but acting strangely..." What's that supposed to mean? Did my bull (I lied, I do have a bull, he's just expecting a calf. Well, he's not, but...whatever.) decide to cheat on his cow-wife and...um...go pro dairy again? Nasty. :P
I need sheep, but Cynthia (other cow) is gonna have a calf, then I need Moosium to have a calf, and I already have two cows, a bull, a horse, and a goat (who has NOT stopped milking after one season. Whoever said that was crazy.), and I might get some ducks (if I have enough room in my nine chicken condo), so I could only get one sheep. That's one thing of golden wool a season. And I only have one chicken laying golden eggs and a goat laying milk, so I'd have enought to live off of, but I need milk. (sorry for the complaining. Actually, I'm not, but now I feel better inside.)
:( I need to get a life.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sunday, Gamecube, and corduroy jackets

It's a Sunday. It's not like I don't like Sundays. I get to see most of my friends at church and at Youth Group, but on Sundays, I'm either bored out of my mind or not allowed to do anything other than homework. Today, those two elements are combined.
I want to play Gamecube, but my brother is already playing Xbox. And I have to do reading anyway. I also have to practice trombone for ONE HOUR! NYAAAAAH! Okay, to some people, that might not be such a big deal, but COME ON! To get an hour, I split my practice time into 30 minute incraments. To get half an hour, I have to play scales for five minutes, 1 minutes for warm up, then spend 24 minutes on my music. Since each song only lasts 2 minutes, I have to play each song 3 times. Okay, "Phantom of the Opera", when you're not playing melody, gets OLD after 3 times. -_- Go figure. It's my fault anyways. I'm the one who in 4th grade was all, "I WANNA PLAY TROMBONE!" But no. I was already taking piano (which I hated. I'm still taking it, mind you.) and riding lessons (snore, even tho horses rock the nursing home), so if I wanted to take trombone so badly, I had to give up riding lessons. (which wasn't much of a sacrifice, but I am OBSESSED with horses and NEVER get to be around them, so give up my chance to hang with horses once a week? NEVER!) However, then the horse I rode got pregnant and I had to quit until she had her baby. That's what my mom said anyways. Once little colty was weaned and ready to go...I was in 5th grade, in first year band, playing...TROMBONE. It's a coolies instrument, but I'd rather play melody than bass line.

Whoa, I was typing, and a roll of yellow tape got stuck to my jacket (see title). I swear, it would not come OFF! I felt it and it's not even that sticky! Weirded out. o_O

Since you people are obviously really annoyed with my Harvest Moon dedicated posts, I'll make another one just for you. O:) (that's supposed to be a halo but it looks like a fro. Or an egg. Or a DUCK.)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Ode to a four day weekend

The bell rung at only 10:30.
We screamed and grabbed our backpacks and ran towards our bright red lockers,
so crammed full of old test papers and science notes and navy blue sweatshirts.
As excited as we were, we didn't forget to stop along the way
and stare at the good looking ninth graders walking by.


No comment.

Oh Sunday.
How cruel you seem,
to take away the joy of freedom,
of the absence of school.
Even you must admit
that watching Buzz Lightyear to pass the time
is most annoying and not a worthwhile activity.
Tomorrow, we would again wake at 5:45
and sluggishly enter the showers.
Then, as we entered first period, our joyous four day weekend
would be but a memory,
nothing but a dream.

Beat THAT, Robert Frost!

What a day (night? er, morning?)

Man, I hate four day weekends. Don't get me wrong, I love two extra days off from school, but the day after Thanksgiving, I ask my mom, "Soooooo...what we gonna do today?" "Oh, I dunno, sit around, read, stuff like that." Not. Cool. Okay, I'm one of those obsessive people that needs a schedule or I will go insane. Not like I wasn't already. Wait...

So, anyways, about my weekend...well, I went to my friend's birthday party. Didn't fall asleep until 3:00 (dude, you're not supposed to sleep at sleepovers anyway) due to the fact that I was stressing over not being able to watch the end of "Ms. Congeniality" because of the sleep timer. (curses; I love that movie) Oh yeah, and now my friend Amber knows. You know, about that certain guy that I dedicated a whole post to. -_- It wasn't even funny cuz I totally gave it away. Me and my big mouth. >:P (whoa, what the heck is that?)

Harvest Moon update: Sheez, I swear, "Happy Birthday" is the most boring chapter in Year 1. And this is my first time playing this game, so I have nothing TO LOOK FORWARD TO! I literally spent like 2 hours on gamewinners Thursday night and found all these "cheat codes". Those were the lamest "cheat codes" I have ever received. My gosh, all of them were things that would happen LATER IN THE GAME! Like YEAR 2! And I'm still on YEAR 1! NYAAAAH! And apparently my son wants to be a rancher. Why else would he be walking around the farm asking me about fertilized eggs (chicken eggs, mind you) and the cuteness of animals. Well, tomorrow is a Sunday. Joy and tidings. At least there's youth group, so whatever.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Give Thanks

Hey, everybody, Happy Thanksgiving! I've had enough triptophane (sp?) to kill me and I never want to hear the words "dog show" ever again in my life, but all in all, it has been a good day.

Things I'm thankful for
1. Lost
2. Biggest Loser
3. Disney!!! (I love you, Simba!)
4. (oh my gosh, I'm gonna get all Miss America) Friends and family (ya know it)
6. horses!
7. Luke and Oggy
8. Comic relief from 7th Heaven, even tho it's not supposed to be funny
9. AIM, even tho Integrity obliterated it completely from my cpu. :(

And most importantly of all:
10. Being a Christian (yeaya), having an awesome youth group (Sarai RULES!), and being able to go to church

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Everything that has nothing to do with a certain person I will not discuss

If you read the title thorougly, I'm not discussing who you wish I'll discuss, especially my friends reading this. Anyways...

Um...Harvest Moon is uh good. I got married and am almost done with Happy Birthday or whatever. Only my son's name is Beyonce. Sad for him. Hehehe. And my wife is all...not flamboyant. I am. So she's not like me. Ooops. Oh well, after I beat the game, I'm playing again and this time, I'm so picking Muffy. Even though she's not a master mixologist like Griffin. whatever.

Avalon stunk. Didn't I do a whole post on that? Okay. I'm still not talking about HIM. That guy.

School... Okay. Freshman stink. Just thought I'd tell you. They're so annoying.
Fresh girls: Omg, and he said and she said and they said omg!
Fresh guys: You thought Kanye was going down the other road? Well guess who he's dating? BEYONCE! OOOOOOH!

Ummm....(take my mind of him) So how about Lost tonight, you crazy castaways? (oh my gosh, I sound like one of the Wiggles. Not like I watch the Wiggles.)

Maybe I should end this post due to boredom, being corny, and thinking about...that guy.


5 months ago, my mom and walked into Barnes and Nobles looking for a new book in my favorite series "Avalon". One problem: No Avalon. Avalon is gone from the shelves, there's no trace of it anywhere. So we ask an employee for help.

Employee: Hmmm, it should be on the shelves... Let's go check.
Duh. It's not ON the shelves. We just CHECKED!
Employee: Wow, it's not there. Hm...this is very interesting. Well, would you like me to order it for you?
Me: Please and thank you.
So she logs onto her little cpu and is all, "And what is the title of the book you're looking for?"
Me: *freezing* Um.....I dunno.
Employee: *annoyed* Do you know the author?
Me: Rachel Roberts.
Employee: *types quickly, then appears deeply confused* Well, Dark Mage, #5, is out.
Mom: Wow, I didn't know that one would be out.
Employee: *in a bored tone* It came out in December 2004. Is that the one you're looking for?
Me: No. I'm looking for #4.
Employee: Oh. *types, looks confused* Well, there's Heart of Avalon, #4, but that doesn't come out until January 2006! Huh?
Me: Um...could you order Dark Mage then?
Employee: Are you sure?
Me: (in my head: Duh) Yes.
Employee: Okay. I'll order it for you. *types* Okay, we'll call or e-mail you when it comes in.

That was 5 months ago. Not only that, they said in July that it had backordered and wouldn't come until August. Well, August was 3 months ago, don't you people think they're a litle OFF?

Not only that, the book sorta stunk. My favorite character was portrayed as a weakling and a loser that DOESN'T GET NO STINKIN PET! Not only that, there's all this foreshadowing of Kara and Adriane not getting along. Kara did something to Zach and Adriane's all, "OMG YOU ALMOST HURT MY BF'S MAGIC! BLA BLA BLA, YOU'RE SO OUT OF CONTROL!" Only she's dark and mysterious, so she didn't scream. She just yelled. At least Emily got to level 2. And got a paladin. Yeah. You people probably don't know what I'm talking about.

I'm so stupid

Geez, I just create a blog and WHOA! Total space out! I forget my password. So at 11 AM, I'm on for HALF AN HOUR desperately trying to think up what my password could be. Then my friend Amber was all, "Dude, can't you like get a password e-mail thing?" Actually, she didn't say that, just something along those lines. Duh. Sheez, you are sooooo gifted. Why thank you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Reason For It All

Screenname: NO, I did NOT GET LUCKY in that way. (if you know what I mean) It's all the fault of the ducks. Seriously, I walk into Claire's and WHOA there's this sale! 10 things for...5$? COOL! So I'm looking around and there's this awesome notebook with these ducks on it and one of them has purple shoes. At the bottom it's all, "I guess I'm just a lucky duck." Okay, people, that's appealing to ME cuz 1. I love ducks. I just do. Not a psychiactric problem or anything. It was how God made me. 2. I'm a writer. And writers need....NOTEBOOKS!!!! So this inspiring image led to the EXTREMELY AWESOME SCREENNAME AND YOU ALL KNOW IT!!!!!!

Blog title: I need to get out more. Seriously, I'm all at Old Navy with my mom and there's this police bug with "Geek Squad" on the side. Me: Why is it called the Geek Squad car? It's awesome! Mom: Yeah, it's adorable. (I'll stick with awesome thanks) Then, four weeks later....BAM! Open up a catologue and there's an advertisement! (Yeah, that's basically what catologues are) Something about the Geek Squad speeding up your cpu for only $30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coolies. How come I didn't know this before? Since I was on the whole "I am a nerd" thing last year, I somehow in my creative brain thought up the title. Yeah.

Lack of profile: I'm WORKIN ON IT!