Saturday, August 25, 2007

You are my sun, my moon...the flashbacks continue

I just realized I haven't seen "Willow" in forever. I was playing "Animal Crossing" yesterday, and my sign off was "You are my sun, my moon"...
That would be an awkward scene to reinact. I totally spelled that wrong., ew.
Well, the White Rabbits are gone. I ate the last 9 before breakfast. And they were deeelicious.
WTH, Harry Potter spin the bottle? Grossing me out...a lot.
LOL, Sirius Black. Ooooh, that's hot.
I'm reading a really dumb book currently. I feel like criticizing it.
Cuz that's what I do.
There's the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" stuff, but whatever, you can't expect much from a book titled "The Wedding Planner's Daughter", which is bright pink, and has a really scary looking girl peering through wedding dresses on the front.
HARRY! So funny.
I swear, this book is so weird. I just don't get people who are "hopeless romantics". It's like, "That's cool," but in books it's like that's all they talk about. Even worse, HER MOM IS A SINGLE MOM AND IT'S THE WHOLE "GET A FATHER" FIASCO! "I sure wish I had a father...ho hum ho hum....because I'm a HOPELESS romantic, I'll set her up with the local hottie!"
The hottie is named Sam Gracemore, but Willa (main character) calls him "The Poet". I kept being all, "That's somehow a Classic Crime reference. HOW AM I GETTING A CLASSIC CRIME REFERENCE?" And it was like, "Duh. THE POET, THE POET." OMG, CLASSIC CRIME SONG! And the description of Mr. Sammy Pants sounded sort of like how I picture the Classic Crime's lead singer before my bubble was so rudely popped.
Although most of the descriptions aren't really that detailed. This is Joseph Kennelly, Willa's BIG CRUSH (oooer).
Willa: He's tall and thin with sandy hair....
Me: Yeah, and...
Willa: That's it.
Me: Um, right...that's hot.
COME ON! Tall. Thin. Sandy hair. THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO GO ON!
Like in Harry Potter. I did NOT get Devon Murray out of the description they gave for Seamus in the first book!
I really want to watch "Willow". And "Little Miss Sunshine". Congratulations, Robert, on not being Bob Smithouser. Pretty much, yo.
Btw, this is totally cracking me up. And grossing me out. Pretty much both. Cedric is a lame baby.


Matt Wilson said...

what was willow about again?

Lauren said...

a midget finds a baby and has to take it to the big people. ends up meeting sex offender val kilmer in a cage, who accompanies him on the rest of the journey.

Matt Wilson said...

wow. I thought I'd seen that but I guess not.

Lauren said...

val kilmer doesn't actually play a sex offender, it that helps...

Matt Wilson said...

uyhm wanna elaborate on that a little more...uhm...clearly?

Lauren said...

he was just really creepy and he was locked up in a cage for some reason, so jeannie, allie, and i were like, "omg, he's a child molestor!"

Matt Wilson said...

yeah explain the plot again? realistically?

Lauren said...

it's a fantasy, btw.
willow (from a magical midget clan, no lie) finds a baby that's some sort of empress...i don't know, so he goes on a quest to meet the big people.
he meets madmartigan/val kilmer and they try to thwart the evil queen bavmorda who has a red headed daughter. just for reference.

Matt Wilson said...

yeah I've never seen that.

Lauren said...

you should. it's amazing.

Matt Wilson said...

will do.

Lauren said...

i should warn you, it's a george lucas film.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

just know this: all the star wars films were really good until george lucas started getting more involved...

Lauren said...

um, attack of the clones? nuff said.

Matt Wilson said...

well, at least all the fight scenes got way more awesome

personally i think the best light saber duel of the series is the darthmaul/obi-wan duel. its just so pasionate and amazing.

Lauren said...

no way. yoda vs count dooku. yoda jumps on walls. nuff said.

Lauren said...

who would even CONSIDER hadyn christiansen, tho? he's like a piece of wood, only he talks and moves.

Lauren said...

and pieces of wood don't usually have nice six packs...

Matt Wilson said...

I'm convinced he's not even that ripped, that bedroom seen was just the lighting and a good camera angle. the 2nd best one is tieish yoda count dooku and the obi wan vs. anakin one, so epic...sooooo epic. the dialogue just before was about as bad as it gets though. then after that I'd probably say the 2nd duel with luke vs. darth vader in return of the jedi

Lauren said...

i like the "empire strikes back" duel better.
george lucas rights the crappiest dialogue. "oh. my. good. ness. This is the. Happiest. Day of. My. Life."
if he wasn't ripped, why is he prancing about sports illustrated and time without a shirt? looking pretty good, at that.

Matt Wilson said...

ok well maybe he is.

Matt Wilson said...

well maybe I meant that one I don't know...

Matt Wilson said...

yes actually I'm sure I meant the empire strikes back one.

Matt Wilson said...

you underestimate my power.

Lauren said...

did you see luke's face after the whole "i am your father" bit? he looked like a rabid chipmunk hamster? on crack.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

that's an interesting question...who you rather have be your father...mark hammill or john travolta?
that's a tough dresses in drag and one's in rehab.

Matt Wilson said...

who is mark hammill?

Lauren said...

luke skywalker.