Monday, August 06, 2007

A real good trick to play on a pensioner

I wish I were British. Then I could say things like "snog" and "pensioner" and "duff up". Oh, and "kippers".
I hate these computers. The keys are always sticking and the internet is slowly.
Dat's right. I'm at the library!!!!
I already have plenty of books (including E. Lockhart's "The Boyfriend List", which is really amazing, actually).
I just need to pick up some holds and then maybe buy an EVANESCENCE T-SHIRT!!!!
I just saw Mrs. Sharon here, but I didn't say hi. Does that make me really awful?
Summer school = so boring. I had to take a test. And I think I broke the substitute's brain.
I swear, if my shift key sticks one more time I will kill myself.
Do do do do do
I wonder how Philip Pullman is doing right now... Random thought. I want to go home and listen to the rest of "The Boyfriend List" and do other frivolous things. Yesh.


Matt Wilson said...

McGee and me! woot!

Matt Wilson said...

rileyroks112 isn't it? lol I looked through my friendslist cause I thought I remember you being on I asked around if anyone recognized any of these sn's that I vagulely remembered and twas confirmed so yeah ^_-

Lauren said...

i'm still not getting on.

Matt Wilson said...

would you rather me stop commenting you. I mean if I'm becoming annoyign.

Matt Wilson said...

or always have been annoying.

Lauren said...

nah it's all good.

Lauren said...

it's actually something to look forward to lol.

Matt Wilson said...

I feel the same.

Matt Wilson said...

you know what? know. you don't know what. ^_-

Lauren said...

i think i know what, but then again i can't exactly know what you're referring to.

Matt Wilson said...

you know what, I think you know what i know that you know. which is really weird. like. really.

Lauren said...

how so?

Matt Wilson said...

I dunno you tell me. Actually, don't tell me.

Lauren said... confused.

Matt Wilson said...

good, right where I want you.

...theres probably some bad joke in there somewhere.

Lauren said...

there are many bad jokes in there.

Matt Wilson said...

well anyways, I know longer think you know what I'm referring to.

I think...even though you probably do.

Lauren said...

i think i do...

Matt Wilson said...

theres a certain everyday sunday song I"m thinking of that has very little to do with what this is about but one line is just stuck in my head.

Matt Wilson said...

theres a certain mae song that has alot to do with what this is about also.

Lauren said...

that's why i do my post titles after song lyrics.

Matt Wilson said...

well. "I'll get over it" has very ilttle to do wit hthis, but has the cool line, and "just let go" has a bit more to do with it.

Lauren said...

as in the red song? so one of us is abusive. right. cutting myself.

Matt Wilson said...

its not red. lol I said its everyday sunday and mae.

anyways. If its something you don't want to mention, or ratehr would like to but won't, than you probably do know what.

Lauren said...

yeah now i'm thinking i definitely know.

Matt Wilson said...

I bet you do too.

the dogs are licking my pant legs cause they taste like leftover pizza toppings.

Matt Wilson said...

I despise the internet.

Lauren said...

that's...slightly disturbing. at least it's not eye sockets this time.
and yet you continue to go on...
along with like 80 million other people.
times 5.

Matt Wilson said...

eh its not a bad thing. it can be. but I despise it for...other reasons...I dunno I think it dehumanizes things. I think it...causes people to have less disgretion in what they say. it encourages gossip among other things, I'm more concerned with the other things though.

Lauren said...

i don't want to contradict you, but isn't it doing the opposite and making things more human? for instance, gossip is just another human thing, not a positive one, tho. so it sort of makes us all cloney whilst bringing out the worst in us.
but it does cause us to lose all sense of secrecy and discretion and blab about top secret business and stuff (altho i doubt the president has such a blog or whatnot...)

Matt Wilson said...

the fact that it makes the less human is why it seems easier to talk about thingson the internet. you might be able to make a probably already have seeing as your pretty bright.

I like writing letters by hand. I think theres something amazingly wonderful about getting a hand written letter. and sending them too.

Lauren said...

i have never actually received a hand written letter. okay, not true, i have, and they're pretty fascinating, but all correspondences never lasted long.
they're fun to write, tho.
okay, now i see where you're coming from. I UNDERSTAND NOW!

Matt Wilson said...

I'll assume you got exactly what I meant with the "connection" yeah...

I used to get them from my grandma when she stilled lived in california, she wrote the compulsively on like, napkins while she was at the dinner table, "I think I"ll write matt a letter" and got ap en and wrote it on her napkin, it was really amazing.

Matt Wilson said...

I think you definitely know what.

Lauren said...

that sounds like a lot of fun. just randomly write letters to people.