Saturday, April 29, 2006

Fast for Food

That's basically what I did from 12:30 P.M. 4/28/06 to 6:30 P.M. 4/29/06. And let me tell you. It. Was. AWESOME!!!!!!!
Okay, not awesome, but it actually wasn't that bad. At first, it's like, "AAAAAH I'M SOOOO HUNGRY," but then you get used to it after a few hours. And since the whole thing was about helping the hungry, it's like, "Well, duh, this is how they must feel every day." But we got juice every few hours. Which made me go to the bathroom like every 3 hours. But not like you need to know that, sorry.
So I was in the Kangere tribe, I think that's how you spell it, and we got owned at like every single tribe game, but not the Albertson's game and the shelter thing. Yeah. Rock on.
So that was basically our 30 Hour Famine. It was pretty darn spiritually uplifting. I can see why Christians sometimes fast. It's cool. Except for like the last 10 minutes, we were doing communion and I was SOOOOO hungry, my stomach was growling and stuff, and then I launched myself out the doors into a world of spaghetti, breadsticks, and garlic bread. And Fritos. And cake.
Grrrrr I just read Book 4 in the Warriors series. Bluestar is evil, she must die. And Tigerclaw. I'm sorry, Bluestar is just a WIMP. "Oh, I should've done this differently, it's ALL MY FAULT!!" *6 chapters later* "IT'S ALL STARCLAN'S FAULT, I'M GOING TO GO PARANOID AND BE BLUE!!!!!!"
OMG William's watching Extra or something and they're talking about Ace Young (as in self-obsessed girl-like Ace) and he's like, "I'm such and such years old and I'm single and ON THE PROWL." EWWWWWWWW!!!!! HOW STALKER IS THAT!!!! It's like, "STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!!!!" I'd better lock my doors and close my windows. *shivers in bed* Aaaaah...

Friday, April 28, 2006

We are the Knights of Camelot!!

Yeah, so I had to go to school today because it's the last day of WASL and I am so glad I did (especially since Mom pulled me out after WASL was done). WASL ROX!!!!!! I think I'll actually miss it. Cuz after the test, Paul and I told Alexis about "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and she drew manga picture thingies to illustrate what we told her. There was this one with dancing ghosts of Camelot. Dududududududu, dududu, dududu, dududududududu, dududududu. *dead guys claps* My favorite was a picture not from "The Holy Grail", but the Monty Python show on PBS, where an old lady screams, "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!!" And Alexis drew this picture of a lady killing a bunny with her cane. Or rather beating one up. Same thing.
It was weird. I saw this kid Noah who used to go to the same school as I did last year, before I changed schools and went to the jr. high. He was all playing hackey sack with these kids and I was like, "I know him...IT'S NOAH!!!" But he didn't recognize me, and no wonder, cuz we weren't exactly friends. *shivers* Gross.
Actually, I should be eating lunch right now. Cuz I usually eat lunch at like 10:10 AM. And it's almost 10:30. But Mom said she might make me a form of dairy in milkshake. :) :) :) YAY!!!! Oh gosh. Now I'm REALLY hungry.
Omg, William's watching TV (he's staying home today, too) and it was Rolly Polly Ollie. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. "Geeeollie, Ollie Pollie, your stomollie looks rollie!!!!!" NYAAAAAAH!!! But I did the same thing yesterday. Watch pointless Y7 shows, that is. But just not Ollie. Hold up...IT'S "NANALAND", AS IN BEST CANADIAN PUPPET SHOW EVER!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAH!!!!
Cheating at computer solitaire rox. Just right click. I got a score of 14000. In 52 seconds. So yeah. Right clicking comes in handy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Woke up at 2 AM. Was up for 3 hours, dehydrated and insomniactic (is that even a word?). Then I woke up my parents and puked on my bed. Aren't you glad you go to know this little bit of info? So yeah, I've got the flu and currently have a fever of like 100.2, but I feel AWESOME!! (no joke) I can keep food down now and I get to skip school after last day of WASL, YAY!! But my brain is a little fried from hours of on and off sleeping and "Jakers!". (although watching pigs tramp through Ireland is actually quite relaxing)
About famine: Really confused. My parents were sort of hinting that I wouldn't be able to go (maybe they didn't mean to, but that's what I picked up), but last night, everything was under control and I CAN go. Depending on tomorrow, anyways. It was pretty weird...
That's basically it. I need to check my library account. Cuz I think I MIGHT have "Party Princess" and/or "Size 12 is not fat". Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A knife would be nice...

Why does my life tend to suck after it seems to be so awesome? I mean, some of it's just little stuff: Alex will NOT get off my back and keeps giving me crap and is all, "What, I was just teasing!" "*trying to kill him* What, I'm just trying to..." And let's not go there. And there's also being really tired, being forced to walk around the track for an HOUR in PE, and stuffs like that. But then there's Mr. Villiers and the latest: no famine. Well, that's not what my parents are saying, but it seems like that. Mostly it's just that I'm disappointed that I'm probably not going to go (didn't I say something about "dropping the bomb" earlier? Hope they didn't read that...), but then again, it's like, "What the flippin heck is wrong with this youth group?" Seriously. At least one pair of parents has a problem with one event, then there's a whole conflict, and the kids (us) try to help, and then the adults are like, "Well, we want your input, but since you have an IQ sigNIFicantly less than mine, I'll modify your idea and make this more complicated." And the whole time I'M supposed to choose sides!!!!! Sometimes, I feel like my parents are TOTALLY overreacting, but this time they're right and it SUCKS cuz everyones going to be all, "You're not going? Oh..." And I'll feel bad. When nothing's my fault. If it were that easy, I'd switch churches. But I can't. And don't want to. But it would be a little bit nice. I remember something said a few years ago that was funny at the time: "It's the summer from hell, ironically at church!" Why does it suddenly apply?
So, while I take some antidepressants, on a more postive note: Yaaay I'm #1 for Party Princess. Woo. *waves noisemaker* Not like I care. And I got "Click here to find out how I survived seventh grade" from the library. "Have you webbed any feet lately?" hahahaha. Ha. haha. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Party Nerd

NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WHO'S NUMBER 2 IN LINE FOR "PARTY PRINCESS", UM THAT WOULD SO BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so obsessed, but I can't help it. Meg Cabot has a cult following; they follow her, like a cult. I got "The Challenger", aka next in Phantom Stallion series, and I looked at the cpu JUST before I checked out and it said I also had "Rising Storm" there, which I have been WAITING for for like 2.5 months. But the librarian didn't give it me, so I was like, "???whatever???" And they gave me this book that my mom had put on hold, cuz they saw the same last name, and then were like, "Wait, this isn't your book..." "No, no it isn't..." "Would you like to check it out for her?" "Sure." And I lost my library card, so they made me use my military ID. And it had this picture of me from like 4th grade and I didn't have my glasses yet I don't think, I don't remember. *looks at it* Wait, yes I do, they're just my old glasses. And I had bangs. But I was wearing a cute top. Anyway, back to library, I put a hold on "Size 12 is not fat" and "A Dangerous Path" (cuz I thought I had RISING STORM AAAAH!!), but I'm still #2 in those lists, too. I'll wait.
Apparently George Gershwin died of a brain tumor. That I did not know. I knew he died at 38, just not what he died from. As I was reading his biography, I was all, "Dude, he's buff and totally fit, he can't have died from a heart attack, HOW DID HE DIE?" His brother was cool, and slightly nerdy, so I identify with him more, cuz George Gershwin wasn't so admirable as I thought. :( But he's still a nifty composer. "RHAPSODY IN BLUE"!!!!
I spent the majority of my afternoon at the library and reading a Hilary Duff biography. Sad. And what is up with her nickname, Juicy? I'd rather live as a worm in a pile of poop then be called "Juicy" to my face. I dunno, maybe that's just me. CMM has a weird shaped face.
Another WASL day, BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! But we had a good snack today. They ACTUALLY gave us Rice Krispie Treats. Okay, so they were the cheapo slightly healthy Little Debbie kind, BUT THEY WERE SOOOOO GOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Monique was like, "Do you want mine?" and I was like, "YESSSSS!" Then during break Mrs. Moon let me take the snack boxes back to the cafeteria. And Mr. Johnson stopped me and asked if I had any food. He's cool. Almost makes me wish I'd joined track/baseball/fast pitch. But not totally.
Lunch was gross, I got 2 pieces of pizza and one had like a mushroom on it, so the flavor of the mushroom was burned into the cheese, and I'd gotten the pieces cuz they were like REALLY big and REALLY cheesy, but I don't know what was wrong, maybe the ovens were broken, they tasted GROSS!!!! It was pure cheese. Which is not a bad thing. But fake lukewarm cheese in large doses can be lethal. *shudders* Even the SAUCE was cheesy. Even the CRUST was cheesy. This wouldn't have been a bad thing if it had come from Pizza Hut, but NO! *shudders again* Then I felt really bad cuz I saw this kid who usually sits with friends but he was alone today and he looked kind of bored, and I was like, "Why don't you go sit with him?" and then I was like, "Um, no I'd rather pray for him." Which isn't a bad thing, but then again it's like, "Don't be a wimp." Cuz oooo I'll pray for him this one time and then what he'll be GONE?
After further examination of this ID, I can conclude that I am my dad's X-chromosomed CLONE. Scary, isn't it?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mr. Clean

So yesterday was an interesting, spent mostly at Amber's house, infused with episodes of "The A-Team" (MR. T!!!!) and going to the theater where I saw the very awesome "Glory Road" to watch "The Wild", which is basically a cross between "The Lion King" and "Madagascar" with all these "Star Wars" references. Pretty weird. And Emily and I were practically puking over the prescence of strawberry ice cream Skittles. They should be labeled "Bulimia pills". Seriously, if you want to throw up, EAT SOME OF THESE, THEY ARE DISGUSTING!!!!
So yeah. I wrote a song about Mr. T. It's basically the Mr. Clean song with the lyrics changed to benefit (yeah right) the dude Rocky beat in "Rocky III", because I am incapable (sp?) of writing my own melodies.
Today: Not good. But not bad. I just kind of lived through it. In science we're going to make our own root beer. :P Gross, how sick is that? To all those who actually like it: You know what process is used to MAKE root beer? Yeah, that's right. Fermentation. NASTY!!!!!
Question: If wine is made out of fermented grapes, what is beer made out of? Fermented beets? Plus golden rich flavor, football players, cheerleaders in sad excuses for uniforms ("It's just a two-piece." "Oh yeah, then why is one piece of you hanging out?"), and alchohol?
Mr. Villiers is leaving us. Forever. Yeah, that's what he told us the start of second period. "I'm going to China." I don't get it. He says it's an oppurtunity too good to pass up, and not everything's about money and he gets free food, and I don't know if he's a Christian or not, probably not, so this might be some sort of a God thing, but WHY NOW? I'm taking ONE more year of band, couldn't you quit then? Or better yet, NOT AT ALL? :( So everyone's pretty much bummed. Except Emory, who's sick. :P But Mr. Villiers said he's calling this dude my brother had as a band teacher when before he became an all important high schooler. Oh boy.
FAMINE IS IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'm doing it, that is. I hope I am. And I'm pretty sure my parents are okay with it. Unless they do that last minute "drop the bomb" thing. Which I HATE! Except I don't wanna be in on the whole "no showers" thing at the famine. Deoderant, yes. Toothbrushes, yes. Sleeping bags, yes. Extra clothes yes. Hair straighteners, shampoo, makeup, and hair brushes, NO. I'm actually okay with the whole makeup and hair straightener thing. But I need a shower. Or my hair gets all oily and NASTY and without a hair brush, I will resemble Stretch on NBA street. Eeeeee...
Gotta go, apparently my connection has failed and my post won't post. Bla.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

1 Saturday Morning

If it were a Saturday morning and you were EXTREMELY hungry, what would you eat for breakfast?
a. a piece of Pilsbury Spring Cake that you'd made last night and IS ALMOST GONE ALREADY!
b. two scoops of yellow Spring Funfetti Frosting
c. a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats (with almonds)
Actually, I ate all three. Even the frosting. Which was really good. And I HAD to eat some cake because whenever I make something, someone has like three pieces in the middle of the night and then the next morning there are like three pieces left, so I was selfish and ate some. Lots of sprinkles. But surprisingly, I didn't break a tooth. Yay!
So yep, this is a boring Saturday morning, and I have the women's tea at 1:00, but other than that, I have pretty much nothing to do. Besides clean the bathroom. And get Luke some food. We're actually making progress, he let me pet him without biting or growling first. And, dare I say it, I actually like him. :)
Nathan had this talent show thing last night and he went. Most of the judges thought he was really good (except for the ones who, like me, don't get hip hop, so I felt kinda bad cuz I probably would've given a half hearted score) and this lady asked him to perform at this Hip Hop Church. And I told Amber and she was like, "YES!!!!!" So we're probably going to get someone to drive us (illegally, if possible, like the girl in Sleepover; adds to the suspense.) there and be like, "HEY NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And he'll be like, "I don't know them." Then he'll flip his hat to the back and he'll call it a lid. You know what else he did? He stacked books from the floor to the ceiling. Said something about trying to get to heaven... Actually, I should stop there cuz Nathan isn't 11. And that's how the song goes...
Gong show practice RULES! Except Tiffany was trying to pull me into a group hug and I accidentally rammed my foot REALLY HARD into her shoe, so it was all red and swollen, and I was like, "Oh no." But it's not broken like last time, which wasn't her fault either cuz it had nothing to do with her, and basically this time it was my fault. And then Sean was all laughing during LOTR, so I started laughing and the play's supposed to be all serious and I felt sorta bad. Then Jason, as Gimli, fell backwards and kicked the pedestal (music stand) thing over, which was pretty much the awesomest thing ever. And it stunk, cuz Jeannie had brought a video camera, but we didn't get it on tape. And today I'm going to the church again....and I get PIZZA!!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Olivia's subliminal messages

*sniff* I love Olivia. Actually they're really called Olivia the Band, but whatever. So yeah, that's kind of how I felt today cuz it's WEEKEND!!! THREE DAYS IN A ROW OF NO WASL (none on Monday, either! :) School tho.)
So today wasn't so bad. It was writing WASL, but I can't say what it's about cuz the state's all paranoid and act like Harrison Ford is going to steal all their textbooks...BECAUSE HE CREATED THE SECURITY SYSTEM! Weird moment there. Science, I finished my drawing and stuff, and band was cool, but I HATE 3RD LUNCH NYAAAAAH!!!! PE was so boring, it was supposedly a "free day" (we could do basically whatever we wanted as long as we were moving), and I tried playing hockey with some guys, but Daniel was like total control freak and telling me what to do and then Sam was like, "FOUL, TOO MANY BLUES!" so I was like, "Whatever, I'll quit." So I just walked the track instead. Which was way boring. Cuz we had to run or power walk or Mrs. Hurd would catch us and get a zero. Not cool. She walks FAST!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I BEAT "DIAMOND MYSTERY OF ROSEMOND VALLEY"!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! (note: if you haven't played this game and don't want to know the ending, DON'T READ ON!!!!) Yeah, it was Bob and Carla, which wasn't very hard to believe (I'd figured out the Malcolm and Lucy thing anyway, so yeah, it was easy), and they stole the diamonds and ripped of Peter Parker or whatever his name was, the dude that married Kit Grace. Then I'd all put the diamonds in the display case, and she took them out and an alarm went off and closed all the exits. It was funny. But the end's dumb, everyone's at the diner, and Emma's talking about this pirate legend cuz she's an "ace reporter" like that.
"Party Princess" is taking forever at the library. I've been #6 for several weeks. But I moved up to #5 today. YAY!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

If I only had a brain (doo dee doo dee dododo doo)

SERIOUSLY? What is WITH people and heroines with glasses?
For example:
Harriet the Spy had glasses. But not in the movie.
Megatroid (or was is Megatron? I forgot) had glasses (at least before "A Swiftly Tilting Planet"). But not in the "A Wrinkle In Time" movie that I stayed up watching for like four hours when it came out.
This is true of several other books made into movies. SO WHY "HOOT"?
Seriously, I'm reading the book before the movie comes out, because the movie looks okay and if you read the book AFTER you see the movie, it ruins all the unique character pictures you could've come up with. Like me and LOTR. I saw the movies first. Even tho the books are like way better. But back to "Hoot".
BEATRICE TOTALLY HAS GLASSES!!!!!! And CURLY, but not STRAIGHT GIRLY SURFER, blonde hair!!!! And in the movie? Really tan, not so tall (not taller than Roy, anyways), NO GLASSES. Who is this, BRIDGET from "The Sisterhood of the Flippin Traveling PANTS"?
Okay. Now I'm done.
So yeah, I haven't really been on. The last two days haven't been worth commenting on. WASL is boring, as usual, but we got a break from it today. But tomorrow we have it again.
I FINALLY FIGURED OUT "THE DIAMOND MYSTERY OF ROSEMOND VALLEY"! I spent like half an hour looking for cheat codes on Google (and stumbled upon several computer hacking websites that my cpu labelled as "criminal content"), BUT IT FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!!! I found the poison arrow and went from chapter 4 to CHAPTER 7!!! Which is THE LAST LEVEL! But I didn't finish the game cuz I'd been playing for a while. And Emma has this thing for Malcolm? It's weird. And I convinced Tom to get a haircut. And I think Bob's a criminal. Boo, bad Bob.
I never thought I'd get so addicted to a series. Well, I should've learned my lesson last time with "Jedi Apprentice". I only read those books for a joke, but I got so addicted and they became like my favorite books ever. But this time, it's "Phantom Stallion". Yeah, they're corny, and Sam's a lame character, but it's like HORSE FIX TIME!!! Cuz these people actually ride western. It's not like Saddle Club and Pony Pals (gag, not like I read those anymore) where everyone's all, "Shall we have some tea?" "After I polish my quirt. Cheerio, cheerio!" Don't get me wrong, I like English (which is what I'm going to be doing for 2 solid days at Miracle Ranch in May: ride English. Lucky me. :) Seriously.), but I learned on Western and I like it a little more. YAAAAY FOR THE PHANTOM STALLION!!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Flavor: 17

I just watched the end of "Celebrity Cooking Showdown" that Mom taped for me last night after she made me go to bed. Here I was, all rooting for Tony, AND HE UP AND LOSES!!!! At least Allison lost. That made me happy. She was annoying. Cindy was okay, but when Alan Thicke was commenting on her chicken breasts, I was like, "Are you sure those are the breasts you're looking at?" I thought the affagado (sp?) sundae looked pretty darn good, except for the espresso. That's just nasty. Weird: I don't like coffee, but French Silk is like my favorite flavor of ice cream. This is definitely going to be my new favorite show. And it's on TONIGHT!! YEAAAAH! Who needs American Idol when you've got CELEBRITY COOKING SHOWDOWN!?!?!?!?
My grandma sent me an e-mail of optical illusions. I figured ONE out, cuz it was really easy (it was impossible not to see OPTICAL spelled straight across the horizon), but couldn't figure out the other ones. (who know inside the word me, you could spell you?)
Since both my parents were too busy to cook, Mom bought us pizza. It was Pizza Hut, too, so I was like, "YESSSSS!!!" But she wouldn't buy the cheesy bites kind. I'm sorry, I think it looks good. Except for the commercials. That curly haired dude looks like he could be the older brother of someone I know. I bet his name is Ronald. *GASP* HE'S THE SON OF RONALD MCDONALD!!!!!!!!
I am plotting the assassination of my brother, who's now like president of his senior class or something. So I was trying to get him to choke on water/craisins all through dinner, but he wouldn't, which ruined the part of my plan about self inflicted injury. (If he chokes, it's technically not my fault, right?)
I had donuts today. They were squished. And melty. But still kinda cold. Which reminds me of the GROSS discussion we had in science, about McDonalds and their preservatives. (how many times have they gotten sued? Remind me never to watch "Supersize me". My bad, I'll probably have to watch it freshman year. *shudder*) Okay, so I was wrong, they don't give cows hormones to genetically alter their babies into long lasting milk producing FIENDS!!!!! But I could be right. If I'm not, what's with the cow on the Kraft cheese snack packages? Is it some kinda secret code??? "What are you doing?" "Spying on Agent W!"

Sore leg muscles leed to instantaneous DEATH

One of the bridge verse things from B5's "Get'cha head in the game" pretty much describes my thought pattern for this last week, despite my efforts to stop. Except I had to switch all the "she"'s to "he"'s. Cuz I'm a girl. And pretty straight. Pretty darn straight.
Here I am, legs sore beyond belief, munching on a chocolate marshmallow egg. I'd rather've had some of my grandma's pound cake, but there was only a little left, and I didn't want to eat any of my bunny cuz whenever I get an Easter bunny that's Palmer's, I always give it a personality, then feel bad when I bite off his head. Cuz I have an active imagination like that. Hello. So I settled for chocolate egg.
Today was MESSED UP cuz of the WASL. I had to go right to Mrs. Moon's room, where I spend 2 hours of my day anyway, and had to sit behind PAUL!!! But that was okay, cuz we made fun of the so called snacks they gave us. Seriously, FROZEN ORANGE JUICE? In APPLESAUCE CONTAINERS? Weirded out. o_O So we were all, "It looks like a smoothie." "But it's not smooth. Aw man, sucked all the juice out." "That's what you do with popsicles." "Shouldn't we call it an ie?" And random stuff like that. And at the break, Toni and I ate Cheetos.
The rest of the day was WEIRD! I usually have 1st lunch, but lunch today went by your 1st period teacher, so I had 3rd, but I wasn't hungry, and I'm not now either, which is weird for me, I just want JUNK FOOD!!!!!! Then in band, Emory learned a new word ("queer"; it's like, "Hello, as if that hasn't been around for so long already...") and was using it on us, but we either rolled our eyes and ignored him or congratulated him on expanding his vocabulary. To which he replied with another barrage of insults. Whatever.
PE: NOT COOL!! They made us do a cross country AND get 4000 steps!!!!! I did better this time (10:52 as opposed to my 11:14 last time) and got 4282 steps, after walking with a bounce so my stupid digiwalker would work. It's weird: whenever we do digiwalkers, I always manage to end up with a blue one. Not on purpose either. What's wrong with me?
"Snail Mail No More" should so have a sequel, cuz it's one of my favorite books and it's NECESSARY!!!!! I know it's already kind of a sequel, but still, I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOWIE!!! AND WHETHER HE AND ELIZABETH ENDED UP TOGETHER OR BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!! CUZ IT'S HAUNTING ME!!! EVEN THO I HATE ELIZABETH!!!! And if Little Bo will contract a horrendous disease and destroy the entire population. *shrugs* It would be nice.
Does he think about me, does he feel the same way,
should I go for the three, something something blaaaaa...
Think I'm going insane.
Can't get him outta my brain!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter aftermath

Surprisingly, my digestive tract is still intact. Hey, I'm a poet, and I don't even know it. *gag* How lame is that?
Pros of WASL week (even tho I've never taken it; having gone to a private school for the last 3 years, I just did "Achievement testing"):
-parents give you junk food for breakfast (OTIS SPUNKERMEYERS!!!)
-chips are permitted for snack time (need my itos: Cheetos, Doritos, Fritos. Cooler ranch = nasty)
-a lotta free time if you finish early
But that's pretty much it. I'm not that excited. It's not like they're giving us a half day LIKE THEY SHOULD!!!!! BLAAAAAAAH SCHOOL BOARD IS EVIL!!!!!!
So I'm pretty much just posting for the sake of posting. I had a lot of stuff to say earlier, but I was a. making sure the holes in my ears hadn't closed up completely, and cleaning them after they swelled from my constant prodding, b. reading my Bible (make time for the Lord, thank you, not have him make an appointment) c. eating (I, dare I say it, am having a "growth spurt", as some of you might call it, and now eat approximately 4 meals a day. It's slowing down, tho, so it might be over soon), so I can't remember any of it now.
"The Chase" isn't as good as "Lion Boy" yet. Slightly boring. Besides, all this Zizou Corder is going to my brain. GET THE ALLERGENIES!!!! NYAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!
William's "Dynasty Warriors" is REALLY ANNOYING right now. "We're falling behind! NOOO! *deep grunt and sigh of pain*" But it's way overdramatic. Which I totally crave. For cartoon characters, they sure no how to get their.....lost it.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Lol that was totally on someone's Myspace. I don't have one, so don't think I do. But seriously, what is with peope's obsessions with Myspace? You just blog, put scary photos of yourself on it, get random people to be your friends and then shun them by putting a selected few in your top 8, and seeing cults of people online obsessed with pretending to be celebrities (so far the cult includes a few Jessica fans, several Paris followers, and a Britney double. that I've seen, anyway. As of like, yesterday)
So, yesterday. No youth band practice, like my dad and I thought, so rather than wait there while the adults practice for a seemingly endless two hours, Mrs. Rarig dropped me off at Jocelyn's and Jeannie straightened my hair. After which everyone at youth group (minus the guys, who could care less) was like, "OMG IT'S ADORABLE!!!!" I thought I looked slightly punk goth. But it wasn't that bad. But I washed my hair this morning (like always, why stop now?) and it's back to curlyish whatever.
Soooooo Easter today....I actually don't want to go on in detail, so read on:
Morning: skipped church breakfast for the first time in like ever in favor of bear claws and oatmeal. Oh yeah, and chocolate. SCORE: got a Big Ears. Mrs. Moon might not like Palmer bunnies, but I do. :) Half his ears are gone already. I'm just past where the left ear (his left, my right; Big Ears', I mean) flops over. So yeah. I consumed a lot of chocolate.
Church: Wore my green striped Montanaan shirt (no offense, Montanaans, I like the shirt) and rocked out to "Your Grace is Enough" on drums. Got freaked out, tho, when I started to play and THERE WAS NO SOUND!!!!! But then they gave my drums sound and I was like, "Phew." Couldn't sing Easter hymns (which, believe it or not, I actually enjoy) with the choir or listen to what my parents said was a really good sermon because I was in NURSERY!!!! It was SO pointless, cuz all the moms of the babies WOULDN'T LEAVE, so they didn't even need me, but I had to miss Easter Sunday anyways? I did get to play with Payton, tho, cuz his mom did leave and came back several times to walk him around and stuff, but he was funny, even tho he almost killed Olivia by sitting on her (accidentally).
Grandma's: Ate Easter lunch (for me, ham, a lot of rolls, chicken, and turkey. And the majority of the Easter candy she gave me. Was kind of weirded out that people have forgotten how much I like horses. Sure, I like ducks, but I've been liking horses FOR A LOT LONGER and I like them a HECK of a lot more than ducks. But I doubt there were chocolate Easter ponies. Oh well. It tasted good. Braeden got a white chocolate/milk chocolate swirl cat. Looked good. But she's too smart to trade. And she's only 5!!!!! Greg has a Johnny Storm (aka HUMAN TORCH) haircut. But it looks good. And little cousins (Brooke and Lachy) are funny, even when throwing tantrums. And they can kind of say words now. Lachlan has moved on from "Baniiiiis" to "NANAS!!!", which he screams at my grandpa and his parents while they're eating banana cream pie. The rest of the day, I just ate a lot of pound cake and tried to read "Princess in Pink" and "Dark Sunshine" while waiting for Grandma's computer to finish installing Printshop so I could blog/look at my library account, but that never happened, so I just played solitaire and attempted minesweeper (her custom setting didn't work. Nyaaaah). Then we left with pound cake, pie/cake stuff, and a few movies we could borrow ("RED BOOTS FOR CHRISTMAS"! MY FAVE!!!! It's like this Lutheran cartoon, and it's hilarious without trying to be funny. Or maybe I just have a sick sense of humor. Whatever). So yeah.
Okay, I know I love to write, but I already have a blog, and that's basically an online journal (omg, journal is THE dumbest word on the history of the planet. Besides DIARY!! I remember when I was like 9 and my stepcousin ((I think that's how we're related, anyways)) Corey was like, "YOU'RE WRITING IN YOUR DIARY!" and I got really mad cuz diaries are for losers. And when I saw a Zorro cartoon and he talked about his diary, I made fun of him till the end of time. That Zorro cartoon was NOT very realistic. Robots were involved and I was like, "WHEN does this take place???? Uh, BEFORE ROBOTS!!!"), and they're pretty, but what use are REAL journals to me? I've TRIED keeping a blog and keeping a NOTEBOOK (I REFUSE to give into your stupid journalish terms!!) and it's not easy. It's one or the other. And I can't just be like, "Oh this one will have my early writing attempts in it," cuz it says JOURNAL ON THE FRONT! That means DAILY RECORD!!!! How bout no? And if I try to write fantasy novels on here, y'all will be like, "Aaaaaaah, she's CRAZY!!!"
Omg, I just reread that. And I take myself way too seriously. Like that girl I once read about who was like, "Oh, I'm so POSITIVELY brilliant, I wish EVERYONE were as smart as ME!" Like I'm really gonna be a novelist when I grow up. Because in like EVERY student textbook on the PLANET (okay, no, that's just college ed texties), they're all, "YOU CANNOT BE JUST A WRITER, YOU NEED ANOTHER JOB TO SUPPORT YOURSELF." And I'm all, "Hello, that's why you get MARRIED to someone who HAS a job!" But in College Ed, they're all, "YOU ARE NEVER GETTING MARRIED, NO ONE IN YOUR PARENT'S GENERATION WENT TO COLLEGE, GET A JOB AT MCDONALD'S CUZ IT IS REWARDING." Which isn't true. Although, I do spend a lot of time saying how I'm never getting married lately. I'm not going like feminist or anything. I just don't really want to. I mean, basic American couple scenario: Man has job. Woman cleans house and BALANCES CHECKBOOK! I don't know HOW to balance a checkbook!!! And when I hear my parents talk about our monthly budget, it takes like 2 HOURS to plan that stuff out!!!! And it's all because of US KIDS!! I'd rather be a loner writer working at a bookstore, thank you. Or a missionary. Or a vet. Darn, I had another job interest in the "Human Resource/Helper/whatever" field, but I forgot. I dreamt about it last night, too. Grrr...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Computer classes

I forgot how much I hate registration. You have to pick your stupid classes and figure out what 1 SEMESTER means, and listen to all the people not so good at math complain, "I REALLY wanna take annual. How do I take annual?" in that really whiny voice of theirs. But for me, it REALLY stunk cuz I couldn't take the classes I've been wanting to take SINCE 6TH GRADE!!!!!! I had to choose between them thanks to the School Board who's like, "Oh, we need more in depth science!!!!" HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what's even worse, is when I had to choose alternatives for my semester long elective, in case the school realized who I was and decided NOT to give me drama for one semester, my parents kept pressuring me to take COMPUTER CLASSES!!!!! That's kind of funny. I mean, I freak out when the least little thing happens to my own cpu. I can't figure out how to put links on my stupid blog. I once did a neopets pet page...after reading over my friend's pages and figuring out how to do stuff and flipping continually back to the manual. But my parents were like, "But I thought you liked HTML?" I do. Just NOT AS A CLASS! I'm not Maddie Finn. My career is mostly likely going to be in the Art and Entertainment (that's what it's called in the high school catalogue, I think) or Human Resources (it's this or human helper or humanity helper or something) catagory. NOT COMPUTERS! That's Nathan. And maybe William. But not me. Especially someone who wants to be a WRITER on something other than composition notebooks, Word, and this blog.
Today: My parents (not mad at them like I made it sound) are mad because I have worship team practice at 4 (PM, no duh) for Easter TOMORROW (I felt kind of bad not going to the Good Friday service. I didn't want to go cuz I usually cry, but then I felt guilty that I hadn't recognized a special part of Easter.) and then at 6 (when worship team is probably gonna be over), I have to go to gong show practice. No dinner breaks. I mean, I know Chase eats before 4, BUT THE REST OF US DON'T!!! So I'm probably gonna get a burger and fries or something. Hopefully a double cheeseburger. Unlike the MALL McDonald's. Grrrrrrr, evil...
AAAAAH I have to practice my LINES!!!!! Cuz I've only spent time memorizing them ONCE THIS WEEK!!!! And I might have FORGOTTEN THEM already!!!!!!!! Can't have that. Actually, I've got Legolas pretty much down pat, but Sayid needs some work, and he has less lines than Mad Max!!!! (I didn't choose my parts, believe me. Well, I sorta picked Legolas. But I thought Sarai meant would I like to play him for that particular practice, cuz no one was playing him, and I'd wanted to play Pippin ((I have the hobbit cape AND he's like the best character)), but I ended up with Legolas. I can still wear the cape, tho. And borrow William's bow. Weeeee...)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Q: a letter I've never started a title with

Just a random thought. AAAAAAAAAAAAH NOT a good day. It went really sloooooooooooooow and the teachers were all freaking out about WASL and I didn't have time to read "Lion Boy" (really good book).
Science: We had a lab today about mebranes being selectively permeable and stuff, bla bla bla, and, omg, ALL THE BLONDE GIRLS IN MY CLASS WOULD NOT LEAVE MY STATION ALONE!!!!!!! Partly because Mr. Griffith was handing out supplies there, so everyone was getting them, but then they were like, "Mr Griffith, I'm done, whaddo I do?" And they said it really WHINILY AND I WAS LIKE, "Kill me now, someone." Then they were supposed to put glucose and starch in some beakers, and, get this, they put ALL the beakers over where I'm TRYING to work and measure water and stuff, AND WOULD NOT GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! So I had to work at a totally different station WITHOUT supplies, and they totally made a mess and EVERYTHING!!! Maybe that's just a pet peeve of mine, but it was REALLY ANNOYING, and if murder were a. not against the law and b. not against the Bible, there would not be blondie alive in that class today. Note: I'm not one of those people who's convinced all blondes are evil/dumb, but if I were, these girls DEFINITELY apply to that rule. It's just a coincidence, tho, the rest I know are nice/normal.
Algebra: Blaaaaa Mr. Jansen is gone for two weeks cuz he has surgery I think? Anyways, we had a sub, and he was nice and all, but he had NO control over the class, and then he was answering these problems TOTALLY WRONG and I pointed that out, but he didn't listen, so I was like, "Whatever, let them fail." (I was in sort of a bad mood then. Not so much now, but it still makes me mad) And then the sub was all acting like Shane was the ONLY smart person in class. Not to brag, but I know what standard form is, unlike the jerk sitting IN FRONT OF ME!!! (not Shane, someone else. Shane doesn't even sit near me. Wait. Yes he does. Not that near, tho.)
And all the rest of school was ALL ABOUT WASL and it was really boring and Mrs. Moon's 1/2 block were asking a lot of questions, so class almost went over and the bell rang and school was over, but we were still talking!!!!!
I'm wearing compression shorts under my jeans. They're actually quite comfortable. And I didn't want to take them off, so I was like, "Sure, I'll wear them until...tonight?" PE: NO DIGIWALKERS, YAAAAAY!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mystery of the month

Sooo......what really IS that substance in Baby Ruth candy bars? It tastes unmistakeably like PEANUT BUTTER, but others have said it is carmel mixed with nougat, but even without the peanuts, it maintains its nutty flavor. I'm going to write.......whoever makes these things and demand an explanation and ten pounds of lime Skittles. "Now these, obviously, are the chloroplasts..." That would be cool. SKITTLE CELL!!!!!!!!
If the stupid library has two of my holds, why did I only get one e-mail? And I can't get them anytime soon. >:O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! Bye el losero!!!!!! Lol, that's what I said to my brother. He's going to party with other engineers in Tacoma (party city). So now I have to "babysit" William. Dude, he's 10!!!!! If I'm not getting paid, I'm not BABYSITTING HIM!!! We are staying here TOGETHER ALONE!!!!
So yeah, that's it. OMG OMG OMG I FORGOT!!
American Idol last night: BUCKY GOES DOWN!!!!!!!!! Which I was kinda sad about, but he wasn't THAT good, probably the worst out of everyone. And when Elliott got in Bottom 3, I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SLIM SHADY!!!" Don't ask... But then they showed videos from the contestants' families and I felt bad about making fun of Kellie cuz she's pretty cute/nice/bubbly, she just isn't that good of a singer. Well, country, she kicks butt. But yeah.
I need to check out "My Praise". Cuz Jeannie and Jocelyn were like, "IT'S AWESOME!!" But they make the word "class" like "cl***". Okaaaaaaaay...

"Stalk you."

"Call me." "Stalk you." Lol that's the line in this movie I really wanna see. It's basically just like like "Bring it on" (which I also need to see), except about gymnastics and not cheerleading.
Movies that have come out that look promising:
"Take the Lead", "The Benchwarmers" (Nathan was all, "I wanna see 'The Replacements,' so he does it, too.), I had more but I can't think of them now.............................................
The freshman have babies. Flour babies. And they're carrying them around EVERYWHERE in pretty patterned baby blankets. Some of them are pretty artistic, and others.....resemble Frida Kahlo. The artist, not the art. It's kind of funny. The guys just shove them under their arms and walk around wishing they were dead, while the girls seriously act like they're babies and take FIVE MINUTES to swaddle their bags of flour. Swaddling babies is hard (I tried it on Lachlan when he was a baby ((now he's 1)) and he kept bursting out of my stupid swaddle), but five minutes is ridiculous. The thing doesn't BURST or CRY, how hard can it be? Maybe it's because they're square. As stupid as it sounds, I really want my own flour baby. I've got a bunch of names saved up over the years (all two of them) and I heard there's a journal assignment involved? Sweet.
Today: short. That's all I have to say. Sudoku today STUNK, it was level 4 and I KEEP MESSING UP!!!!! So I'll let someone else solve it and wait for tomorrow to arrive. Band, we're playing this Sesame Street Showcase, which is awesome, cuz Sesame Street was like my favorite show for a long time. Then came "American Idol", but anyway. Social studies was slightly lame, cuz we're making posters on China, and we couldn't look up facts on our own, we had to listen to pages upon pages of random facts about food, transportation, and wildlife (my favorite). But when Mrs. Moon was reading about food, she had to pause at the part about Beijing's famous FRIED DUCK and Paul screams, "YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!" at the top of his lungs. Aaaah annoying. So, I was like, "Whatever, they eat chipmunks in the Pokonoes." And then later, Mrs. Moon was like, "In Northern China, roast chipmunk is among other delicacies," and Paul blanched. Hahaha loser. I guess. Not really. He's okay when he's not talking about chipmunks, but it's like, GET OVER IT IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO THE WAR IS OVER AND I'M TIRED OF YOUR FILTHY RODENTS! But I wouldn't say that outloud. Cuz Paul's cool. And he has drumsticks to hit you with. Ouch.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Peppermint Orbit

That's what I'm chewing right now. :) No seriously, this stuff is GOOD and I haven't had any for quite a long time. Cuz the stupid grocery stores and comissaries are all, "Um, no, only spearmint and winter mint! *turns around and pops Peppermint Orbit into mouth*"
So today was an interesting day. In science, Mr. Griffith made us do this lab where we'd put Benedict solution and grass in water and blow carbon dioxide (what we exhale) through a straw into the beaker/tube/shot/thing and the solution would turn yellow. Not so. The majority of us blew our brains out, stained our clothes/homework/skin, but nothing happened to the dumb solution. So Mr. Griffith had to get another bottle that finally worked. And tomorrow it's supposed to be blue again. Oooh how scientific!
Man, this gum is good. Um, anyways, algebra. Mr. Jansen: "The possibilities are infinitely many." Me: "...that's like an oxymoron." Dillon and Curtis: "What?" Me: *tries to explain* Dillon: "How would you know that?" Mario: "Cuz she's smarter than you!!!" Aaaaaaaah I love school.
Except for LAR/SS. Not fun. We have to read this book required of all sevvies, "So Far From the Bamboo Grove". It's supposed to be like the BEST BOOK EVER, but I think it's both boring and weird. And, if it's the author's autobiography, WHY DID SHE FICTIONALIZE IT???????
WOOOO AMERICAN IDOL LAST NIGHT!!!!! Aaah that sounded stalkerish. Yeah, I haven't really been interested the past few weeks, but I watched this week. It made me when Mandisa got out last time. >:( She was better than a. Bucky (sorry, man) b. Kellie (YOU MUST DIE!) c. Ace. I thought Chris was good, but WHAT'S UP WITH THE EYELINER? That's a Constantine thing. I know he's a rocker (my dad's word, not mine) and all, BUT IT'S WEIRD!!! Huh...Constantine sang a Queen song...AND WORE EYELINER!!!!!! Ewwwww... I thought Paris was good, too. And Taylor. Simon was on crack or something last night. He likes Kellie (GAAAAAAAAH! Okay, she's Carrie Underwood's evil twin, but Carrie could sing stuff OTHER THAN COUNTRY and SOUND GOOD, but Kellie CAN'T! Last night, she wasn't AMAZING, and Simon was all, "I liked it." Paris comes on and kicks butt. "I thought it was weird." I think Paula slipped some mercury into his Coke.) but no one else. Eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahh. EEEEEE-GWAAAA-NUUUUH!!!! I like Elliott. His name is spelled a little weird, tho.
Things I don't think I've mentioned: NO SUMMER SCHOOL!!!!!!! I decided to take French next year, cuz I can still take 4 years of it at Oly and stuff. And Advanced Band rox. Registration is tonight, anyways. And then I'm gonna take drama for the semester elective. Rock on. But I had to choose alternates and there was NOTHING GOOD!!!! There was journalism and...kaput. So I just put food sciences, even tho they make you decorate omelets with ketchup and do worksheets where you contemplate the meaning of BREAD KNIFE!!! Thing number 2: FLORIDA WON!!!!!!! THEY KILLED UCLA!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

To do: Further examine museum

HA! No longer stuck in Rosemond Valley game! I went to the museum, talked to Malcolm, Bob, and Annie, and witnessed a break in. Now I'm really far (oooh chapter 3 how impressive) but am stuck at the museum. I'm supposed to examine it "further" but there's NOTHING THERE! And I doubt there are cheat codes for lame little known computer games. I could Google it, tho. But that game is so addicting I don't blog till later now.
Avalon High was good but a little disappointing. It really stressed the whole reincarnation thing. I'm so glad I'm not Hindu. I wouldn't be able to give up meat.
Boy oh boy, I had my first cross country run today. -_- Weeee fun. Not. Actually, it wasn't that bad. Then again, I walked half the time and ended up getting 11:14. Not so bad, an average time, and only 2 minutes under an A for girls (guys have to get under 7 minutes for an A. hahaha. I don't know what they're so mad about. It used to be 6.). But, then again, I had all my friends, guys and girls, asking, "WHAT'D YOU GET? I got 6:59!!!" Rub it in.
Aaaaaaaaaah pizza at lunch was REALLY GROSS! The lunchladies must've known I was coming and hurriedly hid all the pepperoni and cheese under the counter. Which leaves Hawaiian (ew) and special (double ew). So I had to get a piece with a few peppers and a mushroom on it. Picking them all off didn't help. I CAN'T HELP IT IF I'M PICKY! It's genetic...I think. So are free earlobes...but mine are attached, even tho free earlobes are the dominant gene. I love genetics. But it's like, come on people, get with the program. YES, my hair is naturally curly, IT'S CALLED GENETICS!!! Other peeps: I dunno, looks like a curling iron to me!
Yeah, that's basically it. Life is boring right now. And I'm reading a book called "Spy High". Main character: uses hot girls and TOTALLY FULL OF HIMSELF LIKE ACE!!!!!!! More later (yeah right).

Monday, April 10, 2006

Back to school

I hate school. Actually, today wasn't so bad, but I was bored out of my wits. It seemed to go really fast, tho. Which was weird. But cool. Now Paul is obsessing about ducks. He says he's still "loyal to the chipmunks" (hello, war is over, ding dong, anyone home?), but now it's impossible to get a serious answer out of him. Me: *attempt to hurt him after he insults me* Paul: YOU'RE A VIOLENT DUCK!!! Mrs. Moon: Paul, what do you predict is going to happen in "Jason's Gold"? Paul: He's gonna find a colony of ducks and kill them. AAAAAH it's annoying. But not as annoying as what happened to me this morning.
So okay, you know how you're walking/riding/being driven to school and you're tired and are kind of moving automatically? Annoyed? Tired? Wishing school was a place where you sat in big warm beds and drank hot chocolate 24/7? Does your mood improve any when a really ANNOYING/REPETITIVE song get's STUCK IN YOUR HEAD??? Oh, yeah, it gets better. I like the song "Stick to the Status Quo", but not at 7 AM. And especially not when the SAME PART keeps repeating itself OVER AND OVER IN YOUR HEAD!!!!
This is not what I want, this is not what I planned, and I've just got to sa-ay I do NOT understa-and! Something is really (something's not right!) really wrooong! And we've gotta get things back where they belooong! WE CAN DO IT!! (Gotta play, bla bla bla bla bla) WE CAN DO IT!! (Hip Hop HOORAY, bla bla bla bla bla) WE CAN DO IT!!! (Creme brulee, keep your voice down low) Not another sound, not another word, something like that... EVERYBODY QUIET!!
This is when it repeats. Again and again. Enough to cause suicidal thoughts to pop up into your head.
For once Meg Cabot has written a book BESIDES Princess Diaries that I like (All American Girl was okay, but the second one was disappointing). "AVALON HIGH" RULES!!!!!
Blaaaaaah, new cpu game DOES NOT! I'm totally stuck after getting a hair cut from Debbie, AAAAH it looks REALLY bad, but no one's at the office that will talk to me AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! I tried starting over, but my cpu killed the game and I didn't get to save. :(
I have science homework. And registration. And talk to my parents about missions/Late Night. And reading homework. And practicing (grrrr...). In short, I gotta go.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Winnie the Horse Gentler

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the stupid library supposedly has NO books in the "Winnie the Horse Gentler" series by Dandi Daley Mackall. They have her OTHER books, but not THIS series. It's not THAT recent. 2002 at latest. AAAAAAAH IT BOTHERS ME!!! They might have some old copies at Joy and Peace. Or something. I hope. I haven't exactly been following the series, so I reread #1 today and need ALL the others. I know some of my friends have some. Maybe I could borrow them......
Blaaaaaaaaaaah had to change the rabbit in new clothes. And I had to wear old sweatshirt over them so they wouldn't be "soiled". It made me look like a dairy maid/boat.
So we went to lunch with my grandparents today at Red Robin. There was an egg on my burger. I didn't think it was so funny. And I made everyone mad by drooling over the VERY realistic pictures of milkshakes. It's not MY fault! The waitress was all, "Did y'all save room for dessert?" YESSSSS! But Mom and Dad produce the funds on which I live. :(
"THE DIAMOND MYSTERY IN ROSEMOND VALLEY" ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! It's either the sequel or prequel to "Legacy" (I think prequel: Annie works in a diner and it's like, "HeLLO, you totally have your own ranch/stable/whatever.") and it's about Emma, Annie's sister, and you have to do mysterious stuff as an undercover reporter. At first I couldn't figure out how to dust, tho, and got really mad. Then I discovered the items button, which is "I". So then I featherdusted porcelain cats and listened to a turban wearing senior talk about their daughter's husband slurping sherry. And people at the museum were stalking me. Minus the Japanese tourist, who, in my opinion, the gamemakerdudes were kind of stereotypical about. "Um, do you know where there's an empty display case?" "The cookies will be served at 9." Lol, that's not what he said, that's actually a line from "The Lizzie McGuire movie", but you get the idea.
I'd like to go to New York. Hahaha like that's ever gonna happen. But I wanna go on a missions trip this summer and since I can't go on the youth group one, I wanted to go to NY (thanks to the awesome missions catalogue) and throw block parties and stuff, but it was 1.6 k. And I don't have a job. And won't for a long time. :( My life long aspiration is to be Dave in throwing block parties. But not getting them made into R-rated movies that 13-year-old duck obsessives want to see but aren't allowed to.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

$1.08: exactly enough for a McDonald's burger

In my state anyway. :( I can't believe it's almost the end of Spring Break. Not cool. I WANT TO SLEEP IN!!! Okay, I've been TRYING to get up earlier each day, but it hasn't worked so far. I end up sleeping in an hour. :( Except for yesterday. I woke up at my first alarm and was wide awake. Scary... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I GOT "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL"!!!!! The soundtrack, anyways. BUT IT'S AWESOME!!!!!! Sad: "Bop to the Top" is actually one of my favorite songs. Except for the weird dialogue in a foreign language (okay, duh, I KNOW it's Spanish, but it's SO WEIRD!!!). If we ever did "High School Musical" at school/church/other, I'd make a much better Sharpay than Ashley Tisdale. Who does she think she's kidding? Except for the weird Spanish dialogue. THAT was disturbing. And weird. And what was up with her OUTFIT? But I like all her songs way better than DUMB GABRIELLA'S and they're all in my range, which is like 1.4 octaves. Ooooh, impressive! Not. -_-
Soooooooo I was totally at the Oasis Cafe (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called) today helping them with their library. Warning: sorting biographies is harder than it looks. But fun. But I didn't eat lunch and was there for like 3 hours and got so hungry staring at the barista action figures (they actually had one. It was scary, tho. And I don't like coffee.) and luscious fudge caramel chunk gooey thing brownies or whatever. But then my mom picked me up...and drove me to the MALL so she and Nathan could find clothes for Easter. But whatever, I got a burger. It wasn't a double cheeseburger cuz MALL MCDONALDS' STINK AND DON'T HAVE DOLLAR MENUS!!!!!!!!!!! but it was delicious. As always. I don't see what Micheal Moore doesn't like about them. Or vegetarians.
OMG I was just in Waldenbooks and I didn't look for the new Maddie Finn, which SUPPOSEDLY came out in like February, but I can't find it. And there's another new one, but the description was all talking about turtles bringing Maddie true love and I was like, "NOOOOO WHAT ABOUT HART?" I am truly obsessed. Oh yeah, I saw all these new books at Waldenbooks, but then went on the library site to put them on hold (I'm broke and they're all like $17 each), AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe cuz they're new. Whatever. But I REALLY wanna read "Bad Kitty". Not the picture book. Yeah.
I found out I was wearing the cat hat wrong, so that's why it looked like a cat hat, but I switched it around and I STILL think I'm wearing it wrong. Whatever. I'll live.

Friday, April 07, 2006

"You don't have to look good; you just have to wear this shirt!"

Lol, that's what I said to my brother at Coldstone today. Yet another person was all, "Dude, I love that shirt. Rock on. Bed peace," because of my apparently super awesome "Nerds Rule" shirt. Well, they didn't say the last part. Anyway. But seriously, all these people cry happy tears of joy at this black tee that speaks true the words of...I lost myself. And they all come up and admit that they, too, are a nerd or find them attractive... So slightly awkward there.
Okay, I know I'm obsessed, but WHO'S GETTING THE "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL" SOUNDTRACK? MEEEEEEE!!!! YAAAAAAAAY! I was listening to it today at Barnes and Noble and they didn't change my favorite song like EVIL B5 DID! DROP DEAD! GRRR! Cuz they were all wimpy and decided not to add the whole team screaming thing. Never mind.
Wow, I had no clue the new Princess Diaries book was out already. YAAAAAAY! I put a hold on it at the library since it was like 17 bucks and I only had a small fraction of that. (fine, $10.) But I'm the 14th person in line!! GAAAAAAAH! People at my library are so dead SLOW! I've had a hold on "Rising Storm" and "Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Freethrows" for like 2-3 weeks and I'm still 2ND IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annoying... Speaking of libraries, Seattle's new library ROX! I couldn't find any books in the teen section, tho. :( They were all like, "4 mil ways to lose your virginity" or weird fantasy novels that disappoint me greatly (excuse me? no mythical creatures? Just scary fairies that drink blood and ((literally)) wrap themselves in darkness.) But I found a paperback of "Princess in Love" (which I've only read like 20 times) and read that for an hour and a half. But it was all good.
"Insaniquarium" rocks the gaming world. So does "Super Granny" (save the cats! Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!) and "Barnyard Invasion" (abduct cows? Sweet.). I want them all, but they're like 20 bucks each, which is pretty cheap, but I'm broke except for my ten which I'm SPENDING soon and we have to order, which means another 8.50 or whatever. I could so become a banker. I think. As long as I didn't drool on the 100 dollar bills. :(

Sleepless in Seattle

So, yeah, that's where I'm going today, even tho I have to leave in like 9 minutes after brushing my teeth and putting on Cons and stuff. Aaaah William got a new game ("Dynasty Warriors") and it's really shrill and my ears hurt.
Lame. My mom picked up "TTYL" from the library cuz I'd put it on hold. Gaaah total dud. The book totally portrays this Christian teacher as a predator and it's like, "Thanks a lot!" Then again, the author was totally pro-stuff I wouldn't be proing. *glares* I think that's why everyone likes "The Da Vinci Code" so much. They're all, "YESSSSSSS WE CAN FINALLY DISPROVE CHRISTIANITY!" Cuz that's what the movie's basically about. "No, it's about a code in the Mona Lisa!" "Hahaha, so you think! *looks at movie blurb* AHA! SEE FOR YOUR SELF!" "*reads* A movie where Bla bla Whats-his-face and sexy French partner discover origins of Christianity. Oh..." "Oh, guess what: I actually didn't come up with the term 'Christian'. That would be you guys." Which is true. Grrrrrr, ticks me off. >:( Though my saying this only makes people madder, and I know I'm not helping and I'm kinda getting in your face like I say people do to me, but it's sometimes like, "Give me a break."
"TAKE THE LEAD" CAME OUT TODAY!!! YAAAAAAAY I WANNA SEE IT! But A&E said it was lame. Then again, they said "Sky High" was dumb and "Brokeback Mountains" was the best movie they'd ever seen. So I do have a chance... I also wanna see "The Benchworkers". Lol, "Benchwarmers", whatever, but A&E said it was probably dumb since there wasn't a screening prior to opening day. Hey, I actually look forward to this on Fridays.
So I gotta go. My toes are cold.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"I saved ya, little buddy!"

Note: If you're at the theater, craving Skittles, or are about to buy Skittles because it's a movie theater tradition that you have with...yourself, and the giant bag ripping $3.50 out of your pocket says, "Limited Edition Strawberry Ice Cream Flavor Inside", DON'T BUY IT!!! Stick with Poppables or something! I swear, strawberry ice cream Skittles are the NASTIEST things I've ever had. Don't get me wrong, I like the regular strawberry kind, but these were DISGUSTING! They were all creamy (like those disgusting smoothie ones) and I could seriously feel it MELTING DOWN MY THROAT!! So I spent the better part of "Ice Age 2: The Meltdown" digging through my reclosable bag of Skittles, trying to identify good from bad, and throwing the gross ones back in the bag. I happened to mistake strawberry ice cream for orange and lemon several times. Not pretty. Then I dropped like an 8th of the bag. :P But in the end, there were no more good Skittles to be found, and Emily had said she wanted the strawberry ones, so I willingly gave them to her. They resembled kidney beans...they were a sickly pinky color...
The movie itself wasn't so bad (note: if you haven't seen this and don't want the ending spoiled, DON'T READ ON!!!), even tho the basic point of the whole movie was, "Don't leave your herd! They need you!" and stressed heavily on animal diversity. Kind of like Tobymac. Except he stresses on HUMAN diversity. But there was much violence, thanks to scary alligator/whale/giant turtle four legged octopus creatures that traveled underwater and ate turtle like things. And then there were the puns involving language: "Dam (haha, the dam is bursting, get it! Although I doubt he meant it in that sense. Even tho he was a beaver...with a horn on his head.)!" "'Burro' is just a nickname. It's techincally called a wild ass." Stuff like that. Queen Latifah actually made a pretty good mammoth. But I saw most of the espursions on her butt coming. "Well, you're...attractive." "What about me is attractive?" "Well...your...butt!" And then Sid is ALMOST adopted into a tribe of mini Sloths, but then Diego is all, "Sorry, he has a prior commitment. His herd needs him." THAT, I think, was a very SELFISH move on Diego's part. Even tho he is a saber tooth tiger and is not to be reckoned with. Then it turns out that there's NOT two mammoths left on the Earth; THERE'S 2,000,000,000!!!! Well, probably not, but there were a lot, which makes me wonder where they were before. Were they HIDING? And there was this whole BIG tree think that serves as the boat when the valley floods, and it reminded me of the ark, and then I was like, "Wait! Big flood? Big boat? Lots of animals? They juts practically ADMITTED Noah happened!" The Bible IS copyrighted, you know. Get your own stories. SCRAT ALMOST DIES!!! Don't get me wrong, I WANTED him to die. I was really tired of rodents obsessing over acorns by the second stunt. Then he drowns and goes to nut heaven...but Sid saves him and Scrat gets mad and starts doing kung fu. Yeah.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The meltdown

I'm about to have a meltdown. I ate breakfast roughly 40 minutes ago, even tho I've been up for more than 2 hours. I have to practice trombone for a very long time (45 minutes IS a long time!). Luke still needs exercise (I've decided he's only sometimes evil, judging by the wound on my wrist that bled for like 4,000,000 hours, almost convincing me that I have VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE! But I don't. Note: VW is also found in animals. He was being extremely cute yesterday...even for him.). I have to read or I'll fall over dead from boredom. And there's a level 1 (or so it says) SUPER HARD sudoku puzzle on the kitchen table from Saturday that NEEDS SOLVING!!!!!! I hate to say it, but sometimes I can't wait for school.
Maybe typing in green will make me feel better. No. It just hurts my eyes.
Blue? No.
Orange? I use it too much.
Pink. Oh gosh, no.
Aaaaah, scary goth nail shade of like.
I'm going to see "Ice Age 2" today! Yaaaay! Sorta. I don't find Skrat all that funny. I've only seen the trailer 20 times and it's like, "Hahaha. Hahaha. Give me a break." And Queen Latifah is playing a crazy mammoth. If I were her, I'd choose someone other than Ray Romano as a costar.
I made snickerdoodles last night. Wow, it even sounds weird. Doodles. That snicker. But taste good. It's actually harder than it sounds. I had to roll each individual perfectly round ball of yellowish dough in two tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Then I ran out of sugarcinnamonstuff and had to make more, giving me WAY more than I needed, so there's a batch of cookies that is nearly BLACK with cinnamon. I need a new color, this one's dumb. They're good, tho.
I still haven't seen the end of "Ms. Congeniality". I brought that up due to the fact that we went to the library yesterday and got it on DVD. But we only get it for 7 days. :( Do I really want to read "A Conneticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court"? Because it's REALLY long and there are other books I want to read/listen to (I seriously got like 4 books on tape/CD). But I liked the Whoopi Goldberg version of the movie... Only that was called "Camelot" or whatever and that dude had a MULLET! It was worse than David Couliers. Eeeeeeeeep.....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mrowr fttt

Right now I'm wearing a hat that makes me look like a cat. Hence the font color. I like it, don't get me wrong, but it feels weird and and makes me look like I have CAT EARS! *sculpts ear out of hair* Mrowr! *sculpts another ear* Mrowr!
Okay, back to business (gaaaah that font was driving me CRAZY!). My evening concluded with a three hour movie marathon. Okay, so we only watched two movies, do you really have a problem with that? Lol, I'd forgotten how dumb "Sleepover" was. AND SEAN FARIS IS IN IT!!! EWWWWWWW! EWWWW! Sean in "YOURS, MINE, AND OURS" BROTHER! It was like the dream I had where assorted members of my church were part of my immediate family and HE WAS MY OLDER BROTHER!!! AAAAAH! I'm sorry, is it just me, or is he NOT VERY ATTRACTIVE? I don't think so! And apparently Katija Pevec (aka Christina Beardsley, William Beardsley's sister in "Y, M, and O") is in it ("Sleepover"), too, but she has NO LINES! Seriously, all the pleathers have at least one line (even brunette girl), but Katija DOESN'T! She just walks around with a frosted lip gloss sneer and a really disgusting fake tan. PETER IS A STALKER! "What, are you playing hard to get?" "NO, I'M JUST GETTING AWAY FROM YOU!!!"
Dare I say it, I actually enjoyed "Chicken Little". Sure, he had a lot of issues for a cartoon character, but it was semi-funny. Even though aliens didn't start attacking till like the last third of the movie. And then the main conflict was getting "closure" with his dad and returning Kirby to his parents. Little known facts: Kronk is the voice of the alien policeman dude. Runt was played by the blondie from "Sahara". (funny, I hated that movie, but I liked this one. In this one, he was actually funny. Better than, "HAHAHA! OCEANOGRAPHERS DYING IN THE DESERT! HAHAHAHA!")
Soooooo it's technically the second day of Spring Break and I am slightly bored. It's already 1:15, which is like...crazy. I woke up 3 hours ago. :( I need a schedule. Although tomorrow I'm going to see "Ice Age 2: The Meltdown". Yeah. Weeeee. Fun. But I'm going to the library today for more books. And I have to practice. But mi madre is providing burgers. Hallelujah.

Monday, April 03, 2006

A weekend to remember

Hahaha, exactly the opposite. Spring Break, so far, is looking...boring. I mean, I love sleeping in, reading books, and getting to random things like eating breakfast at 4 AM (I have NOT tried this, Mom, I'm just saying this because it's random). Which totally reminds me of that unforgettable beer tune about burritos... But I'm one who needs and craves schedules. However, things are looking up: we rented "Sleepover" and "Chicken Little" for tonight (why watch NCAA? You know who's going to win...); possible Gong Show practice; going to SEATTLE THIS WEEK!!!! So yeah. We're good.
Blaaaaaaaaah, we saw "Narnia". It was a matinee, so EVERYONE in the state of Denmark was there. It was crazy. There were like 45 kids who lived there (not at the theater, in that area, which I'm not at liberty to say. If I did, I'd have to kill you.) WITHOUT PARENTS yelling, screaming, throwing popcorn/Skittles/younger siblings, spilling soda, and taking FOREVER at the snack line. My mom was seriously in line for like 30 minutes. And all the kids in front of her were like, "...*drooling* What do I get?" WHAT DID YOU WANT HALF AN HOUR AGO? And I saw a girl from my school, but she either 1. didn't see me 2. didn't recognize me or 3. recognized me, scowled, and ran away. I have that effect on people. But the movie was good, even tho I left wanting to kill Anna Popplewell. Seriously, what is her problem? Did she sit on a burning wok? What put her in such a bad mood. "IT'SSSS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!" And then she ends up NOT LIVING IN NARNIA! I mean, did I just say that out loud? *looks around, hoping people who have not read "The Last Battle" haven't heard* I still think Tumnus is a babe.
Apparently I have enough band music to last 30 minutes of INTENSE practice. Intense workout. Lol.
Random comment: I've had to wear my "scribble" Cons every day since Saturday cuz my other ones are contaminated. Dirty. Covered in dog syrup (corn syrup, that is). Yeah. Just thought I'd share that with you....

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Twas beauty that killed the beast

A line from the very stupid "King Kong", which I watched last night. I've seen way better movies at age 6. Such as "The King and I". The cartoon version. Yeah, that's how dumb this movie is. And we watched the Cleanfilms version, which made the movie pause and replay scenes every 5 minutes, and while there was little to no language, there was the same amount of violence. Did I really need to see Andy Serkis get eaten by worms? AND KING KONG KILLED MR. HAYES!!!!! While everyone was sobbing at the death of the great gorilla, I was screaming in jubilation. "YESSS! YESSSSS!! FINALLY!!!!!" And then Emily's mom was like, "Wow, you were very emotional about this movie." And what was up with Jack Black? Sure, he's funny, but he can only play one character: a greedy money loving freak. He got the cameraman killed. And his name was Carl. Blaaaaaaah...
I am having (so far) an uneventful day and it will probably continue that way. I just have to practice for like 45-60 minutes (at least I have music now. Hahaha, Matt's playing "Cartoon Symphony".) and finish "All American Girl", which I'm reading for like the 7th time, and start "The Secret Language of Girls". Funny, it doesn't feel like Spring Break. I hope we go to Seattle some time during it, tho. And eat at Rocket Burgers. They have good BBQ ranch.
I have splinters in my hand. Well, I did yesterday. I got them rubbing my hand across an old wood box while chasing Luke. Then one popped out while I was taking a shower this morning. Ouch.
I FINALLY GOT MY HOLDS FROM THE LIBRARY! Actually, I only know that one of them is currently at the library, and I probably won't get the other to for 2-3 weeks. :( Cuz one of them my friend has and she doesn't go to the library very often. So I don't know when she's going to turn it in. :( I still plenty of good books tho.