Saturday, August 30, 2008

This tent is for champions...and friends.

Preach it, Viktor, preach it.
Couldn't get to sleep last night. Nice. And I'm supposed to be resting it up for a relatively early morning.
Okay, so a 9:00 band practice isn't that early.
But it's unpleasant.
So I'm back on the horn section. Dean and my dad were right: I AM just an average high school player.
Huh. How humbling.
But the music he gave us made much more sense when it was played with the whole group there. Otherwise, it just sounded like crap.
School starts in 4 days!!! I'm so excited I wish it would go Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and skip Monday.
I have to spend some time with my family at the beach on Monday, when I REALLY wanted to be spending time with Khaled Hosseini.
"The Kite Runner" is getting better and better.
One of the characters just blew the story wide open.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? How did THAT happen?
DOOMSDAY (danger has gone)
Good song.

Friday, August 29, 2008

His weak chin shaking in anger....

You Are Macaroni and Cheese

Compared to most people, you are quite playful. You are a big kid at heart.

It doesn't take much to make you happy. You live for simple, happy moments.

You are very content. You don't try to make life overly complicated.

You remain thankful for whatever you have. Even if it isn't much, you make the best of things.

It's always nice to spend an entire day doing nothing.
Lisa left this morning. Tie told her off for waking up so early.
She left me "The Kite Runner". I'm 100 pages in and it's good, but also sad. It's impossible to completely hate Amir, though, because though his reasons were selfish...I don't know. I just don't hate him.
Poor Hassan, though.
Nazis suck.
"Eclipse" is dragging. I need to finish "The Deathly Hallows" and "Inkheart", not to mention loads of library books, so I'm rather tied up at the moment.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Everything's dumber in Texas

Kevin told me as we were walking to math (there was an open house tonight).
Which explains why she's planning on painting her new room.
Open House was cool. I met all my teachers, and they seem nice, except for my psycho PE teacher.
He was talking about how aerobics is working out with oxygen.
Don't you ALWAYS use oxygen when you work out?
In fact, aren't you constantly using oxygen EVERY SECOND?
Whatever. He made us run around the gym to prove some point.
He also made a big deal about how 1 OUT OF EVERY 3 PEOPLE IS OBESE!
Well, no. If you want to get technical, 30% of the population is obese, which translates to 3 out of every 10 people, and if you wanted to reduce that fraction, it would be 1 out of every 3.3 people is obese, but it's impossible to have less than a whole person.
But that's not as HARD-HITTING.
Like I said, he's a psycho.
My English teacher is TOO COOL, and I heard from a lot of juniors and seniors that he's the best teacher in school, but he's sort of a hippie. That's okay, though. He seems to really love reading and actually knows what he's talking about.
And as much as I liked (and sometimes didn't like Mrs. Sims), Mr. Rosedale seems more fun to be around. And we'll be watching tons of movies, so that's a plus.
Dang it, I only have one class with Karen. :P
I don't have any classes with Connor??
P Willy, ha ha ha.
My math teacher is so nerdy and awesome. We're going back to the Chicago method - YESSSSS, math will finally make SENSE again. And Mr. Macaras promised to show examples on the board (:D) and explain things thorougly (XD). Cannot wait for school. And school shopping.
History is awesome, too. We'll be doing a lot of projects that involve food and creativity. It's like we're not studying history at all!
My French teacher wasn't there, but his room has paintings that he's done all over the walls, so I won't be stuck with another teacher like I had last year. XP Yeah, only worst class ever.
Aaagh, my science teacher seemed nice, but I still hate science it'll probably be one of my least favorite classes.
There's this girl in my science class that I haven't talked to since 3RD GRADE and her mom somehow knew who I was and kept talking to me, and I was like, "AARGH, I BARELY REMEMBER YOU!!"
And the girl I used to be friends with is all popular and cute now, so I'm not sure if we'll be BFFs like before.
Not that I'm prejudiced.
I just tend not to fare well with people like her.
Agh, but that's shallow.
Maybe she'll help me actually UNDERSTAND science for once.
I'm reading "Eclipse" now and it's boring and sappy as ever. Edward is SUCH a JEEEERK.
Yeah, Jacob is immature.
But Edward is controlling. Ugh. So much worse.

Thank God this moment's not the last

I saw Alexis in the window. It was pretty funny. I was just walking Tie and she appears in the attic.
Apparently she's switching rooms. She said I could help her paint. :D
But if she's switching rooms, does this mean Texas isn't official?
Because last time I checked, Texas was on. :(
I forgot to ask.
Aaargh, I was reading about the upcoming "Princess Diaries" book, and the blurbs basically told me that Mia will end up with Michael.
I almost started crying when I read that.
Argh. I hate Michael.
But Meg Cabot is being Meg Cabot.
I just realized that she isn't that great a writer.
And not just because I'm bitter about J.P.
But all of her books are sort of the same.
The characters, the plot...everything.
Princess Diaries is the only series of hers that I truly enjoyed.
I reread "Pants on Fire" and it reeked of predictability and not-so-subtle women's rights messages.
Michele Jaffe is always hilarious and amazing, but I have yet to read "Kitty Kitty".
There's a new Peaches book coming out! Yay!
The last book in the "Dairy Queen" series is not coming out till Fall 2009. XP
Like Mimi, I want to put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger.
Okay, not really.
But dancing on some random guy's stoop at night sounds fun.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Screw you, Stephenie Meyer

Your Common Spelling Mistake Score: 85% Correct

Your spelling is excellent.

You don't fall for common spelling pitfalls, and you spell almost everything correctly.

What Your Back to School Personality Says About You

You are fairly driven, but the big win always seems a bit beyond your reach. You lack intense passion.

You are most likely to succeed if you are working with other talented people. You thrive on a team.

Your greatest skill is making something out of nothing. You don't need much to feel inspired.

Your biggest stumbling block in life is worrying about what other people think of you. Their opinions matter even less than you think.

You're not quite sure what you're thankful for in life, it doesn't seem like there's a lot to be thankful for these days.

Brooding vampires make me salivate

I HATE Stephenie Meyer.
Actually, I probably hate Bella more.
Nah, it's pretty even.
Seriously, it's impossible for me to feel any kind of sympathy for that girl.
And who could ever love Edward?
What a controlling jerk.
From what I learned about abusive relationships last year (and, trust me, we learned WAY more than we wanted to know), Edward's and Bella's is verging on one.
Personally, I like Jacob a lot better. He actually seems like a worthwhile person who (for some unknown reason) actually cares about Bella.
Edward is SUCH A JERK. Can't get over that.
He took all her stuff so she'd forget him.
He left her alone...but only because "he loved her so much".
And Stephenie Meyer was trying to show how "mature" and "wise" he was when he thanked Jacob for watching Bella, but then he wouldn't allow Bella to talk to Jacob.
And Jacob had been worried because he thought Edward was controlling her.
They're compared to Romeo and Juliet.
Hm, that's pretty accurate.
Those two were also horny, melodramatic teenage idiots.
Another thing that really bugs me: Stephenie Meyer is being called the next J. K. Rowling.
What a horrible, HORRIBLE thing to say.
J. K. Rowling wrote books that managed to make you care what would happen to the characters, and made it easy for both kids and adults to enjoy them.
Stephenie Meyer has written an average (actually, very sub-par) vampire novel for horny teenage girls that really enjoy necrophilia and bestiality for some reason.
That's not talent.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Being an Anthony Rapp spaz

MWAHAHAHA the "Rent" soundtrack is MINE!!!!!
The DELUXE version, too, with all the songs, for $27 dollars at Barnes & Noble!!!
Overpriced, yeah, but SO worth it.
Ha. Incendiary wit.
My dad is so jealous.
Maybe it's because of what I eat.
Maybe there are copious amounts of hallucinogens are being fed me by my parents.
I don't know.
But the Michael Phelps dreams have to stop.
Especially the ones where I somehow end up married to him.
It probably wouldn't be very fun to be married to Michael Phelps.
I couldn't handle the fame...or the ego.
Michael: Yeah. I won 8 gold medals last Olympics. More than anyone ever! I'm the greatest Olympics champion that ever lived!
Lauren: That's nice, honey.
Michael: Feel my arms. Feel them. FEEL THEM!!
Lauren: *half-heartedly pokes a bicep* Yeah. Nice.
Michael: I won 8 gold medals with these babies. Did I say that already?
Lauren: Yes, honey.
Michael: Well, that's what happens when you swim 18 hours a day.
Lauren: I know. That's all you did on our honeymoon.
Michael: Yeah. Good times, good times.
Seattle is pretty much the cooliest.
"What You Own" made my mom spit up laughing.
Lisa and I have vowed to finish the "Twilight" series, no matter how awful it is.
And as melodramatic and boring as "New Moon" is, I can't NOT finish it.
Vampires are overrated.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Kookabura...gum...something like that...

It's days like these, when the rain won't stop, thunder and lightning are abundant, and my internet is slow, that I love Washington.
Note the sarcasm.
Driver's Ed is FINALLY over.
We had our final test today and I passed!!
Eh, I was pretty sure I would, because the test wasn't too hard, but it's good to know anyway.
Except I didn't have time to feel cocky and triumphant (which is good; I need to work on NOT feeling that way) because nearly everyone else failed.
My aunt visiting for a week. My dad picked her up at the airport and is on his way.
It's too bad, though, that it's raining so hard.
She lives in Florida and was just in San Diego, so a thunderstorm might be a bit of a shock.
Welcome to Washington, Lisa!!! did this happen?

You Should Follow Islam

You believe that there is one true God and that it's your duty to submit to his will.

Life may be trying, unfair, or painful here on earth. But you're waiting for the Paradise in the afterlife.

Religion is the most important thing in your life, and you are fully devoted to God.

You are willing to fast, pray often, and follow all of God's rules to make sure you have a place in heaven.

Yeah, it's a monotheistic religion that believes in God and God alone, but that's where the similarities between Islam and Christianity end.
Well, not really, but I don't believe agree with Islamic beliefs.
Ah, and I was one question away from getting Christianity as my answer.
Don't judge me!!! (Ha, taking a leaf out of Pastor Ty's semi-ridiculous and confusing sermon)
Rather shocking news today. A girl from my former church got pregnant...on purpose.
I did NOT see this coming.
Not only was this completely random and out of the blue, but it sort of evoked feelings like, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE??? 'JUNO' WAS JUST A MOVIE!!!"
Seriously, WHY does watching "Juno" make someone want a baby??
She didn't even KEEP the baby!!
Yeah, yeah, Pastor Ty, don't judge.
Um, I read that passage in the Bible yesterday, and it TOTALLY cleared things up.
1 Corinthians 5:12-13
12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.
Still, he did make a good point about not condemning anyone, because that is setting yourself up as God, but if it is someone who is KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY sinning, you need to have a talk with them.
That sounded totally psycho-Christian, I know, but pregnancy??

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'll steeeeeeeal you, Johanna!

I think I'm in love. I'm planning on proposing any time now.
Seriously. These jeans are amazing.
Aaargh, this quiz was pretty inaccurate, but this one was closer out of the two answers I got.

You Are an Eyebrow Piercing

You are unique, quirky, and more than a little eccentric.

You cultivate the weirder sides of your personality, and you don't mind sharing them.

Ever since you were a kid, you've had strong opinions. You've never been like everyone else, and you're okay with that.

And you've always been able to tell people exactly what you think - even when they don't want to hear it.

You love to create, dream, imagine, and communicate. You live in your own universe.

And unlike most people who live in their own little world, you're happy to invite anyone in!

Aaagh. Eyebrow piercing. That seems like it would be uber-painful.
But not as painful as a lip piercing.
A nose piercing still seems the coolest and least painful, even though it would be in cartilage, not just skin.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH there was an article on Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the paper today and it made me SO MAD.
Not because of what the article itself, but because of the subheading.
"Democrats hope the veteran Delaware senator will attract voters who have been alluding Barack Obama - white, blue-collar workers."
And it's not what the subheading SAYS that bugs me, because that's probably true, but they used the wrong word!!!
"Alluding" means to reference or mention.
If the white, blue-collar workers have been "alluding" to Barack Obama, why does he need Joe Biden to attract them?
The proper word would have been "elude", which means to avoid or escape.
AARGH it was another proud American moment.
Cuz we're living in America
At the end of the millenium
We're living in America
Leave your consience at the tone.
That song is too great. I might be able to buy that soundtrack on Tuesday - finally!
I listened to the original cast Broadway recording and that was pretty spectacular.
Tie chased Luke around the yard yesterday and Luke almost had a heart attack, but he was okay and tried to bite me when I refilled his food bowl, so he's fine.
Tie's obsessed with him now and races to his cage when I let her outside.
Little psycho.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Skippy peanut butter forest

"Invisible" by Pete Hautman is fascinating, but ultimately depressing. I wasn't exactly surprised by the ending, but I was a little surprised by the circumstances. I just knew that a lot of it wasn't real.

What Your Bed Says About You

Outward appearances aren't important to you at all. You think that the over emphasis on looks to be shallow.

You try to be an organized person, but you often fall behind. Certain parts of your life tend to fall into chaos.

You are not very high maintenance in general, but you are high maintenance about a few things.

In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge.

You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities.

You are a total homebody. You are happiest when you're at home.

Alexis is moving to Texas. That would be funny, because it rhymes, but that's depressing, too.
We have to devise a plan to make her stay.
She doesn't want to move, because she'll miss high school and Disneyland. Why are her parents making her move at this pivotal time in her life in the first place? Way to be insensitive and selfish, guys.
The sophomores got their schedules last night. I checked with a couple of my friends and I only have one class with each of them, except for Alexis and Kevin. I have three classes with Kevin - what's up with that? And he got put in some random vocational class he did NOT sign up for. "Best Classroom" - sounds thrilling.
I'm pretty excited for school to start, but the school is so big and my classes are so far apart, I'm afraid I'll be late.
My dad was freaking out because my locker wouldn't open. I didn't think it was supposed to, but whatever.
So Wednesday was sort of a momentuous occasion: I got my first pair of skinny jeans, hahahaha.
And they were pretty cheap, so that's cool.
I don't have one of those pyscho-religious uber-strict families that makes their girls wear knee-length skirts and never lets their kids watch PG-13 movies, but my mom was pretty adamant about me not getting skinny jeans.
But then I tried some on and she saw I didn't look like a harlot, so she let me buy them.
Funny thing, too, my dad actually asked if I was going to buy some before I let for the mall, and my mom said he was the one that wouldn't allow skinny jeans in our household.
Although I'm a little apprehensive about wearing them because he saw another pair of regular fit jeans that I have and was like, ":O Are THOSE your skinny jeans???"
So if regular fit is too tight, he'll have a conniption when I pull on my skinny jeans.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That one time at band camp....

You Are the Storyteller

You have a way with words, and you love hearing yourself talk.

You are at your best when you have an audience, and you can carry on a conversation with anyone.

You are light hearted and fun - a natural entertainer. It's a side of you that you can't really turn off.

You thrive on attention (perhaps a little too much), and you love applause.

When you allow yourself to be serious, you can be a moving and articulate speaker.

Your words have power, and not just the power to make people laugh.

Yeah, except for the fact that I HATE public speaking, that's pretty much totally correct!!
All this week there's been band camp from 10 AM to 2 PM, which is sort of ridiculous.
But it's fun, a lot funner than I expected. P Willy is cool (the band leader - don't ask).
I haven't been playing trombone at ALL this summer, though, so I had absolutely no range.
I also had to take my retainers out when playing, so when I put them back on four hours later, they were all tight and uncomfortable.
Fun fun fun.
We got SO much pep music compared to last year, though, and they all sound cool and are fun to play!! What a concept!
Marching is the worst, though. Spending time in a soggy field for an hour is sort of lame.
But we ended early today. Mwahahaha. And today was the last day of band camp, so all is well.
We're getting our schedules tomorrow!! Can't wait! I just hope mine isn't screwed up. Being a cocky git, I signed up for Wind Ensemble, and that will probably mess up my entire schedule.
Yay, another incorrect quiz!!

You See The World Through Red Colored Glasses

You live your life with intensity. You have strong emotions and experience everything vividly.

You judge all interactions through the lens of power. You determine who has the most power and how to improve your position.

You face challenges with courage and strength. You can will your way through any problem.

You see love as the utmost expression of your passions and desires. Your romantic life is very passionate and overwhelming.

At your worst, you are easily angered and quick to fight. You will go to war with anyone.

You are happiest when you are expending a lot of energy. And you love the feeling of danger!

Hahaha, Jeff. He was advising us not to do drugs and told us a story about a boxer who had an LSD flashback and thought he was a vampire, so he climbed up a telephone pole and sat there looking for someone he wanted to bite.
It was really funny when Jeff told it, because he's so Jeff-ish.
There was almost a showdown between Emory and this kid Chad, but it didn't happen, so Chad won...but then he got the answer wrong, so there should have been a showdown, because Emory would have won and then we wouldn't be in this mess.
Wow, this quiz made my day.

Your Friendliness Score is 37 (Somewhat Friendly)

No one is going to accuse you of being unfriendly, but you're often of people's friendship radar.

You don't really feel comfortable in social situations, and as a result, people don't feel comfortable around you.

This isn't to say you're friendless. It's very likely that you have at least a couple really good friends.

But only people who truly understand you can be friends with you. Everyone else thinks you don't like them.

Put yourself out there a little more. Get in touch with a few acquaintances and ask them how life is going.

If you make a few overtures toward people you know, you may be surprised how many friends you end up with.

Driving on the highway is kind of fun. How intense.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gladiators wore Jimmy Choos?

Running in flip-flops should be an Olympic Event.
There was this creepy man I saw when talking Tie on a walk who was sitting on his steps reading a magazine wearing nothing but a flimsy pair of cotton shorts (??), and he got up really fast when he saw me, so I sort of freaked out and was like, "Let's run to the park, Tie!"
And now he's probably like, "Do I really look that bad in my shorts?"

Friday, August 15, 2008

Everything and nothing

Ed officially hates me now.
In my haste to get out the door, I left my permit at home and had to wait 15 minutes for my Dad to drive by with it.
Ooooh yes.
He was not happy.
And I know it's my fault. I completely forgot about my stupid permit, even with plenty of sleep and a good healthy breakfast.
But then he got on my case about acceleration and deceleration and I almost clocked him.
We ended up driving around both my old neighborhood and my current neighborhood, which was fun and oddly comforting, but a little scary at fast speeds (like 50 mph, which is the fastest I've ever gone).
Oh yeah, be afraid. I'm driving a Scion at 50 mph! Someone might get hurt!
Scions turn great, but they have absolutely no power.
"Hunchback of Notre Dame" is NOT a kid's movie. I saw it for the first time last night, it being one of those "adult" Disney movies I never got to see as a child, and it was thoroughly enjoyable, but I wouldn't let my five-year-old watch a movie that featured topics like:
-unrequited love
-eternal damnation
-corrupt religious leaders
Seriously, Esmerelda pulling out a pole-dancing routine in the middle of the square??
Since when is it okay for a kid to watch that?
Quasimodo had quite a nice singing voice, though.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How appropriate

What Your Driving Says About You

You are generally an easy going, laid back person. However, you can't help but feel a little jealous and competitive sometimes!

You are a fairly aware person, but you can't help but make judgment errors from time to time.

You'd like to think you're a fair person, but you occasionally think you deserve a special kind of justice.

You can be a rather tense, grouchy person - but you try to maintain your dignity.

You have mixed feelings about authority figures. You understand their place, but you believe their power needs to be in check.

You are somewhat focused, but you are also a bit scatterbrained. Distractions can get you in trouble.

You don't feel a responsibility to anyone but yourself. You value your freedom more than anything else.

Your ego is a healthy size. You don't think you're more important than anyone else.

A movie critic's dream

So I'm currently at Kristine's house with her and Sierra and we're just chilling and watching movies.
We've watched some "Monk", a very well-known Anthony Hopkins movie ^_^, and "Stardust", and now, for some reason, we're watching "George of the Jungle".
Agh, this space bar is impossible, and Thomas Hayden Church is creeping me out.
Mmmm, pizza.
But my dad didn't deliver it. :(
I was so looking forward to it.
AAAAAAAAAGH I HATE Old Town so much. Driving around it is the equivalent of Sunday School.
Ha, pretty much.
Which means it sucks, by the way.
For some reason, Ed REALLY seems to hate me, and I don't know why.
Because when Phoebe and I both screw up, he's all up in my face, but not so much in hers.
I don't blame her, though, just Ed.
He probably thinks that because I resemble a man, I can take criticism like one.
Phoebe is the ONLY person who's noticed my teeth without me telling her.
It would be cool if we were going to the same school.
But no...she's a coug.
AAAGH Brendan Fraser. Hatred, hatred, hatred.
Him and his buggy eyes.
Has he HONESTLY never seen a girl before?
"Stardust" = most romantic movie ever!!!
Too cute.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Lord of the Flies strikes again

Jeff is too funny.
Today he talked about how guys and girls change a tire: girls don't do it right and the car falls on their hand, which results in a lot of owies (his words, not mine), while guys jump on the car and somehow break their kneecaps off.
Not knowing about cars, I'm not sure exactly how these injuries occurred.
Then a bee came into the room, scaring the crap out of Linzee, so Jeff said, "Get out of here, guy. You're bothering the ladies," and it LEFT.
Wow, he's like...Lord of the Flies.
Or Bees.
But "Lord of the Bees" doesn't sound nearly as cool.

You Are Black Tea

You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself.

You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.

You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.

You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!

My Rent sims are coming along nicely. Mark married some random girl, who is now pregnant. Collins and Angel just adopted a boy they named Devil (I know, I was trying to be clever) and might adopt another one. Roger and Mimi are dating. Maureen and Joanne just got married and are also adopting. I haven't played with Benny and Alison since they had their baby because I'm scared the grandpa will die.

You Are Comic Sans

You are a nothing but a big goofball. You're quite playful and fun!

You're widely known for your zany personality and your vivacious attitude.

To say that you stand out in a crowd would be a definite understatement.

Remember that you are overwhelming at times and that people appreciate you best in small doses.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Life lessons from "Matlock".

Aaargh, my dad and I are going at it again.
Well, that's not true, because we haven't fought yet, but he's sort of pressuring me about worship team and music in general.
For instance, he thinks I'm not serious about bass (guilty: I'd love to be good at it, but I don't want to put in the effort to play more than roots of chords) and says if I ever want to play in church, I'm going to have to join the youth worship team.
So basically, he wants me to join a cult.
That's PRACTICALLY what it is!!
Okay, and he did point out that compared to the youth band at our last church, this one seems quite tame and is probably more structured, but from what I've heard, the people in it are rather clique-y and, what's more, the music they play SUCKS.
Only I am tempted to join because John is in it now and I'd get to hang with him, and there's this whole jealousy factor with William because he plays bass a whole BUNCH with them and I feel that I'm just as good as he is.
But I don't know why my dad is so ADAMANT about me joining them.
I'm sort of getting mixed messages from him music-wise, because a few months ago he was trying to dissuade me from ever playing bass in the worship team.
Then, in the car on the way back home from Pullman, I asked about music scholarships in general terms and my dad basically told me I'd never, ever get one unless I pulled an Amby and joined a million freaking symphonies and majored in music.
WHICH I'M NOT INTERESTED IN DOING! It's just that I love music and we can't pay for college, and Mr. Villiers told me in 7th grade that I could PROBABLY get a trombone scolarship if I kept playing.
So who's right here??
And now there's some nonsense about lessons (for trombone or bass...or both), and I was always one of those big-headed losers who thought I was too good for lessons.
Maybe so for trombone (or maybe I'm just stuck-up), but I'm thinking I could definitely use a little help on bass.
Good news, though: Dean is finally letting me play in the horn section.
I'm sort of offended, though, because the only reason he's letting me play is "the new music isn't too difficult".
If you really think that badly of my playing, I'd rather you left me out of the worship team for good.
I'm sort of addicted to Sims 2 now, thanks to my "Rent" Sims.
Maureen and Joanne were my first gay couple.
Although Collins and Angel got married before they did (Maureen and Joanne are still engaged).
Alison (Benny's wife) just had a baby, but her dad (the baby's grandpa) is going to die soon if I don't fill up his aspiration meter, which I've purposefully neglected because all he wants to do is buy expensive things.
Haha, they named the kid Evita.
Now Mark is dating some random girl (though he and Maureen are still in love - oops), Mimi has ye tto move in and meet Roger, and Benny is going to take over the business world.

Chris Noth = commitmentphobe = the Perfect Man?

Chris Noth is definitely not my idea of "the Perfect Man".
And Heather Locklear doesn't seem like the kind of woman "The Perfect Man" would fall for.
Whenever they were together (which was a grand total of one scene! What a waste of a movie.), I kept expecting Sarah Jessica Parker to pop up with a billion shopping bags and a perky, cavalier attitude.
If I ever open a post with "Hey there, all you bloggers," you are allowed to shoot me.
Or send me hate-mail.
That Adam kid was pretty cute, though.
The comics, granted, were a little creepy, but he brought her a corsage in a donut box!!
Which, after writing it down, doesn't exactly strike me as "romantic" any more.

Um, I guess soo?

What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You

Your Personal Style:

Classic and elegant. You prefer to make a statement with a few quality pieces.

Your Ideal Wedding:

Traditional and formal, but not tacky. You think the most beautiful weddings are understated.

Your Philosophy on Marriage:

It's a serious commitment, and the couple entering it should be ready to work for their relationship.

Your Perfect Marriage:

Is calm, stable, deep, and meaningful.

Monday, August 11, 2008

So much for figure-skating....

You Are Kayaking

You have a competitive spirit, but you don't like to compete alone.

You do well in a partnership, where you can feed off the other person's energy.

If you have the right partner, nothing can stop you. Your energy is infinite!

So much for figure-skating....

You Are Kayaking

You have a competitive spirit, but you don't like to compete alone.

You do well in a partnership, where you can feed off the other person's energy.

If you have the right partner, nothing can stop you. Your energy is infinite!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Wouldn't you like to know?

Sean Kingston. Stuck in my head.
Who knew scoop neck T-shirts were so hard to wear?
I obviously didn't.
Rather than feeling cute and trendy, I feel naked and slutty.
And it's plum, which doesn't look that great on me.
I'm really thinking about destroying my Madison Finn Sims (that was never going to go anywhere) and creating Rent Sims.
Because I can.
And I really want to make a weak-chinned Roger.
I've decided to buy "The Silver Cord" this month with my meager funds because I listened to it online and it sounds pretty cool, and so far it has very positive reviews.
Lol, I spent at least 4 hours reading stuff on and the articles on superheroes cracked me up.
Tie slept with me for about an hour this morning, barked at every little noise coming from outside, and was very annoyed when I decided to get dressed rather than immediately take her on a walk.
In other words, she's back to normal.

Friday, August 08, 2008

888...the number of the beast?

Ha, Iron Maiden is too cool.
Yeah, today is 8/8/08 and I'm freaking out right now.
Cuz that's pretty cool.
If you're a nerd like me.
Here I sit, sporting my brand new WSU T-shirt. It looks pretty sweet, if I do say so myself.
Tie is almost back to normal, I think. She's still depressed and itchy (probably because she misses Nathan; she did pee on his bed), but she went on two walks and played tug-of-war for about 2 seconds before the next mood swing hit.
*shakes head* Girls.
Iliza Schlesinger won "Last Comic Standing"!!! Wow, who knew? It was between her and Marcus, and she pulled it off. And she's the first woman to win...EVER.
Last night's finale was sort of lame, though. They had Jon Reep, John Lovitz, and some guy off E! perform. Jon Reep was funny, as always. I still love it when he says "Hickory".
But Bill Belamy and Fearne Cotton didn't really have anything to do, so they compromised by telling stupid jokes (Bill), making loud screeching noises (Bill), forcing laughter at all the comics' jokes (Fearne), making weird hand gestures (also Fearne), and looking awkward (again, Fearne).
GROSS, I looked in the mirror without my retainers on and I looked like Demi Lovato!!
No, that's not a good thing!!
But when I showed off my hideous new teeth and turned my head to the side, I WAS Demi Lovato!
Only, you know, taller and myopic.
We even have the same really large cleft chin and bangs!
It kind of screwed up my entire day.
Because I went through 6 years of dental torture so they could make me look like Demi Lovato.
So no, Mom, I don't think this stupid braces business was worth it AT ALL.
I have half a mind NOT to wear these stupid retainers.
But, of course, I only have half a mind.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Smile, it's the end of the world!

And, somehow, it doesn't seem worth it.
All my teeth are really big and white and straight like little tombstones, but it really doesn't look all that attractive.
And I never smile with my mouth open, so what's the point?
And now I have to wear two retainers.
Yeah, TWO.
And they make it a little hard to talk.
And I have to wear them all the time.
This reminds me of the rubber band fiasco.
But they DID fund a trip to Coldstone for me and my family because they'd run out of caramel apples.
I can be pacified with ice cream.
Coldstone is better than Ferdinand's, I think.
I love Ferdinand's, but they don't have as many creative flavors.
Now I can eat CARAMEL!
After I take out my retainers, anyway.
But it was sort of embarrassing trying to ask my dad for "toaster strudels" and he was like, "What? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?"
Tie is feeling better today, but she still itches and is sort of listless.
What happened to my sanguine dog?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Itchy, drugged terriers need cream cheese.

We just got Tie back from Courtney and she is thoroughly miserable. Courtney took her to a park and Tie got fleas.
We've taken Tie to parks before and she's never gotten fleas.
So she's not acting like herself at all.
She mostly stays in her bed and when, she does get up, flinches and bites herself so much that she runs back to bed.
She still hasn't finished food from dinner.
And she didn't drink for hours, so when she finally did, she drank almost the whole bowl.
I'm really worried about her, but my mom gave her a cream cheese pill and some flower oil, so she said she'd be okay.
I hope.

What Your Playing Cards Tell About Your Future

Right now you are focusing on friendships, relationships, and interpersonal connections.

Your emotions are currently tied to a trusted woman in your life. She is just, and she has your best interests at heart.

Your closest friend is someone you have a co-dependent relationship with. The two of you desperately need each other to survive.

The near future will bring you a long term friendship, children you love, happy family relationships, and prosperity.

Beware of a forced change. The circumstances of your life are about to become very different.

I had a drive at 11 AM today, but it was fun because it was around town, not just in the older part of town, which SUCKS because there are no stoplights or landmarks. Today, Ed had us drive to the mall, Dairy Queen (we didn't buy anything), and go around a roundabout.
Driver's Ed was sort of fun. Phoebe and I had to plan a road trip from Silverdale to WSU.
Which, funnily enough, is the route I took a couple days ago.
Too, too funny.
But the trip itself had to take at least 5 days, and we had to make 6 recreational stops.
So we went to the Space Needle (or the Space Noodle, in Jeff's words), the EMP, Mount Baker, Soap Lake, some other fantastic lake, and Nathan's best friend's family's house.
Which is where I stayed 2 days ago. Ha.
Toffee for LIFE!
Yes, there will be a retainer, but WHO CARES?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Blogthings! How I've missed you!

You are the Sense of Touch

You are a highly sensitive and easily moved person.

You love to get as close to other people as possible.

Human connection is very important to you.

You are also likely to be an animal lover who loves animals as much as humans.

In fact, you like almost anything soft!

You have expensive taste in clothes and furniture. It's all about the fabric.

You Live in the Present

You take things one day at a time.

And it turns out, that's a pretty great way to live.

You aren't consumed by the past, and you're aren't obsessed with the future.

You live in the now, and you enjoy each moment.

While most people don't live in the present enough, make sure you don't live in it too much.

It would be a mistake to forget your past or neglect to plan for the future.

You Are 69% Skeptic

While you aren't always skeptical, you generally approach life from a skeptical viewpoint.

You're open to any outlandish claim, but you need proof before you'll believe it.

That being said, you're occasionally willing to go out on a limb and put your faith in idea.

There's a few beliefs you hold because you hope they're true - not because they've been established as true.

I'd like a big slice of alone time with a side of hygiene, please.

After a LOOOOONG 6 hour drive in a rental car, we're all back from Pullman.
Not that that's a good thing.
Well, it is nice to be home and I'll be able to shower...
...but I sort of like it better there.
Not only is there no humidity (!!!!), but it's like a little WSU-village, where all the "villagers" worship the cougar.
We dropped Nathan off. He has a really cool dorm room, and no roommate, which is a plus, I guess.
I think it would be cool to have a roommate, though.
Because you wouldn't have to interact with anyone else, but you wouldn't be lonely.
Unless it was a lame roommate.
I miss Tie. :(
My hair is so greasy.
Ferdinand's is so delicious!!
Hurray for ice cream addictions.
Side note: How come whenever I'm stressed, no matter how trivial the reason, the last thing I think to do is pray?
And, of course, that's often the only thing that helps.
I have (had) good friends who in the past would just start praying and it seemed to help.
And it helps me.
But I'm not like them.
So the question is...
...what's wrong with me?

Sunday, August 03, 2008

It's not the power of the curse...'s the power you give the curse.
Thank you, creepy cross-eyed British boy.
"I don't get it. What does it mean?"
How come half of the kids were American and half were British? It was like London, only not.
Yeah, I'm talking about "Penelope".
Lame, we're leaving for Pullman tomorrow morning to drop Nathan off at WSU, and Tie is with her former owner Courtney until Wednesday.
Courtney's really nice and Tie likes her, but I'm scared Tie won't want to come back home.
I think having inappropriate conversations (on paper) during church is a sin.
"Thriller" is a cool song.
Yeah diehards!!
Do do do do do do do.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Masochism Day: Painfully Good

Have you ever drunk two very caffeinated sodas and, as a result, were unable to sleep until the wee hours of the morning?
If not, I don't reccomend it.
Mountain Lightning is good and all, but it's pretty powerful for a cheap version of Mountain Dew.
So, when Saturday was just beginning and everyone else was sleeping, I was wide awake reading "The Jane Austen Book Club" and thinking about very random things. Or rather, one thing that wasn't so random.
It was weird.
So I decided today should be Masochism day, a day where people all around the world revisit old memories and take part in activities that are sure to cause them harm or discomfort.
That's sort of what I've been doing today.
I drove all the way to Walmart - on the highway!!
I also did a BLT whilst going very fast, and almost hit 3 people.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Post 900!!! That's 3^2*100!!

Wow, 900 posts in the last 2.75 years (about that long, anyway). Is that a lot? I wonder.
I made a "Boys kind of suck" playlist because I got bored and I'd just added a bunch of classic rock to my ipod.
Surprisingly, there's a lot of appropriate FOB songs.
Maybe that tells me I shouldn't listen to them?
"Penelope" was really cute. It was kind of like a Tim Burton film, only Johnny Depp was no where to be found.
Christina Ricci actually looks better with the pig nose.
Which is kind of mean to say.
Her face is so unique, though.
I like how Gerard Way put it.
"Christina Ricci looks like an alien. I think she's beautiful."
And she is. But that pig nose was just so cute.
James McAvoy is so beautiful.
And the American accent?
I'm in love.
But it's annoying when you really like someone and people scoff at you...
...but that person becomes famous and they're suddenly that person's biggest fans.
Which is pretty much what the song "Sk8r Boi" was all about.
Who knew Avril could be so eloquent?
But it's not as though James McAvoy wasn't famous before "The Chronicles of Narnia".
I just remember thinking in 7th grade right after I saw "TCON" that Tumnus (James McAvoy) was incredibly hot, and everyone else laughed at me?
And now they agree.
Especially with his lovely new American accent.
Yeah, whatever.