Sunday, July 01, 2007

Moooooo (and maybe some random quizzes)

What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations.

Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible.

Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.

I agree somewhat.
We had our big reunion picnic yesterday instead of on the 4th of July like we normally have it. It was pretty fun. I got to help make the ice cream and Lachlan made a bunch of songs about me ("This is the way we wash our Lauren."). I can cook a pretty mean hotdog. First I stick one end in the coals, then the other end, then I focus mostly on the middle.
You Are Most Like Liv Tyler

“I don't want to spend so much time obsessing about myself.”

Dislike her.
WAAAAAAAAAAH I got the brand new "The Off Season", sequel to "Dairy Queen". Only this one was less about D.J. playing football and more about other people.
Too late.
So in this one, D.J. is kind of dating Brian, Amber has a girlfriend that you met in the first book, the farm is going downhill, bla bla. Oh, and Curtis has a girlfriend.
And then everyone finds out about Amber and Dale and they leave town and D.J. is like, ":*("
Your Gemstone is Ruby

Daring, enthusiastic, and spontaneous.
You are energetic and passionate, with an appetite for life.

Anyways, Brian is a jerk, because he seems embarassed of D.J. and is sending mixed messages, but then he comes over and they make out and it's like, "Wha? I thought he was perfect." So I knew he was a jerk and I wanted D.J. to go out with Aaron, Bill's roommate, and he did show up and she danced with him, but he's too much of a minor character to be her soulmate, and there was foreshadowing of a possible rocky relationship with Brian.
Oh, D.J. quits football because she hurts her shoulder, but she's still awesome at basketball. BOOYA.
Your Flirt Quotient

You are 40% Flirt

Um, right.
Gee, I've always wondered whether or not I was a maneater.
Aaaah, lame. I refuse that quiz.
All these writing projects and nothing gets done. Which just makes me an awful hypocrite. Or not. But I'm starting small. Maybe a short story. Or a series. But I have to get over the "I can't let people see my work fear" because if I want to be a novelist, then what's the point if they can't see any of it? Yeaaah. Although, when I know people will see it, it tends to suck. Um, my soap? Taking that link off my blog... Or editing it.
Whatever, I'm not easy. Moving on...
Am I ready to be a wife?
I'M 14.
Utah, maybe.
Hm, time to imitate a certain rapping friend of ours: Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?
You Are Ready to Get Married

You've done more than dream about the dress and the honeymoon
In fact, you spend a good deal of your time thinking about what makes a relationship work
And from your answers, it looks like you have the skills to say "I Do" and mean it
You've dated enough, learned your fair share, and you're ready to settle down.

This is bad.
Like 7 more to go.
Okay, 4.
Never mind, 3, seeing as I'm not in a relationship at the moment.
Or ever, but hey.
You Should Wear a Pink Bikini

Flirty and feminine, you love hanging out at the beach - but not so much the sand in your toes.
Of all the colors, you're the most likely to have a killer bikini collection.

Yeah, seeing as I haven't donned a bathing suit since last June.
And most likely won't. Welcome to puberty/hell. No one's looking at my thighs if I can help it.
Daily exercise does not help. IT'S A LIE.
I am a cappucino. Ahem. I do not like coffee. One to go.
You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

Ahem. I am also not a girly-girl.
I could totally go feminist, but I'm too conservative.
Lol, this is what I told my parents: I'm totally conservative, but I don't want to be Republican. Unfortunately true: the world doesn't revolve around capitalism.
Your Inner Retro Girl Is

1980s Girl Next Door

I might just kill myself.

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