Monday, July 02, 2007

Good news, bad news

Whenever I listen to Blackalicious, I picture some old school guy, kind of like MC Hammer, with a fro, and a beard, and sunglasses, and bright clothes.
But it's two younger guys who've only been around a while.
I want to write a good news, bad news story. My little brother wrote a really good one. Slightly random, and the "page" elements were kind of out there, but it was funny. "Bad News: King Kong farted. Good news: Yoda had a fan. Bad News: The fan got burned in the house they set on fire."
I like how "My Pen and Pad" is only 2 minutes long and it's like the best song.
Woo woo woo.
Marie and I talked about politics and church. I played "The Movies" again. I made a pretty okay movie called "Glory - Where Everyone Dies". Although, the girl was only passed out and you thought she was dead, but I didn't explain that too well. Oh well. This is the 3rd time I've restarted. William got all the way to the 2000's. And I watched one of his movies. It was pretty good, but it was gross when his 60 year old actor was paired with a younger chick. And they got married. Yeaaaah.
84% of lightning strike victims are male.
There is no Betty Rubble in Flinstones chewable vitamins. WE HAVE THOSE. Totally looking. This is a long quiz.

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