Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I had a curry there once...

You Belong in the UK

A little proper, a little saucy.
You're so witty and charming...
No one notices your curry breath

Maybe I should move there...
I finally got a cat on Harvest Moon? Romana just up and gave it to me all of a sudden. I named him Murtagh. :) Apparently both my dog and cat are transgender. Everything else has a gender, but nooooo, not dogs and cats. They are shims.
Next time I play I'll marry Celia. Her kid was kind of annoying, but so was Nami's son during the first two years.
My son now wants to be a scientist. He's gone from artist to spy to scientist. But not musician. COME ON!!!!!!!
You Should Spend Your Summer at the Beach

You're a free spirit who is always thinking of new ways to have fun.
And you don't just love summer... you live for it.
So, you really should blow off your responsibilities and head to the beach!

I like the beach okay, but I don't like the ones in Washington. Except for Pacific Beach. That one's cool. Other than that they're really gray and rocky.
AAAAAAAAGH! I'm trying to do some science homework I slacked off on and now I'm SCREWED. Because I have to PAY for past weather conditions.
PLEASE let this site be free.
I think that's mean, though: trying to get some stupid person to pay because they forgot to record the weather on Friday. I need a week's worth of weather here. Something's gotta give.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Promises: Past weather. Gives: current weather. ACK!
Ohhhhh, you have to PAY for that kind of thing.
Amy Lee is still my inner rock chick. That should count for something...
Shweet, this site might work...
Although, one site out of 5 billion that offers free information will probably be stifled to death.
Okay, this is innacurate, as it is in a somewhat hotter location, but do I care? I need help on this assignment.
Maybe reading really horrible Murtagh fanfic will help.
Macaroni tonight. Box macaroni. SHREK SHAPED.
Must go kill myself.

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