Thursday, August 10, 2006


Amber got a new bird. His name is Gordon Dean, since her mom wouldn't let us call him Zach or Zach Attack. Or Speed. :) Parrot Jack is being adopted by a farmer. :( That was not the highlight of today. I didn't want to leave Parrot Jack, but "Larry" wants him. *sob*
So I was at her house today. Amber's dating Zach. Emily's dating Will. I'm dating SPEED. *sigh*
Gordon Dean peed in the box. And pooped on my shirt. -_-
I finished "The Slipper and the Rose". The end was pretty dumb. Cuz the king had totally banished Cinderella to like Monkey Island and she's all, "Tell him all this bad stuff of me, tell him anything, BUT NOT THAT I LOVE HIM." Hmm, okay...wouldn't you WANT him to know that? Then Annette Crosbie's like, "He's marrying the wrong chick," so she bursts in on the wedding in what was supposed to be a really pretty dress. I don't get French people. And so she and Ed hook up and get married.
The end
And John got knighted and finally got to marry his girlfriend. Except he had no hair on the right side of his forehead. It was like, " hair....ponytail..."


RRock_With_It said...

My mom won't let him be named Gordon Dean. I was thinking MC Floshizzle, but then we'd call him Flo, and that's dumb. So then I said how about "Foshizzle?" I don't think my mom likes it. Jason wanted to name it the spanish word for "Backpack."

Lauren said...

someone has been watching too many episodes of dora the explorer.

RRock_With_It said...

lol. Or he wants to name it Dumb One. Cause that's his favorite thing to say.

Lauren said...

gordon dean sounds better

RRock_With_It said...

yeah. but my mom doesn't like it.

RRock_With_It said...

so he still doesn't have a name.

Lauren said...

but it fits. he had to pee.

RRock_With_It said...

why does that make it fit?