Saturday, August 05, 2006

Gordon Dean

Wow. I haven't listened to music in 2 days. Ahh, scary thought.
But William took my Hawk nelson CD and he's not even listening to it, so I'd like it back. Ahem.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm actually reading "The Cheetah Girls". Pretty sad. But the library has every single book, so I was like, "What the heck, let's do this." Since they don't have the 14th Phantom Stallion, I need a new series, here's this one. Although, I am rereading LOTR. And possibly "The Hobbit". And maybe I'll even get around to reading "The Silmarillion", which, according to Matt, I need to be a real LOTR buff.
Oooh, the Phantom Stallion website...
AAAAAGH! THERE ARE MORE THAN 15! *sob* I'm so behind...
I need to request more of my stupid library.
Maybe after lunch.
So after I don't eat dinner, maybe I can prevent heart attacks and early teenage death by going for a walk or something.

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