Sunday, August 13, 2006

St-st-st-stellar! I like to say st-st-st-stellar!

AAAAAAH I had to watch Caleb and Jaylin yesterday. Holy cow. They never stop running. We went to the park and Caleb was like, "I'M GONNA GONNA RUN IN FRONTA SHWINGS!" And all the parents with their kids were like, "OH NO!" and stopped their kid's swing while I try to steer him away. Not working. And he weighs like a ton. So does his sister. And she kept trying to run, but she's one and that's like a new concept. Then we got home (Caleb thanked us for "the very nice dinner") and watched 2 "Donut Man"'s and part of "Toy Story" before Jaylin fell asleep and Kaia came to pick them up. Ah.
I now have enough money for the Hawk Nelson CD and to spend when we go to Oregon. "I remember Oregon...they had no tax." Hurray. But it's tempting... $30 bucks = "The Tryptych" and a Red CD. AAAAAAGH. I WANT TO SPEND IT. But then I can't get any certified Oregonian souvenirs. Yay me.
Today I'm wearing another outfit that doesn't exactly match. Blue shirt, jeans, black hat, bright green and yellow wristband. *flinches* I mean, I like the wristband, and it was totally worth $5 or whatever, but it doesn't go with any of my clothes. "DUDE, CHECK OUT MY PURPLE SHIRT!" " that a green wristband?" "YEAH, I KNOW, ISN'T IT COOL?" Meep.
Hummmmmmmmm... I made a sequel to my Insane License quiz. It's not as good, but you can reach it by checking my profile on the first quiz and looking at my other quizzes. It's for those of you who didn't pass the Isane License test. :( Sorry. It's lame, tho. There are some scary serial killer answers and talk of bunny poop and jellybeans.


RRock_With_It said...

i feel your pain. there are so many awesome cds i want to get. cds are like the only thing i spend my money on.

Lauren said...

that and candy. for me anyways.

RRock_With_It said...

I only get candy if my parents pay for it.

RRock_With_It said...

and by the way, I passed the insane liscense test on the first try! big surprise there. I already know I'm insane.

Lauren said...

:( me too, most of the time. hehe me too. sadly your favorite rapper is not insane, he failed pitifully. but he thought it was funny. ????

RRock_With_It said...

Well there are many different kinds of insane.

Lauren said...

naaaaah he didn't even try. :O ew that's GROSS.