Sunday, August 20, 2006

I WAS gonna let you keep the ponies, but I want to take them home.

WHAT IS WITH THE WEIRD AND CRAZY DREAMS I'VE BEEN HAVING LATELY!? Of course, I can't REMEMBER half of them, BUT I KNOW THEY WERE WEIRD! Seriously. In the latest one, Jeannie had some pony stencils and she wanted me to help her babysit them. And then Jocelyn beat me up cuz I wouldn't watch "The Omen" and locked me in Kara's room. Then there was a little LOTR adventure in which I was Will Harris (talk about weird...yet strangely satisfying) and had to save Frodo, Gandalf, and some blonde chick from the Black Riders/shiny train/bunnies. Maybe it's those zinc pills?
My life is sad. I spent all yesterday afternoon reading Ginny and Draco love stories. Come on, THEY WERE FUNNY! And they had funny pictures. Except for that one. I was like, "...awkward..." :O SHOCKER! Ginny goes back to HARRY! But...wth? "HE JUST CALLED ME A SLUT AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE!" Um, you're the one saying, "No, Malfoy, no, don't get in another fight." Ahhh, I'm getting a little too involved in these silly little stories. I need help.
Only 2 parts left.
I really feel like a chicken bacon sandwhich. Like eating one, anyway.
The Missions Trip people did their little skit today. Matt isn't going to heaven, apparently. Poor Matt. Cuz he waited too long and Chase wouldn't let him through. Never mind. Don't ask.
Whoa, slightly stalker.... "I COULDN'T GET OVER YOU IF I TRIED!" Hmm, I just noticed I always type overdramatic stuff in caps. My bad. Because it usually isn't. But it's more fun that way.
Only 1 part left.
Apparently Sarai has pus and stuff on her leg. *shudders* Dan: *trying not to puke*
I've noticed my posts stray from my daily life and go to random. Like that.
OOOH I saw Bashkir Curlies yesterday! As in the horse. :) And they sucked on my shirt. :) And chased us. :) It made my day. :) :) :) :) :)
WHAT THE HECK? THAT'S IT? AAAAAAAGH that was a horrible ending. Well, I think she's making more still, BUT IT STUNK. Wow, this is just like Jedi Apprentice: it goes from a!

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