Friday, August 25, 2006

Rio Rojo is the man. Hey, I'd been wondering where I put these.

Nathan got an Ipod. I wanna touch it. But he's like, "No, it's mine." And he didn't buy me one. When he supposedly has like $2000 bucks. :( I want an Ipod. Which I didn't win on that stupid DQ game. Which is LAME. Aah, well.
Why do I smile every time I see a picture of Speed? It's insane. That's all I need and I'm like, "GOOD MOOD!" Weirding me out. My favorite's probably the running one. The man has skills. :)
What? Love is not a strange thing. What's going on? This is a dumb quiz. Nyah! *hits it with magic staff* *static* Ooh, pretty.
The guys are yet again watching a lame thing on the Discovery Channel about terrorists and how we're totally screwed cuz we have weaponry, bla bla bla. Right. The world is not going to end cuz someone stopped Coke commercials from airing. Get a new theory.
Ew, Tom Felton is not the hottest guy alive. Not like I know the hottest guy alive. If I did, I probably wouldn't consider him that. Probably true for all of you, too. Only about me. Yeah.
Hehehe I played "Herd your Horses" for the first time in like 2 years. Or probably less. I like board games. They're fun. And I finally found the missing mini stallions. Which were in the box. And I was like, "DUH! *flashback* *flashback ends* *mwahaha, I didn't tell you about my flashback*" So yeah. All is well. Except for me not having an Ipod. Or a horse.

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