Tuesday, August 15, 2006


YEAAAAAAH HEATHER WON HELL'S KITCHEN WOOOOOOOOOO! Everyone in my family was like, "Shoot, it's gonna be Virginia," BUT IT WASN'T CUZ VIRGINIA STINKS IN THE KITCHEN! And Tom cut himself, giving one of their customers anemia or whatever, BUT ANYWAYS. So yeah. I was pretty awesomed out last night.
I FINISHED FOTR! Now for TT! HURRAY! I forgot some of the witty dialogue in those Tolkien books. "I hope the reason you blushed was for nothing but a wicked plot to steal one of my blankets!" "A'course not, Pip. *dialogue being revised from memory* I just felt like I had nothing on, if ya get ma meaning." *sniff* I love you, Sam. So does Frodo. Except there was that one part where Sam wanted to hold hands. ? Sam-o... And Boromir was way stalker, he's like, "I MUST SEE THE RING-BEARER'S FACE!" Nyaaaah. Except I kinda pictured him like the guy from "The Silver Chair" (as in the lame movie), Rillian or whatever, except not so buff. Well, the Rillian dude wasn't buff. Whatever. Yeah.
Hehehe I got "Bad Kitty" from the library. *sigh* Now that's good stuff.
Lalalala. Oh yes, I need to put a hold on "Attack of the Smart Pies".
Why are people so scared of frogs? Even tiny baby ones? It's pointless. Sure, it was gross when that one jumped in Chase's ice cream, but still... "OMG IT'S A FROG!" "...yeah..."
I think the frog was hungry. We were listening to TFK, tho. Maybe he wanted a different selection.

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