Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ima goin bullridin'.

I'm actually not. But who really cares? It's a fun title.
I need to write today. Short story. Something. NOT A SOAP. And I need to read today. Yesterday I watched TV, went online, and played board games for like...ever.
William's all, "Oooooh you can't hack into my blogger account?" Um, why do you want me to? And he's like, "It's a mystery," and he thinks that's soooo hilarious, but I think it's the gayest thing I've ever heard. So now he's all excited that I'm going to hack into his flippin account. What would that prove anyway? He can hack into mine. Ooooh, amazing. Not. I'm seriously wondering if there are any illegal substances in his bedroom.
My e-mail does not want to work. -_- I love e-cards, they be fun.
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm pretty much really ticked. THEY KICKED ME OUT OF DRAMA! It's like a WEEK before school starts and they take away my favorite class! Well, I wouldn't know if it's my favorite, I've never taken it, BUT COME ON! They're all, "Well, Advanced Band isn't going to work because of honors, so honors is 5/6 period, but drama is sixth." Crap. So I have three elective choices: guitar (:P), office assistant (major :P), and library assistant (total major flippin XP). The last two aren't even classes; they are forms of human TORTURE. I was totally willing to give up my honors classes, but my parents are like, "No, remedial reading will drive you crazy and they'll make you switch anyway." SUPER willing to give up advanced band since I hate playing trombone (well, I don't hate it, but I hate carrying it to school every day and it's way behind piano and drums) and I don't want a new band teacher who's probably a woman and women make the worst band teachers (they're so LOUD). AAAAAAAAAAAH! So I just picked office assistant since Nathan said you can just walk around the school for a whole period. Sounds promising. Hope I don't have to work under certain office person. *glares* THANKS FOR NOTHING!

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