Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You'll need more than some seltzer to put out this fire.

I swear, the "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful" reprise is the sort of song you could strip to. I can totally picture this all in my head. There's a pretty complicated "Little Miss Sunshine"-like routine in my head. Don't ask.
YAY, a new Blogthing!
Alexis and I just messed around all through study hall. She drew me a picture of a character from a story she's writing. Lauren + Emin = forever.
You Should Play the Accordion

You are eccentric, funky, wacky... definitely one of a kind.
People have trouble putting you in any one particular category. You definitely have your own thing going on.

You are a born entertainer. No wonder you'd be perfect as an one man (or one woman) band.
Your musical influences likely cross all genres - and blend together in a very unusual way.

While you are definitely offbeat, you also enjoy tradition and influences from the past.
It's just your style to take an old fashioned instrument like the accordion and make it uniquely yours.

Your dominant personality characteristic: your total inhibition

Your secondary personality characteristic: your interest in obscure activities and subjects

Uh...not really.
Do do do do.
Heh. I'm going through these Pony Pals like muffins.
Wait. It sort of takes me a long time to finish a muffin.
Look out, old Baltimore, I'm selling something you can't purchase at a 10 cent store. Wilbur, I feel like a princess! Come on and take me to the ball. I bet you're tired of heavy lifting. Get your hands on something small.
Do do do.
I like that song. Too much.
Heh. I had a 7th grader ask me about ASB. He thought I didn't have to take classes and sat in the office all day. Which would be cool...but no.
I want some muffins, now that I think about it.
Paul thinks I'm in love with Zac Efron. So I pushed him off the falcon foot. Then Connor pushed me off the falcon foot. Then I did it to him and he died. 9th grade...yeah. Gotta love it.


Matt Wilson said...

hahah 10th grade...gotta not love it hahahaha.

Matt Wilson said...

although I am actually in 11th...

Matt Wilson said...

whan'd you say your birthday is? lol

Lauren said...

januaryish. i can't even remember. and yours is like...april?

Matt Wilson said...

omgz still here?

Matt Wilson said...

ooooh march actaully. do you seriously not know your birthday?

Matt Wilson said...

your last comment aws 9:27

Matt Wilson said...

and I posted at 9:29...stink. STINK oh well.

Matt Wilson said...

its late anyway.

Matt Wilson said...

lol I wasj ust thinking in my head. and you know, eating at McDonalds is like. really (depending on the person) ish - discusting sounding. (even though I do it occasionally still) but its like. even though burgerking is just as bad probably, its like going there is somehow not as bad as McDonalds. I dunno. I guess its a good thing. but more so if it was unniversally applied. anyway. my double quarter pounder was only a single even though we paytedfor a double and the box it was in says double. >< grrr...

Matt Wilson said...

bleh 150 less calories i guess. or w/e it would be.

HIGH F TONIGHT!!! lol concert Eb way about the staff.

Matt Wilson said...

can any of your bands trupmet player sdo that? no I didn't think so.

Lauren said...

yeah, my mom got mad so i had to get off.
i do i was just tired. january 16.
burger king has better burgers anyway. mcdonalds is like a cultural icon of failure.
yeah most of my trumpet players are in 8th grade. that is so crazy. next you should tackle duke ellington's chart with a double high a flat.

Matt Wilson said...

thats only a minor third up

Lauren said...

maybe that's just a trombone thing.

Matt Wilson said...

Ican't hit it. but maybe by the end of the year or something.

Lauren said...

i heard lifting weights helps?? i don't know.

Matt Wilson said...


Lauren said...

hey look at joshua bell. wait he's a violinist...

Matt Wilson said...

I don't think I"m gonna get anything from lifting weights.

Lauren said...

again, joshua bell....

Matt Wilson said...

unless I lifted them with my lips o.O

Lauren said...

i would love to see you try this.

Matt Wilson said...

oh I will...

Matt Wilson said...

I'll do it at yg ( which is goingt obe awesome this week...cause I"ll be there hahahaha)

Lauren said...

i bet that's going to be the game, too.
yeah, not conceited at all lol.

Matt Wilson said...

I was being sort've hyperbolic...but would it be to vain of me to say that it would be a slightly better experience, even in a tiny margin, for most folks, if I was there. than not there

Lauren said...

are you playing guitar again this week?

Matt Wilson said...


Matt Wilson said...

any requests?

Lauren said...

i suppose fall out boy is quite out of the question.
hey how was halo 3?

Matt Wilson said...

blissfully amazing.

Lauren said...

about half the guys at my school stayed home so they could play it today.