Sunday, July 23, 2006

Somebody killed the Beach Boys...? Topping swank!

If only that were true. Cuz I've had "Help me, Rhonda" stuck in my head for much of my life. Wait. Was that Beach Boys or Jan and Dean? GAAAAAAAH CURSE YOU! They're all the same. And apparently Wilson (on "Home Improvement", best show ever) is related to them. Hehehe.
If someone suggests the impossible one more time, or worse, MAKES FUN OF ME FOR IT, I shall kill them. I had Brandon making fun of me all night. I had Nathan making fun of me in the car. I have everyone making fun of me on a regular basis. Please shut up.
AAAAAAAAH I'm writing another witty quizilla story and Speed needs to not only become unevil, but have a girlfriend. Layla: no. Magenta: off-limits. Freeze-girl: Hahaha Warren will kill you. Ethan's girlfriend: nuff said. Gwen: Gross she's like 85. Penny: even grosser. And I'm so bad at making superhero characters cuz I can't make unique super powers. "Um,, super, uhhhh x-ray vision, heck no...." Hmmm maybe he could go for some Wolverine like chick. Only with less hair. And this is killing me, here. But I will survive. So will Frank. *reminisces trail journal in which Frank sings non stop* OMG THAT'S WHO WAS IN THE 4TH TRAIL JOURNAL!
I got to rap today.
It was pretty stellar. And all the little kids came. Including Noah, Rachel, Schuyler, Logan, Alonzo, and more. YAAAAY!

1 comment:

RRock_With_It said...

*says in a very high voice* "Oh my gosh, it's a lion!