Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ew this tastes like BANANAS!

Has anyone realized that "A Prairie Home Companion" is the second movie in which Lindsay Lohan's character is named Lola? Just food for thought.
I've had my fill of Seattle. Had an ice cream cone that tasted like bananas with metal on top. It was baaaaad. But I got to working on my booknovelthinginaleathernotebookwithablottypen. Yeah. It's pretty awesome, I got to use the "Oooh look, a finger," and other over-used but classic humor. Oh boy. I just need to learn more about the Humane Society. That would be good.
I wanna go to Alabama.
Was Martin Luther King, Jr. born in Alabama or Georgia? I forgot, even after doing 3 reports on him. I love "Sweet Home Alabama". Hurray.
Lindsay Lohan needs a new name.
Besides Lola.
So I was on Ebay last night and there was Sims Superstar for $3.50, so in the last 15 minutes I bid on it, but someone outbid me at 10 bucks. :( But then I bought both Sims Superstar and Sims Vacation for 17 bucks, which is how much it would be for one at like Costco or something. Cool. It should be here by...SATURDAY. EEEEEEE I'm excited.
My grandma ordered a Smoke House burger like me and SHE TOOK OUT THE ONION RINGS. *shocked* I mean, what's a Smoke House without the onion rings?
I put like 3 nickels into the flippin jukebox thing and none of my songs played. I mean, come one, there's everyone's favorite song, "Loveshack", or there's "Happy Together" by The Turtles...or "He's a Rebel" by The Crystals...or "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison. Yeah, crazy. But the waiters danced and ran around Pacific Place with milkshake cups. So we're good.

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