Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"And send the smallest and most delicate among us?"

I watched "Ella Enchanted" (on the cpu, mind you, not the flippin Xbox, which was being gay).
It was pretty stellar, way better than the book, tho extremely cheesy and stuff. And it's like, sure, take the high road, and take your necklace back from your stepsister, but you could at least SLAP HER or something! Seriously! "Now that I'm no longer under orders... *break her nose* Ah. That felt good." But at the end, Hattie turns into a frog. Wait, no, that was a deleted scene.
Aaah my goodness, Slannen is hot. Char: hot but shallow. And he has a British accent. And he's like 39. Or something. Ew. Huge age difference.
SLANNEN IS AMAZING! But he ends up dating this giant. So he's like...5'8" (:D like me!) and this chick's like...20'8"? "ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY MAN'S JUDGEMENT!?" "Don't worry sweetie, it's just a guess." "Oh. ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY MAN'S GUESS?" Scary. And she was wearing quite a revealing top. "Stinkin Grimm Brothers." And he's like, "YES!"
OH MY GOODNESS. Lauren Jackson is 6'5". DON'T KILL ME. But I'm going to create a new char in NBA Street (v. 3) and call her Lauren Jackson. Stellar.
In like.
An hour.
For two hours.
Nathan said not to blog about him. "Meow, nooooo!" He's wearing greeen!!!!

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