Friday, March 03, 2006

"I've devoted my life to anime after having contracted cholera..."

Notice the quotation marks. Meaning I didn't really say that (it's actually from a Princess Diaries book). And I probably never will, because I greatly dislike anime (or most of it) and would rather watch "Ellen" than "Ranma". Of course that makes my dad kinda mad.
Guess what...I MISSED FOUR DAYS OF SCHOOL THIS WEEK! Today would be my fourth. Now William has cholera, too. We both feel disgusting. Or maybe that's because we had ice cream for breakfast after my mom went to work.
Is it true that all computers hate me? Because I can't get on AIM on this stupid thing. >:( Curse you, pop up blocker!
Darn. Sarai was right. After a month of no Blogger, video games, or "Josie and the Pussycats" (my loss), it all seems kind of pointless. All the exceedingly witty things I'm sure I had in mind no longer exist. I need a burger.

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