Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring sufferer

I want Spring Break. NOW! I swear, class is SOOOOOOOOO boring! Science, they had us making sculptures...OUT OF SPAGHETTI AND MINI MARSHMALLOWS! It's like, "Wow, the teachers need a break." I couldn't figure out how to build one, so I sat there for like 30 minutes before I had to copy everyone else's pyramid. It was dumb. And I got squishy marshmallows on my desk.
My left shoulder hurts. Especially when I have my shoulder bag strap on it it. Owwwwwww...
Blaaaaaah we had another WASL Writing Academy, but Mrs. Moon was teaching it so it wasn't half as boring. And we wrote like three prompts so that gave us something to do. And Mrs. Moon thought my letter to the ASB about buying new books was good. Omg, that sounded really preppy. "And she totally LOVED my paper!" Please. But I found my favorite picture book there and Mrs. Moon let me check it out and I was like, "YESSS!" But the Purple mouse is a MAN HOPPER! The whole entire book, Light Blue mouse was all staring at her, cuz he's shy, and there's like 70 PAGES of her holding hands and hugging OTHER MALE MICE! Then at the end, they're all a couple. Grrrrr I hate that mouse...
Hum hum hum....I'm bored. A lot. Very bored. So this was basically a waste of time.

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