Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nice crunchy dog tags - Yum!

How come I always get inspired right after I get off line...and after about 10 minutes of pure Solitaire? Anyway...
I realized people don't like to talk to me. Even if we are linked by alphabetical order...or the instrument known as THE DRUM SET!!! (*cough cough JASON cough cough*) Oh well. Go eat a dog tag.
Actually, I won't say that, cuz I like dog tags. I had one, but it was gross and fake and sparkly and it had a HEART on it and I was like, "...NO!!" I can't find any cool ones, but I would wear one. Like the one in my ATF book that says "Mad Dog Branzillo" after the "A Swiftly Tilting Planet" character dude man.
About the people thing...actually, some people talk to me. Of course, Daniel also beats me up, but whatever, I always win and one time I almost broke his nose. It was kinda funny but he got really mad and kept glaring at me in disbelief. Then he wasn't mad, but his nose hurt. It was your fault, don't hold that trumpet case so close to your nose. Oh yeah, and Alex makes fun of ducks and Yoda cuz he knows I HATE THAT!!! So I attempted to hurt him in PE. It didn't work. He was cracking up and "protecting himself" while I was trying to knee him to death. Ooooh, I can see the headlines now: SEVENTH GRADER KNEES FELLOW STUDENT TO DEATH FOR INSULTING JEDI MASTER. They didn't even mention the DUCKS! >:( That's not very nice. :(

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