Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Said I loved you, but I lied!

Wow, I had an AMAZING day today, despite the fact that I couldn't really talk, breathe, or exist without coughing sometimes.
French I couldn't sing, so that was dumb. But I'm not stupid. And Mr. Caley thinks I am a comedienne. Because I said I was from Norway. And Sweden. In French.
"Tu es Paris?"
"Non, je ne suis pas de Paris, je suis Norvege." *silence* "Je suis Suede aussi."
I forgot the important accents. But it's all good.
This jacket is really hot. Seriously, I'm like practically sweating and feverish it's so hot. I guess I could take it off, but I like it so much.
Math was exxxxcellent. We had another quiz and I'm quite positive that I passed this one also. Hehehe I do NOT suck at math. And I finished the extra long project in 6th period. With a ruler. It's very precise. Ha.
Band was pretty ballin. There are a lot of beeeeees in the band room, so we were moved to the choir room, and I like it A LOT better than the band room. Band room has better acoustics, tho. Mr. Faxon pulled out this EXCELLENT piece called "Electricity" and it's really rhythmic and AMAZING and fun to listen to. And then in the concert we're going to pull out some flashlights and do cool things.
I passed the jazz band audition. :P I didn't even have to PLAY to pass. My first hint: Connor was all, "Where were you this morning? You're supposed to be in jazz band!" Mr. Faxon assumed I would pass. Dang it. And I did. But apparently I can improvise by stringing together random notes and rhythms that sound good together.
5th I just slept and did math.
Ha, I took my science test, and I'm pretty positive I passed that, too, except for I might get points taken off for significant figures. Dang.
We had the 7th grade assembly and I was totally jealous of Quincy's sister Chloe, who had an amazing speech. No lightsaber, but hey.
Aaaaaaaagh today was those 9th grade ballots things, like "Best Eyes" and "Most Likely To Get Pregnant At 16". Actually, I was really hoping I'd get voted for something.... Most humorous is out, because everyone voted for Kaili (I did, too. Lol.), but Amanda voted me for Most Humorous, and Alexis voted me for Best Hair (??). Yeah. For some I couldn't think of anyone, so I just put random people or had Aubrie, Kathy, Kristine, Kaili, or Quincy tell me who they were voting for. Tim for Best Hair, lol. It's really soft, tho. Danny for Most Athletic, but now that I think about He's still the most athletic boy after Larry. But Larry has moved on to bigger and better things.
Yeah. It's GREAT. I'm so psyched. But my throat hurts kind of and my voice is all nasally. Oh well. Yay, I missed jazz band this week! Don't have to wake up at 5:30 until Tuesday, because Monday is a HOLIDAY!!! Tee hee. And tomorrow's a Thursday, and then it's a FRIDAY AND I LOVE FRIDAYS! I'm sorry, I'm just digustingly peppy right now.


Matt Wilson said...

I bought 'Kind of Blue' today at best buy...with money...that I made. its a bit of an acquired taste, even for me. but its good.

Matt Wilson said...

I had a good day too by the way. the chops are doing great. I like how you say everything you have to say in one comment...instead of 8

Lauren said...

i guess it's a girl thing???
holy crap, miles davis? you and my dad would get along very well.

Matt Wilson said...

we dont' already? lol jk

Matt Wilson said...

I've got quite the list of cd's to buy now...

some kind've The Who hits cd...

a white stripes cd (got any advice?

the new tree 63 cd...

the new TFK cd...

Phil whickham...

Matt Wilson said...

HEY, HEY YOU. yeah you!

you know what? hahahaha I'm so retarded.

Lauren said...

yeah, don't listen to jason, but "get behind me satan" was a pretty good album from what i've heard.
"icky thump" is pretty stellar, tho.

Matt Wilson said...




Lauren said...

and so on.

Matt Wilson said...

what did you mean by dot dot dot. was that in reference to something. or not.

Lauren said...

um it was in reference to the "i'm retarded" comment.

Matt Wilson said...

I don't understand...!!! ahhh. ok yeah way to dramatic. nvm.