Monday, October 29, 2007

And the cellos were playing, too

Ah yes. Math test tomorrow. I understand most everything. Hopefully I won't fail.
Do do do. Band concert tomorrow. Aaargh, we were doing really amazing at "Electricity", but we picked today to suddenly suck. Grrr. I hate flashlights. A lot. I saw this really cool recording of "Electricity" being played by a Singapore band, but there was like 50 people in that band and they were really good, so I felt like crap. :P
Do do do. Tyler was playing the cello? Amanda was emo/nerd with gangsta suspenders and a cool sweatshirt.
I realized I get nervous at just about everything, so that's probably why I'm really bad at "Are You Nervous?".
Pony Pals are taking forever, but I do have some Madison Finns in. Maybe after I'm done with that AND Pony Pals, I'll do "Avalon", seeing as that series really let me down.
WHAT??? They don't have the Halloween one? No way, I totally checked it out like 2 years ago!!! Probably 3. Can't remember. AAARGH! I KNOW THEY HAVE "CAUGHT IN THE WEB"! How come these girls are in 7th grade and Ivy looks like a 21-year-old supermodel on drugs???
I'm so addicted to "Monk". I just finished the first season and am anxiously waiting the 2nd, but it will probably be about a year before I ever see it because my library *cough cough* SUCKS *cough cough*. Seriously, my mom requested "The Cosby Show" season 2 in like January.
Ooooh, I requested that it be rushed. Is that mean? Eh.
"Baby Elephant Walk" is driving me insane.


Matt Wilson said...

so your band concerts the same day as ours? thats too bad. trumpet section them is yeah. thats what I am. then I'll go to work in the same thing I spose.

Lauren said...

that's...interesting. a scene from "cinderella story" is coming to mind....

Matt Wilson said...

I only wish what scene that was. or that I've seen that movie...tack another one on the list.

yeah it went really well. lke really well. jordan nailed the tuba solo and you could see the joy on mr. woods face. however the percussionists failed miserably. but they always do at concerts so w/e how'd yours go?

HEY WE GET TO DO ONE MORE HOMESHOW! this weekend at the game on saturday at Olympic. be there. its gonna be awesome.

Lauren said...

aw that movie's amazing. i don't know. that one kid from "aliens in america" is wearing a zorro costume and bragging about his dad's mercedes.

omg ours was so cool. we did this piece involving bright flashing lights and our trumpet section actually counted.

no way you didn't say it was at oly. yeah i'll be there.

Matt Wilson said...

lol last time we played a game right before a competition we tanked. so don't expect a whole lot. although we just got off a couple of our best performances to date.