Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If we were a movie

Yesterday was so not worth it. I would've rather been at school. Yesterday just allowed me to sit and stew and be in a bad mood all day until I finally exploded at my parents. It was pretty bad.
So today I had to wake up at 5:30 AM for jazz band, which was not fun, and couple with yesterday's bad mood, I was pretty dangerous. But I guess jazz is therapuetic? I actually enjoy it, despite the fact that I've been resisting jazz band since 6th grade.
OMG, 6th grade flashback, when I wanted to take Spanish, but the principal literally forced everyone who was in band and between the grades of 6 and 8 to do jazz band as their elective. I hated that school.
So school is taking my mind off things, but I'd rather not talk to people, so if y'all could leave me alone for the next few days, it would be great.


Matt Wilson said...

I feel bad o.O

as if somehow I have been the gravitational force all this is revolving upon somehow...just this gut feeling...

Lauren said...

i was really mad, but only because of my own idiocy and no one elses. i am definitely over it, tho.

Matt Wilson said...

how were you being idiotic. Girls are weird. and kara thinks the halo movie is gonna be gay...and we got into a heated arguement...but its notgoing to be.

Lauren said...

eh hormonal girl, there's a realm of possibilities.
is peter jackson doing it? in that case, i think it will be gay.

Matt Wilson said...

............................peter jackson is the executive producer...why would you say that? I didn't know you were an anti-fan of his work.

Lauren said...

i don't know what i was expecting in the lotr films but i thought he made some stupid decisions and too much from the book was left out. i'd willingly watch a 6 hour lotr movie.

Matt Wilson said...

wouldn't we all, and I'm sure he would make one but. he was not give himself money.

Lauren said...

hm....he was not give himself money. that makes sense.

Matt Wilson said...

he does not give himself money. excuse me. I'm embarassed.

Lauren said...

lol. i don't know, maybe it was just "king kong" that made me not like him.

Matt Wilson said...

aww that wasn' that bad. in fact I thought it was rather good.

Lauren said...

am i the only person who was happy when king kong died? he wasn't exactly a charming fellow.

Matt Wilson said...

you have no soul!! (not really...)

actually I don't care that much. uhm. I dunno it was a decent action flick that had a bunch of naked color people makeing suggestive movements...huh...

Lauren said...

i agree, the action was good, but the plot was lame and jack black = worst actor ever.

Matt Wilson said...

jack black was NOT terrible. I happen to like him. you know what I think is weird. my dad thinks that kevin costner is the worst actor ever. I don't see why but he does...not comparing jack black to kevin costner though but still. I don't think either of them are bad in there respective areas.

Lauren said...

HOLY CRAP, go watch the movie "robin hood: prince of thieves" and you will know why your dad thinks that.
and jack black is such a bad actor. whenever i see him, it's like "school of rock" all over again. not that i don't like that movie.

Matt Wilson said...

I liked that movie, nacho libre was very ok...not that great...uhm...what else was he in...the holiday was a good movie although not exactly because of him.

Lauren said...

speaking of cameron diaz...

Matt Wilson said...

what about cameron diaz?

Lauren said...

she and her former blondness are what that movie remind me of.