Saturday, April 01, 2006

Twas beauty that killed the beast

A line from the very stupid "King Kong", which I watched last night. I've seen way better movies at age 6. Such as "The King and I". The cartoon version. Yeah, that's how dumb this movie is. And we watched the Cleanfilms version, which made the movie pause and replay scenes every 5 minutes, and while there was little to no language, there was the same amount of violence. Did I really need to see Andy Serkis get eaten by worms? AND KING KONG KILLED MR. HAYES!!!!! While everyone was sobbing at the death of the great gorilla, I was screaming in jubilation. "YESSS! YESSSSS!! FINALLY!!!!!" And then Emily's mom was like, "Wow, you were very emotional about this movie." And what was up with Jack Black? Sure, he's funny, but he can only play one character: a greedy money loving freak. He got the cameraman killed. And his name was Carl. Blaaaaaaah...
I am having (so far) an uneventful day and it will probably continue that way. I just have to practice for like 45-60 minutes (at least I have music now. Hahaha, Matt's playing "Cartoon Symphony".) and finish "All American Girl", which I'm reading for like the 7th time, and start "The Secret Language of Girls". Funny, it doesn't feel like Spring Break. I hope we go to Seattle some time during it, tho. And eat at Rocket Burgers. They have good BBQ ranch.
I have splinters in my hand. Well, I did yesterday. I got them rubbing my hand across an old wood box while chasing Luke. Then one popped out while I was taking a shower this morning. Ouch.
I FINALLY GOT MY HOLDS FROM THE LIBRARY! Actually, I only know that one of them is currently at the library, and I probably won't get the other to for 2-3 weeks. :( Cuz one of them my friend has and she doesn't go to the library very often. So I don't know when she's going to turn it in. :( I still plenty of good books tho.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

wth that's so lame.