Friday, April 07, 2006

"You don't have to look good; you just have to wear this shirt!"

Lol, that's what I said to my brother at Coldstone today. Yet another person was all, "Dude, I love that shirt. Rock on. Bed peace," because of my apparently super awesome "Nerds Rule" shirt. Well, they didn't say the last part. Anyway. But seriously, all these people cry happy tears of joy at this black tee that speaks true the words of...I lost myself. And they all come up and admit that they, too, are a nerd or find them attractive... So slightly awkward there.
Okay, I know I'm obsessed, but WHO'S GETTING THE "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL" SOUNDTRACK? MEEEEEEE!!!! YAAAAAAAAY! I was listening to it today at Barnes and Noble and they didn't change my favorite song like EVIL B5 DID! DROP DEAD! GRRR! Cuz they were all wimpy and decided not to add the whole team screaming thing. Never mind.
Wow, I had no clue the new Princess Diaries book was out already. YAAAAAAY! I put a hold on it at the library since it was like 17 bucks and I only had a small fraction of that. (fine, $10.) But I'm the 14th person in line!! GAAAAAAAH! People at my library are so dead SLOW! I've had a hold on "Rising Storm" and "Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Freethrows" for like 2-3 weeks and I'm still 2ND IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annoying... Speaking of libraries, Seattle's new library ROX! I couldn't find any books in the teen section, tho. :( They were all like, "4 mil ways to lose your virginity" or weird fantasy novels that disappoint me greatly (excuse me? no mythical creatures? Just scary fairies that drink blood and ((literally)) wrap themselves in darkness.) But I found a paperback of "Princess in Love" (which I've only read like 20 times) and read that for an hour and a half. But it was all good.
"Insaniquarium" rocks the gaming world. So does "Super Granny" (save the cats! Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!) and "Barnyard Invasion" (abduct cows? Sweet.). I want them all, but they're like 20 bucks each, which is pretty cheap, but I'm broke except for my ten which I'm SPENDING soon and we have to order, which means another 8.50 or whatever. I could so become a banker. I think. As long as I didn't drool on the 100 dollar bills. :(

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