Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sore leg muscles leed to instantaneous DEATH

One of the bridge verse things from B5's "Get'cha head in the game" pretty much describes my thought pattern for this last week, despite my efforts to stop. Except I had to switch all the "she"'s to "he"'s. Cuz I'm a girl. And pretty straight. Pretty darn straight.
Here I am, legs sore beyond belief, munching on a chocolate marshmallow egg. I'd rather've had some of my grandma's pound cake, but there was only a little left, and I didn't want to eat any of my bunny cuz whenever I get an Easter bunny that's Palmer's, I always give it a personality, then feel bad when I bite off his head. Cuz I have an active imagination like that. Hello. So I settled for chocolate egg.
Today was MESSED UP cuz of the WASL. I had to go right to Mrs. Moon's room, where I spend 2 hours of my day anyway, and had to sit behind PAUL!!! But that was okay, cuz we made fun of the so called snacks they gave us. Seriously, FROZEN ORANGE JUICE? In APPLESAUCE CONTAINERS? Weirded out. o_O So we were all, "It looks like a smoothie." "But it's not smooth. Aw man, sucked all the juice out." "That's what you do with popsicles." "Shouldn't we call it an ie?" And random stuff like that. And at the break, Toni and I ate Cheetos.
The rest of the day was WEIRD! I usually have 1st lunch, but lunch today went by your 1st period teacher, so I had 3rd, but I wasn't hungry, and I'm not now either, which is weird for me, I just want JUNK FOOD!!!!!! Then in band, Emory learned a new word ("queer"; it's like, "Hello, as if that hasn't been around for so long already...") and was using it on us, but we either rolled our eyes and ignored him or congratulated him on expanding his vocabulary. To which he replied with another barrage of insults. Whatever.
PE: NOT COOL!! They made us do a cross country AND get 4000 steps!!!!! I did better this time (10:52 as opposed to my 11:14 last time) and got 4282 steps, after walking with a bounce so my stupid digiwalker would work. It's weird: whenever we do digiwalkers, I always manage to end up with a blue one. Not on purpose either. What's wrong with me?
"Snail Mail No More" should so have a sequel, cuz it's one of my favorite books and it's NECESSARY!!!!! I know it's already kind of a sequel, but still, I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOWIE!!! AND WHETHER HE AND ELIZABETH ENDED UP TOGETHER OR BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!! CUZ IT'S HAUNTING ME!!! EVEN THO I HATE ELIZABETH!!!! And if Little Bo will contract a horrendous disease and destroy the entire population. *shrugs* It would be nice.
Does he think about me, does he feel the same way,
should I go for the three, something something blaaaaa...
Think I'm going insane.
Can't get him outta my brain!


RRock_With_It said...


that's all i can say, for my own safety.

Lauren said...

IT'S TRUE!!!! I love that song, but I can't sing the lyrics right now. it's messing me up.

RRock_With_It said...

have you heard hawk nelson's new cd?

RRock_With_It said...

they have a song kind of like that.

Lauren said...


Lauren said...


RRock_With_It said...

yeah you do.

Lauren said...

lol hello is like the best song ever story of my life.

RRock_With_It said...

that's exactly what i thought.

Lauren said...

HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL IS COMING OUT ON DVD AND THEY'LL PLAY THAT SONG...actually, they won't, it was on the movie, but it doesn't have my favorite part in it...

RRock_With_It said...

they have that part in the movie but not on the dvd?

Lauren said...

AAAH the SONG is in the movie, but not that PART, someone redid the song and added it.