Saturday, April 29, 2006

Fast for Food

That's basically what I did from 12:30 P.M. 4/28/06 to 6:30 P.M. 4/29/06. And let me tell you. It. Was. AWESOME!!!!!!!
Okay, not awesome, but it actually wasn't that bad. At first, it's like, "AAAAAH I'M SOOOO HUNGRY," but then you get used to it after a few hours. And since the whole thing was about helping the hungry, it's like, "Well, duh, this is how they must feel every day." But we got juice every few hours. Which made me go to the bathroom like every 3 hours. But not like you need to know that, sorry.
So I was in the Kangere tribe, I think that's how you spell it, and we got owned at like every single tribe game, but not the Albertson's game and the shelter thing. Yeah. Rock on.
So that was basically our 30 Hour Famine. It was pretty darn spiritually uplifting. I can see why Christians sometimes fast. It's cool. Except for like the last 10 minutes, we were doing communion and I was SOOOOO hungry, my stomach was growling and stuff, and then I launched myself out the doors into a world of spaghetti, breadsticks, and garlic bread. And Fritos. And cake.
Grrrrr I just read Book 4 in the Warriors series. Bluestar is evil, she must die. And Tigerclaw. I'm sorry, Bluestar is just a WIMP. "Oh, I should've done this differently, it's ALL MY FAULT!!" *6 chapters later* "IT'S ALL STARCLAN'S FAULT, I'M GOING TO GO PARANOID AND BE BLUE!!!!!!"
OMG William's watching Extra or something and they're talking about Ace Young (as in self-obsessed girl-like Ace) and he's like, "I'm such and such years old and I'm single and ON THE PROWL." EWWWWWWWW!!!!! HOW STALKER IS THAT!!!! It's like, "STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!!!!" I'd better lock my doors and close my windows. *shivers in bed* Aaaaah...

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