Sunday, January 21, 2007


I'm kind of in a foul mood. My internet is being slow and I was up half the night reading "Carrie" cuz I couldn't sleep. Complete waste of my time. Stephen King bores the heck out of me. Him and his stupid "Shawshank Redemption", which I have yet to read, and probably never will, since all his other work has been so far disappointing. This coming from a wannabe author who refuses to immerse herself in classic literature because it's boring.
I guess I'm more into the shallow boy-meets-girl type of literature.
The kind without graphic sex-scenes and where there's at least a little humor, instead of plain old, "OH MY GOSH. I'ma going onna date. Going onna date. What shall I wear?" infused with "witty" dialogue ("Well, you're...STUPID!"). Horror/mystery's kind of good, too, only I can't find any good mysteries any more, so I stick with the horror serial killer kinda stuff. It's amusing. Unless it was spawned by Frank Peretti or Ted Dekker. I actually heard Ted Dekker was okay, as opposed to Frank Peretti,, maybe...
I just edited my favorite actors list. Kind of ironic. How you can have a favorite actor. Never mind. I won't explain. Denzel is up there, along with James Earl Jones, Bill Cosby, Steve Carrell, Rob Brown, Hugh Laurie, Jeremy Irons, and more...
Like you really need to know about that.
Philip likes Star Wars and LOTR? this could get interesting...
Man, if only the visualization for Windows Media Player could stay one color. Like dark blue and black for Evanescence. Just a thought.

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