Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Okay, let's see if this makes any sense:
First of all, I believe all humans are born hypocrites. Hypocrisy = sin. Whether we mean to or not, we will at least once in our life come off as or do something hypocritical.
Got that so far? Let us continue.
How are you supposed to observe and point out the hypocritical behavior of another person when you yourself are a hypocrite?
I'm serious, I think about it, and it's like I can't say ANYTHING about anyone else because it just comes off as really stupid.
And it's not because I'm Christian. I'm sure everyone deals with this.
The reason for this great and wonderful topic is that Brianna and Victoria now hate me and I'm supposed to care.
But I don't. Because they make me mad because they do things and then chastise others for doing these things but seconds later.
Then I realize, "Oh, I do that, too." But I do want to be kind of mad at them. And they're giving our sub a hellish job. I know everyone in the class talks, but they're the ones with the most constant defense, always breaking rules and fighting back.
I'M NOT SAYING I'M PERFECT, this just peeves me off a little.
Okay, A LOT.
But other than that? My day was good.
I NEED TO FIND MY PHYSICAL PACKET!!!!!!!!!!!! BASKETBALL PACKETS ARE DUE THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!! TWO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaand I have some overdue books. Fiddlesticks.
I have a basketball game to go to in like...20 minutes. This is just to waste time and get food.
Thank goodness I mistook someone to be someone else in the cafeteria today. Things could've gotten ugly.
Bump tournament: After several games of neither winning or losing, followed by a lot of losing, I ACTUALLY WON A GAME!!!!! But the bell rang like two seconds later, so I didn't get the satisfaction of moving up one hoop.
These pretzels are GOOD.
I'm addicted.

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