Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cuz I'll bite you, that's why

So I didn't make the basketball team. Yeah. I found out first thing this morning. I should've seen it coming, seeing as I didn't think I could make it yesterday. YESTERDAY, I totally would've been fine with this. I would've been TOTALLY cool and stuff, but no, I had to make first cut.
Yes, I'm mad about that.
Because I made first cut, I actually THOUGHT I'd make the team.
Ooooooh, yes, I am bitter. It's getting better, but I'm still mad.
You're probably saying, "Come on, get over it," and I should, but I want to rant a little bit. I just had a really sucky day and this was a GREAT part of it.
This probably makes ME a hypocrite, seeing as I mentally chided those who were all, "Oh, I probably didn't make it because the coach only likes SKINNY girls," and just really stupid things. But MENTALLY I'm saying some of the stuff.
Such as: "Okay, she got the guy, WHY DOES SHE GET THIS, TOO?" You would be interested at what you would find in my mind.
Brianna called me a lesbian for giving Jessica a hug. Riiiiiight... I'M theone that's a lesbian. I mean, YOU'RE the one that throws herself all over her female friends and wears tight pants, but it makes SO much sense that I'M the one that's a lesbian.
AAAAAAAARGH, I really dislike her.
That's being too nice. I hate her.
And her stupid little friend.
And since I'm a "lesbian", I could beat her up.
When did mothers become so accepting? It's a good thing, don't get me wrong. If I weren't so mad, I think she would've said something. Or maybe not.

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