Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Of Mooses and Muffins

My piano teacher gave us all Christmas presents: a mug with strawberry candies in it. You didn't get to do anything about the candies (strawberry = nasty), but you did get to pick a mug. So I got a mug that I THOUGHT had reindeer on it, but after further inspection, those "reindeer" were found to have the round face and hooveless mitts of a MOOSE! YES! So now my "favorite animal list" goes as follows: horse (duh), wolf (awoooo), lion, panda, moose, and DUCK! Yeah. Just a random thought. Lol, I was listening to Talk Radio cuz my dad loves TR and won't let me listen to anything else when he's in the room (hey, it's Medved...or country. GASP! NOT COUNTRY!) and he said something about Micheal Savage being a cynic and I was like, "Hahaha. Hey cynic..want a muffin?" Yeah. That's how my brain works.

Matlock is in APPROXIMATELY 8-9 MINUTES! GASP! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO! Man, after Matlock I have to "practice" trombone (nooooooo) cuz I'm so behind in minutes and read. I HATE READING LOGS! Oh well, we got the backs crossed out, so whatever. 8 MINUTES AND COUNTING!

I know I'm supposed to be preparing, but I really wanted to say...........how was your lunch? Mine was fascinating. Okay, I'm done.


RRock_With_It said...

Yeaya! Go wolves! they are awesome.

I'm glad your lunch was fascinating.............

Lauren said...

wolves rock! except in narnia they're kinda fun to kill. My bad.
it would've been even more fascinating if....never mind, will stop there.

RRock_With_It said...

if *name withheld* killed them?

RRock_With_It said...

and heroicly saved you?

Lauren said...

no if he'd fought with me maybe. i'm kinda anti-"save me". :)
actually, i was referring to my lunch. he so should've been there.

RRock_With_It said...


Lauren said...

that sounded very sarcastic.

RRock_With_It said...

It was.