Friday, December 07, 2007

So lying is condoned now?

"Snakecharm" is kind of boring so far. Disappointed. Danica's pregnant, though, and she and Zane don't want to give up the kid or something. All this political rubbish.
I read "Perfect" from the "Pretty Little Liars" series, though, and that was pretty good. I'm putting a hold on the first one.
Math quiz today. I couldn't get 2F for like 20 minutes and then I tried a zero in the equation and it WORKED. Mr. Kovacs kept looking at my paper and telling everyone what I got wrong, though. 2x(x + 4). Pretty much, yo.
Pre-AP English is SOOOO LAME. I'm doing good, though? Guess that's cool.
Science is too easy, but we're coming up on some new material. Darn. Better pay attention.
We played "Pictures at an Exhibition" in band. Aagh, it's crazy fun to play, but he took it away. I think we should play it in a concert, though, and wave rubber chickens during "The Ballet of Unhatched Chickens".
Jodie WILL have a boy. BOY! BOY! BOY! BOY!

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