Sunday, December 23, 2007

"This is one of my fantasies...only it's not cherry pie...and you're not in it."

I don't try to think about his exact meaning.
Yay I love the Sims, don't you?
So my family is all, "Since you didn't get to open your presents until the day after Christmas last year, why don't we open them on Christmas Eve?" All right, that's cool. Only I'm only getting one present this year. Man. How depressing. AND I know what it is. At least it's cool. My grandpa told me to bring my bass to his house once I get it and play for him. Yeah right, like I can play.
Aaargh, I was going to play trombone for the worship team, but then my dad brought home the music and it was SOOOO freaking hard. I mean, it was the hardest piece of music I've ever played, and I haven't been playing very challenging trombone music as of late. But this was like, *high* D D G F# E D C natural, really fast, and then go to a high A, like a Chicago horn line. Aaargh. So I was really mad that I couldn't play it and my dad thought I was mad at him and was all, "Awww, don't feel bad, it's all right." Argh, felt like a failure. I'm mostly worried about how it'll sound when my dad goes to the worship team people and is all, "Oh yeah, it was way too hard for my daughter, can she play some other time?" Cuz they probably won't let me. It figures we had to choose a church with a really good worship team.
Do do do do do do.
Hannah Montana.
Yay, annual Christmas party last night. Okay, this is two years in a row that we haven't had Nancy's delicious coconut bonbon-y things. Those are my favorite and she STOPPED MAKING THEM. >:P Haate. The littlest cousins were pretty cute, though. Cooper wreaked havoc on Christine's magazines, Brooke and Lachlan took on the other twins (and won), and Gage and Taylor ran around screaming and trying to get upstairs to look at presents.
OMG, Braeden got the HSM 2: Extended Edition and we were watching it!!! I only got to watch half, though, then I had to go. Ew, there was this weird scene that had not been in the movie (read: extended edition) where Sharpay and Ryan perform "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a" for Troy and Sharpay names Troy the fish prince and Ryan throws a temper tantrum. It was SOOOOOOOOO disturbing.

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