Monday, December 31, 2007


I feel like being reflective today. I mean, it's New Year's Eve, and I always have the feeling that I'm supposed to be doing something important. Such as finishing "Pride and Prejudice" and doing the homework I sort of put off. Or writing a letter to the president. Or at least making some cheesy New Year's resolutions that I never keep anyway.
So I thought about 2007 (for like 8 the shower) and the reasons that I thought it was such a crappy year. Such as:

1. My dog died. 7 years is a long time to have a dog, especially when he was older than dirt to begin with. But he was my first dog, and so putting him down was really sad.

2. I'm crap with boys. Yeah. This is mostly what made the year so unbearable. Mostly because of tension. Or something. Looking back, I would much rather have minded my own business and kept reading my Pony Pals.

3. One word: Church. My family was planning to leave a church we'd been going to even before we got Oggy, but we didn't know when and we couldn't tell anybody. I wanted to leave so badly, but I didn't want to leave behind friends and stuff. But we finally did, so it's not like I couldn't leave it all completely behind me.

4. I didn't make the basketball team. This really sucked at the time, because I had to hold it in all day while people apologized, and I'd kind of been having trouble with some girls at the time, so that entire day kind of bombed, but it ended up being okay because I made the team, so I probably shouldn't even consider this a reason.

But the year didn't turn out completely wasted.

1. Um, I got elected president!! That's pretty cool. REALLY cool. And it upped my social status somewhat. My fellow freshmen still think I'm a nerd, but who cares?

2. I made the basketball team and discovered sports. Basketball and track rule. Hopefully I REALLY make the basketball team this year and 5 people don't die in order for me to get a spot. And track should be fun. I've gotten faster, only I haven't run in a while, so I'm pretty out of shape.

3. We found an awesome new church. I'm finally enjoying church for the first time in 15 years. And they have a good worship team.

4. I GOT A BASS!!! And I don't suck completely!

So yeah. Lol, 4 reasons each, that's pretty balanced. I'm pretty psyched for 2008, because, hello? Freshmen! In 5 months, but who cares!!? People are already talking about it! Including myself!! How shallow!! And we might go to Creation, and maybe Nancy will give us plane tickets. Georgia, anyone?? Oh yeah, and I have to do ASB stuff. Hopefully no more summer school, though I secretly enjoy it.


RRock_With_It said...

Happy 2008!
What'd you do on new year's eve?

Lauren said...

Went out for Chinese in Seattle, then went to my friend's New Year's party at her church, where we had to eat baby food out of diapers and doggy treats. Soo nasty. What about you?

RRock_With_It said...

Gross. Is that sanitary?
I went to a friend's sleepover. We didn't watch tv or anything, we literally talked til six a. m.

Lauren said...

I don't think so. Everyone was throwing up in trash cans.
Right on, those are the best kind.

RRock_With_It said...

Yeah. Makes you wonder what guys do on sleepovers, cause they obviously don't like just talking the way girls do. I guess they play Xbox.

Lauren said...

And hit each other and yell.

RRock_With_It said...

Probably.... but I've known girls who do the same. *glares and rubs arm*

Lauren said...


RRock_With_It said...

I'm kidding. :)

Lauren said...

Ha ha, I know you're not, but that's cool.

RRock_With_It said...

Well it's not like it hurts that much.