Thursday, May 11, 2006

Smooth Reuben

I am now in the making of...making the awesomest baby ever. As in the science thing we have to do. I tried twice AS SOON as I got home from school (but while doing so, knocked over my Coke with a sparkly purple pencil and spilled half of it on an article about white people getting mad over the race of the Viking Queen or whatever), but they're pretty sad. I mean, both Britney and Peter Pan have bushy eyebrows. And Peter Pan's mom was a platinum blonde supermodel. Britney's dad is scary. But they're not awesome. And I had to draw a picture of my "daughter" for science. OMG, she is the SCARIEST thing I've ever seen, cuz Adrianna and I used Gatorade bottles to make the head round...AAAAAAAAAH SCARY MONSTER!! And I did this pretty awesome drawing of our daughter as a baby, but then Mr. Griffith is all, "No, do them as a teenager." NOOOOOOOOO!!! So I do that. Big disaster. She resembles a walking melon. Nathan drew her lips and they make her look a little like...a walking melon... Yeah. But I'm going to create two babies and write a "tragic" story involving them. And one of their mom's is going to be...a platinum blonde supermodel.
I just made brownies with BAKER'S CHOCOLATE!!!! Wow, that sounded...interesting. Like Jamie from "Walk to Remember" interesting/scary. Baker's chocolate is NASTY. It looks good, it smells heavenly, but it tastes like...gross, just lost appetite.
Today we had the world's awesomest band sub. She's actually a music teacher or voice teacher or something, but she's a pretty nifty band teacher.
YAAAAAAAY we got to work in the library for like ALL of 6th period. And since I had nothing to work on, I got to read "Midnight", 1st book in the "Warriors: The New Prophecy" series. Although, that book is REALLY hard to get into. Cuz it's TOTALLY about Bramblepaw, the cat I really wanted to know more about from the first series (even tho NOW he's Brambleclaw), but so much has happened between series and not only is it hard to keep up, nothing interesting is happening. It's just "a day in the life of". So I read Bram Stoker's "Dracula", Usborne version, illustrations and all.
HAHAHA in PE we had this assignment to keep track of what we ate in one day AND I'M ALREADY DONE!!!! I just wrote down all of yesterday's meals. But then Mrs. Hurd made me walk around the gym because I couldn't find anything to do for 20 minutes. I mean, basketball: awesome, but I'm horrible. Hockey: Who really wants to play this with a bunch of 6' 180 lb freshman guys? Not me. Volleyball: HECK NO. So I walked around the gym. I've been doing a lot of that lately. Walking, I mean.

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