Monday, May 22, 2006

Down with the King [County]

I'm sitting down, JUST ABOUT TO BLOG, when dingalingaling... "Lauren, the dog woke up!" AAAAAAAAAAAH I HATE THAT!!!!!
I walked into school today and everyone commented on my lovely red face, slightly tanned arms, and cigaretty voice (NO, I do not smoke), courtesies of BIG SPLASH!!!!!
Big Splash, unlike last year, WAS SUPER AWESOME!!!!!! Except for the part that I forgot to sunscreen my back and face and got MAJOR BURNS. Oh yeah, on my feet, too. But it was fun. I got to eat ice cream for dinner (their pizza still tastes like...)(btw what was up with the tasteless watery Coke?), go on every ride multiple times (such as the Timberhawk), and party on the water slides and stuff. (well, not party, but sure, I am so addicted to their water slides. Especially the intertube kind. Yellow slide OWNS.)
The concert wasn't too bad. DJ Maj was okay (my dad kept calling him DJ Mac when I told him about the concert, then was weirded out when I told him it was M-A-J. "That makes no sense." Whereas DJ Mac makes A LITTLE sense, it's either a name, or he worked with Tobymac, which he did, on Diverse City.) and Superchick was lame, but in a nice way (that's putting it lightly. They were kinda boring. And I didn't like Trisha's hair. But Melissa the guitarist was cool. And Melissa ((as in NOT the guitarist, btw)), who I was sitting with, was all, "Her name's Melissa!!!!!!!") But TFK and Hawk Nelson...well, let's see...PRETTY MUCH ROCK!!!!!!! No pun intended. JASON DUNNE HAS A FAUX HAWK AGAIN YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M SO HAPPY!!!!! Better than his weird girl haircut. And he was wearing HIGH TOPS!!!! HA! HAHAHA!!! Low top wearers are SUCKAS!!!! Well, that includes like all of my friends, so I take that back. But still, HIGH TOPS ARE WAY FLIPPIN BETTER!!!! But Daniel Biro grew like this combination of mullet and Brit rock hair. :( It was sad. And he reminded me of this guy I saw at a Kutless concert leading a worship band last summer. Ironically, THAT guy looked just like Billy Boyd. Daniel DOES kind of have hobbitish hair... Even tho Billy Boyd's hair is like way short. So I didn't know any TFK songs except "Rawkfist" and two others, but it was a cool concert, even tho I couldn't do anything cuz everytime I moved, I'd slide down the stupid hill. Grrrrrrr curse you...
Colton had magnetic balls today. But he wouldn't let me play with them. (for all you sick minded, no I don't mean it like THAT) Then Tori stole all of them. Or at least most of them. And then I had to put the Bazooka Bubble Gum book cover back on Colton's book. But the bell rang. So Toni just slammed the book shut and threw it on the cart. "Close enough."
Mr. Griffith called me 4-eyes subtlely. Being insulted subtlely isn't exactly awesome. "And this alien is you. *points to many eyed Dipteron googalophicus or something*" Nyaaaaah...
AAAAAH in PE we did a 12 minute run for the first time in like 4 months or whatever. I got 16. Better than last time. :) But I still hate those runs. And Mr. Eathorne was putting us down, but he's a gym teacher and he gets away with it because all inspirational coaches taught "tough love". This is PE. Not "Coach Carter". Stop yelling at me to run while you're walking.

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