Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Blogthings! How I've missed you!

You are the Sense of Touch

You are a highly sensitive and easily moved person.

You love to get as close to other people as possible.

Human connection is very important to you.

You are also likely to be an animal lover who loves animals as much as humans.

In fact, you like almost anything soft!

You have expensive taste in clothes and furniture. It's all about the fabric.

You Live in the Present

You take things one day at a time.

And it turns out, that's a pretty great way to live.

You aren't consumed by the past, and you're aren't obsessed with the future.

You live in the now, and you enjoy each moment.

While most people don't live in the present enough, make sure you don't live in it too much.

It would be a mistake to forget your past or neglect to plan for the future.

You Are 69% Skeptic

While you aren't always skeptical, you generally approach life from a skeptical viewpoint.

You're open to any outlandish claim, but you need proof before you'll believe it.

That being said, you're occasionally willing to go out on a limb and put your faith in idea.

There's a few beliefs you hold because you hope they're true - not because they've been established as true.

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