Saturday, August 02, 2008

Masochism Day: Painfully Good

Have you ever drunk two very caffeinated sodas and, as a result, were unable to sleep until the wee hours of the morning?
If not, I don't reccomend it.
Mountain Lightning is good and all, but it's pretty powerful for a cheap version of Mountain Dew.
So, when Saturday was just beginning and everyone else was sleeping, I was wide awake reading "The Jane Austen Book Club" and thinking about very random things. Or rather, one thing that wasn't so random.
It was weird.
So I decided today should be Masochism day, a day where people all around the world revisit old memories and take part in activities that are sure to cause them harm or discomfort.
That's sort of what I've been doing today.
I drove all the way to Walmart - on the highway!!
I also did a BLT whilst going very fast, and almost hit 3 people.

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