Thursday, April 05, 2007

Don't poke the penguin

Man. Today could've been a really good day. And it was good when we went out to Ruby Tuesday's with my grandma. It was good when we went to the immunization clinic and it didn't hurt.
But it's just been one of those days.
And the fact that I had this MAJOR mood swing doesn't help.
Lest I bite someone else's head off, here is another warning from the government.

WARNING: Stay away from Lauren. She bites.
If she is in a BAD MOOD, do not feel you have to comfort her, as she will kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
If she is in a good mood while talking about a sensitive topic, it is best not to smash her dreams into billions of tiny bits, as this will send her into a bad mood, and she wil kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.
Actually, don't talk to her at all, seeing as she is a girl and when she has a mood swing might kill you/kick you in the balls/bite your head off.

There, got that out of my system.
It's just that my parents don't support my single parenting plan. It's not even like I'm going to go out and get pregnant. I'm going to move to Georgia, go to Africa for missions, and adopt from South Africa...or Uganda. But I thought they were cool with it and they're NOT.
And then my mom gave me this huge lecture on how God will use your dreams, bla bla bla, and it was like she was rubbing in the fact that she's closer to God than I am. And it made me mad because no, God and i aren't close, I'm still working on trusting him, and since like a week ago I was almost practically atheist, it's not like I've taking any time to get on my knees and be all humble and crap, "Oh God, I know you will do PERFECTLY, so here are all my hopes and dreams for the future, and I shall go skipping away and not worry about anything because life is PERFECT!" Uh yeah, maybe in Christy freaking Miller.
It just WASN'T COOL.
So I guess I'm over it and I'm talking to God about the future, but the worst part about the whole conversation is my mom acted like that plan wasn't BIG, Like I could do SOOOO Much better.
At least it's better than LIVING WITH YOU GUYS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, like I thought 4 MONTHS AGO when I had NOTHING BETTER TO DO. And I'm not planning on living in Washington forever. I'm moving SOOOO far away it's not even funny. 2733.14 miles it not something to laugh at. And then I'm going to AFRICA, where I'll need like 5 SHOTS. And I'm going to be a WRITER, writing more than CRAPPY Christian fiction where stupid morons talk about their perfect lives, eat frozen yogurt, and their biggest sin is saying, "Poopy doop."
Just mad as heck.
So I guess I'm not over it.
I also realized I hate the word "dreams". Sounds mystical and retarded.
But don't call my stupid "dreams" small. Because this is BIG for me.
I think this day is bad because I was going to wake up super early so I could download all the new FOB I got onto my Ipod, but I can't wake up early cuz I'm not a morning person, so I played Mario instead, and then my stupid computer wouldn't let me import, so I had to burn it all to the harddrive instead, and THEN import, and I almost had all the info on Take This To YOur Grave done, but it didn't save cuz it's LAME. Not like my grandpa's cpu is so much better, which is what I'm typing on. THe shift key keeps sticking and I keep using quotations instead of apostrophes. Gr.

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