Friday, April 06, 2007

Actually, my favorite color is blue

No idea where that came from.
I should date a bassist?
If that bassist is Pete Wentz, no thanks.
Wow, can't really think of any bassists that I know.
I don't know about BASSISTS.
Wow, not even the bands I really LIKE. That's like...ALL OF THEM.
Is Fall Out Boy really the only band where I know all the members?
I need a break from them. *tries to leave, but is latched to "Infinity On High"* NOOOOO!
I've been having weird dreams lately. I had a school related one earlier this week.
Mr. Jansen (who I had thought RETIRED): Sit down.
Me: I'm sitting here.
Sara: *takes seat*
Seat taken: *happens a lot*
Me: I'll sit here. OH CRAP! *realizes seat is taken*
Emo: Hey, you're sitting in my seat. That's unnaturally sexy. I think I'll talk to you for the first time all year.
Me: WTH???
It was pretty weird. BUt not as weird as last night, where one of my teammates and my old crush started going OUT?
Me: So you guys are going out????
Them: Yeah. *happy sigh*
It was so awkward. And it wasn't even real.
I wasted another day. And now I only have 2 days left. And one of them's Easter.
I will not sleep well on Sunday.
I feel like steak or some kinda meat. Or pasta. Definitely pasta. Because I was playing basketball with Amanda.
I really want a pair of Vans. Declaring them emo doesn't make them less amazing. I'm really thinking emo has outlived its welcome.
Apparently I'm having an emo wedding.
Luke is impossible to catch.
But he's SO CUTE.
I want pasta.

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