Sunday, February 18, 2007

Pippin's song...on a Sunday

Yay, got to skip church, because I'm still kind of sick. Not a lot of coughing, but more sneezing and dripping of the nose. Yeah, you really needed to know that.
I just watched the last of "ROTK". I love that movie. But they're not as good as the books. I remember the first time I watched that movie, I started screaming bad things about Peter Jackson because he cut out like half of Return of the King and added a bunch of Two Towers stuff.
I want to read all the books again. I tried last summer, but I got through part of Two Towers and had to stop.
So I'll try again. And then I'll see if we can watched all a ROW.
I'm sooooo hungry. I already ate some Lucky Charms but that didn't sit well. oh well.
Man, three hour basketball practice tomorrow. This sport is kind of my life now. Dang. Hope I can find my shorts. *glares at shorts-stealer* Actually, probably no one stole them, I just put them in the jersey bucket accidentally or something.
But still.
It's not like I'm LOVED by everyone on the team.
Nah, it's only one person that I suspect because they don't like me and I don't like them, in short, we don't like each other.
Fm Static must die.

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