Tuesday, June 20, 2006

1, 2, Step

So today was the talent show and field day.
Talent show: Lame. Pretty much everybody sang, and they were all not so hot. When "Jesus, Take the Wheel" was performed, I started crying. In agony. But two guys paired up and did this song and they were pretty good, except they messed up and were like, "Uh, let's start at that place." This one kid danced to "Thriller" and then lip-synched "The Final Countdown". But the best part was when everyone started screaming, "PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!" at the top of their lungs when told to get the energy level down.
Field day was okay. There was karaoke (didn't do that), basketball (nope), volleyball (haha yeah right), inflatables (do you know how long it takes me to put on these shoes?), a "dance floor" (it's really hard to dance when there's just asfalt underneath you and 10,000,000 people surrounding you dancing the 1, 2, step. So I just walked around with a granola bar near the baseball field.
I had a Twinkie. And some Cheetos. SMITHERS!

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