Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grandma's cookies? There is no Grandma!!

Mrs. Freshley's makes the best cakes. Instead of Twinkies, she makes RED VELVET creme cakes, which are like Twinkies, but BETTER. And her Swiss Rolls are tastier, but I don't know quite why.
So many people are gone on the Youth Missions Trip that Sunday School feels empty. Worship team had a whopping three people on it today, including William.
My mom let me drive around the mall parking lot for almost an hour yesterday. It was definitely easier and more fun without my driving instructor breathing down my neck about EVERY LITTLE THING. Oh, and there were no other cars around, so I wasn't scared about stop signs and running into people.
Has anyone else totally zoned out during church? I do it all the time during Sunday School (depending on the speaker), but I look repentant, so no one notices.

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