Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All cougars should be shot

Played our biggest rival today.
And lost our biggest loss ever.
I really HATE that school. The refs sucked and the cheerleaders annoyed the expletive out of me. Not even kidding. If I were in a REALLY BAD MOOD, they would be the first to go. And our team just was kind of out of it, like we didn't really want to win. It was pretty humiliating losing to them.
But I totally threw an elbow at this one girl who almost broke my nose. Oooops. Suck it up, it's called DEFENSE, nose-breaker.
I'm no longer failing science. I'm only getting a C, but we're good. And my math teacher is freaking out because I'm getting a C. NOT MY FAULT. Maybe it's because you wouldn't let me turn in my freaking work. And she thinks I'm getting a bad grade because I READ a lot in class. NOT TRUE. I'm getting a GOOD GRADE, I get what's going on, and she acts like it's horrible and that I've done it so many times. Like ONCE. I hate her, because she's an inflexible LIAR.
A lot of the guys I find attractive are similar looking?
I see a trend...
I mean, Teddy Geiger? AND Garrett Hedlund. They don't look THAT much alike, but there's the dark hair/blue eyes combo going on.
And they're both dead sexy...
My keyboard is rattling and it's really annoying.
Oy. It's stopped.

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