Sunday, March 18, 2007

My hips don't lie

They don't, though. Why is our culture so obsessed with the curved white bones jutting out from your waist? I find them fascinating.
Except when I ram them into a wall or something.
Don't you hate it when people keep trying to give you information when you're trying to walk away? It's like, "Okay, i get it," and so you start to leave and they keep TALKING and then they get all offended when you're like, "Shut up." It's like they think you walking away means, "Give me more information or else I might shrivel up and die." Noooo, it actually means, "Gotcha, let me go try that, please shut the heck up, come on, what's your problem, DO YOU HAVE ON OFF SWITCH?"
Dang, I wanna buy some songs off itunes. But then Nathan all freaked out and he was like, "What, download? No, you can't download. It'll take forever." And I just wanted to know if I needed a credit card or not. But it's my family we're talking about. So I don't know if I'll ever get "Temperature" or "Hips don't lie" on my nano while we still have Integrity.
Besides Earthlink. *gag*
Ebay, ebay.
I'll make like Ciena and go to ebay.
Haven't seen her in a while.
Maaybe Dad and I will be able to go to Georgia this year cuz Nancy has tickets?
But anyways. I think I shall search for Star Wars action figures (such as Queeeen Amidala) or old school FOB CDs.
Hmmhmmhmm I haaaaaate dial-up sooooooo muuuuuch.
Hahaha, I asked my parents for a cellphone and they went, "Maybe next year." Hahahaha.
Come on.
By the time I actually get one, no one will be using cellphones anymore.
They'll probably be using cellular devices that have been surgically placed in the pelvic region.
One day I'm going to get stranded in Seattle with NO MONEY at all and I won't be able to call for help unless some poor stranger takes pity on me BECAUSE I HAVE NO CELLPHONE.
And I'll probably be mugged. By a seagull.
I hate being sick. This cold is such a pain.

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