Sunday, March 04, 2007

No, I don't actually know what that means

My mom said it was okay for non-Catholic Christians to cross themselves, because they believe in Jesus and the Holy Trinity. Which is cool. But then again, I don't actually know what crossing yourself stands for EXACTLY.
Bobby Michaels was at our church today. He. Is. So. Cool. He's a musicianary (music missionary? Yeah, that was kind of easy to figure out). I kind of really feel called to do what he's doing. First stop: AFRICA. Uganda, I think, South Africa, don't exactly know where. And maybe Cuba, if I can get in. My mom thinks I feel for AFrica like she does for Japan.
She doesn't like Joe Trohman. How's that for a non-sequiter?
Not that good... I'm working on it.
Might possibly start writing my soap again? I don't know, I'm bored. If I ever have time, I'll write a little.
Lalala. I need to play trombone.

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