Sunday, December 24, 2006


Seriously, opened up some possibilities I hadn't even thought of. But I thought some of them were total crap. Like Brom being Eragon's father? Maybe, but I don't think CP is talented enough to pull that off, and even if he WAS, I don't think he would go in that direction. Then again, it does make a lot of sense and stuff, so if they're right, I'm a loser.
But about the third dragon rider: they think it is most definitely Arya. I thought it would be possibly be her. A lot of people thought it could be Orik, but why would it be Orik? Hm? Hm? Hm?
I DROVE THE GOLF CART TODAY! I even drove all the way home from the park. And then Nathan and I bought a hecka lot of candy and stuff. Let's see, I got...a Zero bar, some donuts, a peppermint thingy, Tootsie roll, and a Mounds. And all that's left is the Zero bar. And the coolest thing was, Nathan bought like three things, and the total was only $5. 5 BUCKS!!!!!!! Back home...well, it wouldn't be that much more, but whatever. 5 BUCKS!!
I fell asleep thinking about my soap. What does that say about it? Dang. I must be horrible.
Or not.
I'll wait for inspiration and write it in secret. Only that one story wasn't so secret. It was okay. But I couldn't think of an ending, it wasn't long enough to be a novel, the characters were about an inch deep, and it wasn't my best work. So I deleted it. *sigh* It's too late now. THERE WAS A GUY THAT LOOKED LIKE DOMINIC MONOGHAN IN IT!!!! THat was my weird Lost/hobbit/blonde people named Amy phase. I LOVE BEING A WRITER.
I need tweezers...for my braces. HA, thought I was going to say something ELSE, didn't'cha?
My brothers are watching "Talladega Nights" with Nancy. I would...but it's the UNRATED version. thanks. I WANNA PLAY WITH PRECIOUS! *heavy breathing* AAAGH! Her mom came by (MARLY THE PUG!!!!!!) and I got to pet her. But then she attacked Nathan and ran away.
Whoa. Come to think about it, I fell asleep thinking about Garrett Hedlund. *sigh* Poor Garrett.
Nathan: Lame, I want rap.
Dance Pop Station: *plays rap*
William: Still lame. *falls asleep.
Grandpa: I'm having a beer. *few minutes pass* I sure love drinking beer. *more minutes pass* This is great beer.
Ciena: *comes in holding root beer bottle*
Grandpa: Are you having a beer?
Ciena: Yep.
Grandpa: That's good. *turns to various aunts and uncles* We're drinking beer.
Only when I asked him if he wanted another beer (he said he was thirsty and I MEANT root beer), my mom got mad.
Guess you get more priveleges when you're *snicker* older.
I need to finish Eragon soon and start "Eldest". It's been like...three or four days since I started it. *sigh* I'm so slow...

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